Sixth World Companion errata

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« on: <05-15-22/0740:16> »
Pg. 117, Shellbacks have both a Functional and Vestigial tail, which is not allowed  per the descriptions of both of these qualities.


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« Reply #1 on: <05-15-22/0831:23> »
Thank you!  Added to the list.


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« Reply #2 on: <05-15-22/0917:30> »
Pg 29
Point buy system states that spells and complex forms can be purchased with customization karma, but that isn't allowed in step 4 in the CRB.  Author of point buy said in a FB group that he wasn't aware of that restriction when he wrote it.

Stainless Steel Devil Rat

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« Reply #3 on: <05-15-22/0940:47> »
Pg 29
Point buy system states that spells and complex forms can be purchased with customization karma, but that isn't allowed in step 4 in the CRB.  Author of point buy said in a FB group that he wasn't aware of that restriction when he wrote it.

That will probably stay. The CRB prohibits buying spells as a means to enforce the meaning in one's magic priority pick.  Chargen methods other than priority pick have no reason to do this.
RPG mechanics exist to give structure and consistency to the game world, true, but at the end of the day, you’re fighting dragons with algebra and random number generators.


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« Reply #4 on: <05-15-22/1004:15> »
It would enforce the meaning in one's expenditure of CP toward spells, and to have parity with priority and sum-to-ten builds.  Thanks for the reply SSDR


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« Reply #5 on: <05-15-22/1038:40> »
Pg 77/91 Gnome doesn't specify if the listed attributes maximums include the modifications for Neoteny

Pg 91 Pixie weight seems like a lot for their height - random googling says a 3-month old male baby averages .614m and 6.4kg - about the same height as a pixie, but 1/3 the weight. In general I think maybe taller metatypes have a lower weight than I'd expect and shorter metatypes have higher, but pixies and gnomes are the ones that really stands out

Stainless Steel Devil Rat

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« Reply #6 on: <05-15-22/1111:44> »
It would enforce the meaning in one's expenditure of CP toward spells, and to have parity with priority and sum-to-ten builds.  Thanks for the reply SSDR

Aah, yes.  I see your point now.
RPG mechanics exist to give structure and consistency to the game world, true, but at the end of the day, you’re fighting dragons with algebra and random number generators.


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« Reply #7 on: <05-15-22/2146:02> »
Pg 77/91 Gnome doesn't specify if the listed attributes maximums include the modifications for Neoteny

Likely just a FAQ item, but will add to the list.

Pg 91 Pixie weight seems like a lot for their height - random googling says a 3-month old male baby averages .614m and 6.4kg - about the same height as a pixie, but 1/3 the weight. In general I think maybe taller metatypes have a lower weight than I'd expect and shorter metatypes have higher, but pixies and gnomes are the ones that really stands out

American Freelancers.  Metric system.  *shrug*  It's a suggested average, YMMV?


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« Reply #8 on: <05-23-22/2135:16> »
pg 175, Group Connection Ratings box

The first column titled "Membership" should probably be titled "Connection".


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« Reply #9 on: <05-23-22/2245:04> »
pg 199, Anatomy of a Shadowrun .  Probe example.

"He decided he
had time to Probe his way into the commlink.
Two-Stroke’s commlink is device rating 2, which
gives it a Firewall of 1. Two-Stroke’s Intuition,
the other part of his defense roll, is 2."

The Defense against Probe is Firewall + WILL, not Firewall + INT.

"He rolls 4 hits
on his first attempt, compared to Two-Stroke’s
single hit. Piaffe gets User access as well as an OS
of 1 from Two-Stroke’s hit. He rolls again to get
Admin access and gets 3 hits, while Two-Stroke
gets 2 hits. That increases the OS by 3–2 for the
hits on the defense roll, and 1 more because he
is maintaining illegal access. His OS stands at 4."

Probe doesn't grant access levels!  What Shadowrun is this author playing?  The first test would have given the hacker 2 OS, 1 for the hit and 1 for making an illegal action.  The second test would have given the hacker 3 more OS, 2 for the hits and 1 for illegal action.  The hacker would be left with 5 OS and +4 dice to use on the Backdoor Entry test, which would give him Admin access.

Same page, Snoop example:
"Two-Stroke rolls no
hits, while Piaffe gets 4. Since he still has illegal
access, 1 is added to the OS, but no more additions on this test from the opposed hits, so the
OS now stands at 5."
When going in the Sleaze route, you have Admin access that doesn't count as illegal and doesn't accumulate OS.  The hacker would get +1 OS from performing another illegal action though.  The OS comes from the action, not the access they have.

Also, none of the hacking examples in this chapter include AR / DR comparison for Edge.
« Last Edit: <05-23-22/2308:58> by MercilessMing »


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« Reply #10 on: <05-23-22/2257:55> »
pg 201, Firearms example

She goes for the 4-Edge boost of adding
her Edge rating of 5 to her dice pool. That gives
her a dice pool of 15, which becomes a pool of
7 and a pool of 8. The pool of 7 dice does poorly—only 1 hit. The pool of 8 gets 2 hits, but both
are 6s, so she can roll them again to get more
hits. She gets 1 more, for a total of 3.
The gamemaster rolls a single defense test
of 4 dice for the gangers. They get 1 hit. That
means the dice pool of 7 missed,
but the dice
pool of 8 got 2 net hits.

Emphasis mine - ties go to the attacker in 6e, the Mossberg hit for base damage.


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« Reply #11 on: <05-23-22/2320:13> »
pg 203, Fireball example

AR/DR comparison is never made
Gangers should also have Burning (5) applied (and so probably not even make it out alive)

pg 203, unspecified matrix test example
AR/DR never called for
The test is never named, we have to infer that it's the Trace Icon action.


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« Reply #12 on: <05-27-22/1101:40> »
pg. 35, Blue Collar Laborer

This Life Path only gives 3 advancements.  Every other path gives 4.  It may be missing a Resources: 25,000 advancement like every other occupation themed life path.


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« Reply #13 on: <05-27-22/1900:48> »
Added thank you.


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« Reply #14 on: <06-15-22/2228:32> »
Gender Transmorphism, no rules

