What's the worst damage you can survive in each edition?

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« on: <10-11-24/2039:05> »
I don't have my books at hand, but *if* I remember correctly,

- 1st edition didn't have damage overflow, it just increased the target number needed to stabilize the patient. And each minute added +1 as well. As you only needed 1 success, and could buy a one-shot focus fetish to give an auto-success, there was nothing to stop you resurrecting Mozart.

- 2nd edition had a flat 6 overflow boxes, and the only way to improve that was to have Pheonix as your totem (which was the smart move for any Adept).

- 3rd and 4th editions have overflow equal to the patient's Body - so if you exceeded that, you needed physical spells (being dead, mana spells couldn't help them): a mix of Improve Cyberbody and Shapechange. They'd then still be dead (magic can't change that) but could now be saved by a Trauma Patch. Replacing the beastiary with bonuses equal to the successes on the Shapechange spell made it easier to save Trolls Orcs and Dwarves but harder to save humans and elves.
To really pull out the stops in 4th required having a Spirit loan the Endowment power to an Adept who could then loan Berserk for an additional point of Body.
However, you then had to *heal* that damage, which was tricky. Loaning Regeneration the obvious move, if possible.

Do I remember correctly?
And what are the options for 5th and 6th edition?


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« Reply #1 on: <10-12-24/0844:27> »
5E players have (Body) boxes of damage overflow if the Physical is filled up. 6E players have Body x 2 boxes. Go over that, you're toast.