[IC] Virtual Underworld 93-Gone South

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« Reply #15 on: <05-04-11/2051:20> »
>>>>>[Hey, y’all. Remember my Dallas reporter friend? Well check out his most recent report, filed about 45 minutes ago for Independent News Services, a small outfit in Texas trying to be the local version of KSAF. Now if ya'll excuse me, I need another Margarita, or six.
Link: ]<<<<<
 -- Sunni Daze (20:51:06/ 05-04-73)
« Last Edit: <05-05-11/1209:04> by Mystic »
Why in the frag did they put ME in charge?

"Just because it's easy for you doesn't mean it can't be hard on your clients"-Rule 38, The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries, Schlock Mercenary.


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« Reply #16 on: <05-04-11/2126:53> »
>>>>>[Sounds like I missed the party.  Be sure to tip one back for everyone who couldn't make it home to get their licks in.  Make mine on the rocks, heavily rimmed.

By the way, it's nice to see that the Aztlan Air Cav guys are still sloppy as shit.  They've always been bad about keeping their air speed up as they're eyeballing potential targets and they're way too close together for a flight that's out looking for trouble.]<<<<<
 -- Vice (21:26:09/ 05-04-73)


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« Reply #17 on: <05-05-11/1133:59> »
>>>>>[Always a good idea to avoid the edges of the sky when flying.]<<<<<
Life is short, the night is long, and we still have ammo.


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« Reply #18 on: <05-06-11/1428:11> »
>>>>>[Got one more heads up from chuck. Heh, thats funny. Is still need more to drink. Anyway, he said his editor is done with this story, although he says he would bet his paycheck that the Azzies are lying. Heh, ya think? So here it is kiddies. I'm gonn go ralf now.  Link: ]<<<<<
 -- Sunni Daze (14:27:18/05-06-73)
Why in the frag did they put ME in charge?

"Just because it's easy for you doesn't mean it can't be hard on your clients"-Rule 38, The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries, Schlock Mercenary.


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« Reply #19 on: <05-10-11/1847:01> »
>>>>>[Of course they're lying.  It's probably reflexive by now. I'm still curious who this Bloodflower is and how Teno is going to deny that he's dead or disappeared.  They have to have gotten to him or the Aztlan government would be breaking their arms patting themselves on the back over stopping the incursion.

Hope you found yourself a nice glucose drip and a quiet flight home, sunshine.]<<<<<
 -- Vice (18:46:02/05-10-73)


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« Reply #20 on: <05-11-11/0851:40> »
>>>>>[She is being cared for. The ill effects of her alcohol consumption were mitigated by sleep and copious amounts of Sweet Tea and coffee. This is not the first, nor will be the last, time she has drunken herself into this state. Thank you for your concern. If any more information is forthcoming, I will forward it. For now, Ms Daze is currently dealing with an unrelated personal matter. ]<<<<<
 -- Damian (08:51:38/05-11-73)
Why in the frag did they put ME in charge?

"Just because it's easy for you doesn't mean it can't be hard on your clients"-Rule 38, The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries, Schlock Mercenary.


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« Reply #21 on: <05-12-11/1029:33> »
>>>>>[You never know when it'll be the last.  I know I shocked my whole squadron when I swore off alcohol.  Took six months for everyone to believe I wasn't screwing with them.

How do things look on the friendly side of the border? ]<<<<<
 -- Vice (10:29:23/05-12-73)


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« Reply #22 on: <05-13-11/1931:30> »
>>>>>[From what I hear, other than gawkers and snoop-types, pretty quiet. No one on either side wants to say a damn thing, and that's exactly how I wanted it. But then, I didn't exactly stick around to get a sitrep.]<<<<<
 -- Bravo Six (18:31:38/05-13-73)

« Last Edit: <05-14-11/0040:05> by Mystic »
Why in the frag did they put ME in charge?

"Just because it's easy for you doesn't mean it can't be hard on your clients"-Rule 38, The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries, Schlock Mercenary.


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« Reply #23 on: <05-14-11/1359:10> »
>>>>>[If everything went slicker than a sweaty stripper's thigh, what was with the garbled message from a few days ago?]<<<<<
 -- Vce (13:58:19/05-14-73)


