[SR4a] Archetypes: replacements for the Sample Characters

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« Reply #300 on: <09-17-12/1600:16> »
Ok, I could be wrong about this, but when reading the ghost I noticed that they had 12 agility augmented.  But in the SR4A it says that the max augmented agility and elf can have is 10.  I know about genetic optimization, but from what I understand it can only be done once, and costs .2 essence. 
« Last Edit: <09-17-12/1609:38> by Dracain »


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« Reply #301 on: <09-17-12/1610:26> »
Ok, I could be wrong about this, but when reading the ghost I noticed that they had 12 agility augmented.  But in the SR4A it says that the max augmented agility and elf can have is 10.  I know about genetic optimization, but from what I understand it can only be done once.

Max augmented attributes are 1.5 times the natural maximum rounded down.  Naturally for an elf it's 7, so 7/2=3.5 rounded down is 3, so 3+7= maximum augmented 10.  When you get genetic optimization once it bumps the elves 7 to 8, and 8/2=4 so the new augmented maximum is 8+4= maximum augmented 12.

This is why trolls have an augmented maximum of 15 on STR and BOD.


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« Reply #302 on: <09-17-12/1648:35> »
Oh cool, thanks for clearing that up.  Oh, and your name is awesome, I love setting things on fire. 


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« Reply #303 on: <09-18-12/1820:53> »
I have a question with a specific archtype in question, the Merc Rigger. Is it possible for him to load an Agent with Command so he can be doing his thing, hacking a such, and then the Agent program is commanding his LEBD-1 drone?

I only ask because I see there are no Autosofts for the drone, so as far as I understand with my limited experience, he can only control it via command (or jumped in, but the archetype isn't set up for that). It seems that this would be a big disadvantage if he was on a mission and needed a fast escape and needed to individually command each drone to leave instead of giving the GTFO autosoft it's time to shine.


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« Reply #304 on: <09-18-12/2306:00> »
In theory, yes, an agent can run a vehicle with Command, but it won't have the skills it needs to actually be good at it.

The reason the Mercenary Rigger doesn't start with autonomous drones is mainly that they get expensive really quickly if they're going to be much good; Missions rules means no sharing autosofts between drones of the same type, so you have to buy each drone its autosofts separately. You also can't get them very large dice pools. What autonomous drones are good for is backup fire support; you can get combat drones with OK defenses and OK attacks that can do things effectively on their own, but what you would actually want to do is Command the most critical vehicle himself and have autonomous drones provide support.

Also, do keep in mind that even without autosofts, drones can handle things like following you, getting in a van, or the like.


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« Reply #305 on: <09-19-12/0057:14> »
On the ghost archetype for the Yamaha Sakura Fubiki it says you roll 22 dice, but the agility is 12 augmented and the pistols with specialization is 8, which is 20.  Where did those last two dice come from?

Mad Hamish

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« Reply #306 on: <09-19-12/0103:03> »
if you look down the list it has the entry
Yamaha Sakura Fubuki (2000) with External Smartgun System (400), Chameleon Coating (1000), Silencer (200)

so it comes from the smartgun


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« Reply #307 on: <09-19-12/0103:32> »
Smartlink does +2, yarp.


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« Reply #308 on: <09-19-12/0111:47> »
Whoops, damn, how did I miss that?  Thanks for pointing that out.  I really should stop forum surfing when I am sleep deprived, it's gonna bite me someday.  But I am still confused as to why genetic optimization says it costs .1 ESS on the ghost, when in Augmentation, it says .2 ESS. 
« Last Edit: <09-19-12/1251:20> by Dracain »


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« Reply #309 on: <09-20-12/0514:16> »
He has more cyberware than bioware and thus halves essence loss from bioware.

Deplore killings made in the name of religion. Can't it just be for fun?


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« Reply #310 on: <09-20-12/1537:42> »
He has more cyberware than bioware and thus halves essence loss from bioware.

I thought that too, but the essence cost on the other bioware is full.  The only one that is halved is genetic optimization.  It should be 0.2+0.8+0.7+0.3=2, but then cut that in half to get 1.  If you want to cut the numbers in half first it is 0.1+0.4+0.35+0.15=1. 
« Last Edit: <09-20-12/1546:03> by Dracain »


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« Reply #311 on: <09-20-12/2239:14> »
That one was an error. Thank you for pointing it out; it is now corrected.


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« Reply #312 on: <09-21-12/0810:41> »
On the issue of the Riggers and drones, specifically the Technomancer one (the InfoSavant):

Out of curiosity, wouldn't it be better for the technomancer to order a drone to do something, rather than commanding it themself? As I understand it, a drone commanded by that build would only get 1 IP, but if ordered to do something (i.e. shoot the troll), and then allowed to do it itself, it gets 3 IPs. I ask because I need to change characters in my group, due to triple redundancy of characters, and am trying to decide between the two Rigger builds you have. Being a tiny technomancer matrix god (eventually) piques my curiosity, and I love all the toys that build gets to play with, but I need to think of the greater good for the team as a whole as well. As I understand it, the Mercenary Rigger would get three IPs due to the cyberware, in any situation. Other than the technomancer abilities (threading, sprites, matrix godliness, etc.), why would one choose the InfoSavant over the Mercenary Rigger?


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« Reply #313 on: <09-21-12/0836:02> »
You'd only get 1 IP commanding from AR. The Info Savant is set up to normally command from VR while inside the Dodge Guardian's rigger cocoon and/or the Vista.


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« Reply #314 on: <09-21-12/0841:39> »
You'd only get 1 IP commanding from AR. The Info Savant is set up to normally command from VR while inside the Dodge Guardian's rigger cocoon and/or the Vista.
Oh, my bad. Nevermind then! I'll use the InfoSavant then!  ;D

