>>>>>[Part of the plan, Vice...sort of. Things didn't go off that smoothly and I had to improvise on the fly. I won't go into details to protect various associates and assets, but we got lucky. Part of my current contract contains a clause which allows for the immediate prosecution of a particular target should he be located. I've personally been looking for this individual for over twenty years, and yes it was very personal. Several months of work lead to a chance sighting and a positive ID. My company had to scramble to get in position for a strike but, in the process we also discovered that the target knew of our intentions and was ready for us. I knew my comm-channels were being hacked, so I took advantage and used a little slight of hand and a lot of good old fasioned disinformation. We were able to convince the enemy we had the wrong location. Once we got confirmation that the bait had been taken, myself and a select group penetrated the target's true location and completed the prosecution. I called in a LOT of markers to get this done (special thanks to Wolfgar et al for a last minute save). Many of us didn't make it out and none of use got out unscathed; myself included. But a significant threat has been eliminated, many innocents were saved and now have the chance at a normal life. On a personal note, I can now close a very painful chapter of my life and several souls can now rest in peace. OK, I'm done for now, meds are making me way to chatty. Oh, and for the record...my count is up to eleven.]<<<<<
-- Bravo Six (22:00:08/05-14-73)