6E without Attributes as Priority A

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« Reply #15 on: <02-14-22/0819:20> »
Well metas can swing it as well. Troll A attributes B isn't much worse than the reverse.

While Troll A attributes B isn't much worse than the reverse, it is worse than the reverse with no benefit - Troll B Attributes A would have 2 more points of Attributes with no drawback whatsoever (the special attribute points from Metatype can be spend on Edge and Magic, but both of those cap at 6, so you'll never spend more than 10 points, or 11 as a Human, and Metatype B gives 11)

Shinobi Killfist

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« Reply #16 on: <02-14-22/1625:30> »
Well metas can swing it as well. Troll A attributes B isn't much worse than the reverse.

While Troll A attributes B isn't much worse than the reverse, it is worse than the reverse with no benefit - Troll B Attributes A would have 2 more points of Attributes with no drawback whatsoever (the special attribute points from Metatype can be spend on Edge and Magic, but both of those cap at 6, so you'll never spend more than 10 points, or 11 as a Human, and Metatype B gives 11)

I don't disagree with that it almost always is sub optimal in both the short and long term to not take attributes A, and in that specific example it is pointless. The general point is metas though can fluff a lower attribute priority a bit. Elf C attributes D is really 17 points.(the reverse is 16) A in resources can swing a lot of cyber/bioware and karma can bump your dump 1s to 2s. So lets say bump agility to 6, reaction, intuition, charisma to 5 everything else at 1, bump willpower and body to 3 with karma, take some flaws bump the other 2 to 2. So if you were for some reason really focused on getting a lot of ware it can get by. And its not necessarily a bad idea as they priced cyber/bio ware out of the market for most people in many campaigns. What you start with is pretty much what you will end with. This isn't 1e-4e where people actually upgraded their ware in play. Skills are B so they can get good at shooting and talking with ware to back that up.

Would it stand up to my optimizers, probably not, would it fly in a missions campaign sure.


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« Reply #17 on: <05-08-22/0732:40> »
Honestly, it should not have been that gigantic 8 point jump between A and B. I would have bumped B up by two points or something.


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« Reply #18 on: <05-13-22/1343:25> »
Back in the days it used to be a huge gap between A and B. For all categories (A used to be required to be a full magician, metatype other than human, to get 1.000.000 nuyen etc).

In this edition the huge gap is no longer between A and B (for the most part).

For Magic it seem to be between D and E (D is enough full magician) and for metatype you can now be troll already at priority E (and the slightly bigger "jump" is at metatype C)

But then we come to attributes.

Attributes A used to mean 24 extra points (only 6 attributes so 30 total) while attribute B gave you 75% of that.
Now attributes A also give you 24 extra points but attribute B give you only 66% of that!
Which mean an even bigger gap between attribute A and B than what we used to have??
We were expecting a smaller gap here compared to before. Not a bigger....

To make the priority table more consistent and not change superiority of attribute A you could change attributes to something similar to this:
A 24
B 22
C 19
D 15
E 10

And Metatype to something like this:
A 15
B 13
C 10
D 6
E 1
(to promote mundane humans one of the options should probably yield exactly 6 extra points to line up with human's max edge of 7):

This would drastically reduce the power of attribute rating A and open up many other viable options. For example

Attributes A and metatype E = 25 points (sum of 6)
Attribute E and metatype A = 25 points (also sum of 6 and also 25 points but without attribute A)
Attribute D and metatype C = 25 points (same amount but with a sum of 5)
Attribute C and metatype D = 25 points (sum of 5)
Attribute B and metatype D = 28 points (still sum of 6 but with more points)
Attribute C and metatype B = 28 points (sum of 6)

Attribute A and metatype D = 30 points (sum of 7)
Attribute D and metatype A = 30 points (sum of 7 but without attribute A)
Attribute B and metatype C = 32 points (also sum of 7 but with higher points)
Attribute C and metatype B = 32 points (also sum of 7)


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« Reply #19 on: <08-23-23/2258:09> »
That's pretty good Xenon.  But I'd go with something like Attributes: 24/20/16/14/12 (same as the 5E priority table) and Metatype: 13/9/6/3/1
Totals for 5 points (Att=Met) A+D/B+C/C+B/D+A: 27/26/25/27  or 6 points A+C/B+B/C+A: 30/29/29 or 4 points A+E/etc.: 25/23/22/23/25
This means an Attributes E priority character could be Physicals 3s and Mentals 2s or vice versa.  Basically a regular schmoe as far as attributes are concerned.

If you want the A to B jump to big then I'd go Attributes: 24/18/14/10/8
This really makes an E character really a regular dude with average attribute ratings of 2 across the board. 


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« Reply #20 on: <08-24-23/1540:00> »
For reasons I explained I wanted attribute A and B jump to be small. Smaller than in SR5.
And D and E jump to be bigger. Bigger than in SR5 (and bigger than between A and B).

And metatype jumps to be equal to corresponding attribute jumps.