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« Reply #24 on: <05-14-11/2200:24> »
>>>>>[Part of the plan, Vice...sort of. Things didn't go off that smoothly and I had to improvise on the fly. I won't go into details to protect various associates and assets, but we got lucky. Part of my current contract contains a clause which allows for the immediate prosecution of a particular target should he be located. I've personally been looking for this individual for over twenty years, and yes it was very personal. Several months of work lead to a chance sighting and a positive ID. My company had to scramble to get in position for a strike but, in the process we also discovered that the target knew of our intentions and was ready for us. I knew my comm-channels were being hacked, so I took advantage and used a little slight of hand and a lot of good old fasioned disinformation. We were able to convince the enemy we had the wrong location. Once we got confirmation that the bait had been taken, myself and a select group penetrated the target's true location and completed the prosecution. I called in a LOT of markers to get this done (special thanks to Wolfgar et al for a last minute save). Many of us didn't make it out and none of use got out unscathed; myself included. But a significant threat has been eliminated, many innocents were saved and now have the chance at a normal life. On a personal note, I can now close a very painful chapter of my life and several souls can now rest in peace. OK, I'm done for now, meds are making me way to chatty. Oh, and for the count is up to eleven.]<<<<<
 -- Bravo Six (22:00:08/05-14-73)
« Last Edit: <05-14-11/2205:57> by Mystic »
Why in the frag did they put ME in charge?

"Just because it's easy for you doesn't mean it can't be hard on your clients"-Rule 38, The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries, Schlock Mercenary.


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« Reply #25 on: <05-15-11/1649:33> »
>>>>>[On that note let me make a small explanation, one of my current runners is a rigger that is not only terrific at close air support but enjoys doing it. Tank Girl is one of a kind let me tell you, and i have seen to it that she has access to quite a few customized toys so that she can do her work. She is supposed to be sending me a copy of some of her cockpit voice recorder logs and as soon as i get them i will put them up. Note though that i WILL do editing to protect persons who should not be labelled as who they are so while the actions will be accurate, the names involved will not always be.]<<<<<
 -- Wolfgar(15:49:30/05-15-73)
May god grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, to change the things I can, and the firepower to make the difference.

Suicide is never the answer, now homicide on the other hand, that has posibilities.

7.62 Russian, when it absolutely has to be done under budget


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« Reply #26 on: <05-17-11/1445:24> »
>>>>>[Two things.

1)  Love a girl who gives good Close Air.

2)  Why give away anything about how all y'all did what you did?  Even changing names and faces is risking someone's life.]<<<<<
 -- Vice(14:45:37/05-17-73)


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« Reply #27 on: <05-18-11/0859:46> »
>>>>>[No sense trying to hide a bomb once it's already gone off. All I am confirming is what the enemy already knows, and thankfully because of operational security parameters established months ago, what  the enemy currently knows will be the only thing they WILL know. And frankly, it ain't much, Gods willing. That a guarantee? Nothing ever is. Can they try and use this to track me and my own down? Maybe, but I doubt the SysOp here and others in my employ will make it that easy. And if they do come? Thats the risk of what we do, every time we post anything in places like this. But at the risk of sounding melodramatic or overly sentimental for a moment; those who went in with me were some of the bravest, most decicated, determined, and somewhat insane bunch of ass-kickers I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. We did a service for the world that day, period, and I can say that without ego or prejudice. I owe it to those who gave the final sacrifice to say something about what they did. They deserve that much.]<<<<<
 -- Bravo Six (08:59:11/05-18-73)
Why in the frag did they put ME in charge?

"Just because it's easy for you doesn't mean it can't be hard on your clients"-Rule 38, The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries, Schlock Mercenary.


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« Reply #28 on: <05-18-11/1200:38> »
>>>>>[Don't get me wrong.  I agree that since they signed the blank check, the people they left behind deserve to know what it bought.  That goes double when Aztlan is trying so hard to deny that anything happened.  I just didn't think you'd want anyone else knowing how you all did what you did.

Kind of makes me miss having something to believe in.  It was a weird morning when I woke up and realized I was doing what I do for the simple pleasure of doing it well.]<<<<<
 -- Vice (11:58:26/05-18-73)


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« Reply #29 on: <05-18-11/2137:01> »
>>>>>[Mr. Vice, the persuit of perfection in one's endevours is a worthwile persuit in itself. Alutristic aspirations such as honor, justice, etc have their place and can be quite powerful, but in the end it depends on the individual person to find their own motivations. And on the subject of motives, knowing what I do of Mr. Bravo, I would not be suprised if what has been already stated is again part of a larger operation of misdirection. Take that for what you will.]<<<<<
 -- Damian (20:31:38/05-18-73)

>>>>>[Damian, if I didn't know YOU better, I'd swear you're calling me a liar. *grin* Oh, and Vice, you said something earlier about "jaguar hunting". If you're willing to travel, I still have contacts with work that needs doin'. Party is far from over.]<<<<<
 -- Bravo Six (21:35:49/05-18-73)
Why in the frag did they put ME in charge?

"Just because it's easy for you doesn't mean it can't be hard on your clients"-Rule 38, The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries, Schlock Mercenary.

