"Lynx" Ex Ars Cybernetica pit figher turned runner

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« on: <03-24-11/1949:02> »
Comments and suggestions welcome

Name: Nikolai
Alias: Lynx (As in the drone steel Lynx)
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Nationality: Russian
Lifestyle: Low
Karma Spent: 0
Physical Description: A man about as large as a troll at 6'9" who is surprising light on his feet.  Shaved head and a massive scar just to the right of his right eye down his face
Personality/background Ex Ars Cybernetica Undergound Pit fighter. Even though he speaks it quite well due to English being a second language of his he doesn't like talking much.  Although every now and then he has been known to get a few things wrong. His lifestyle and augentations have done quite a bit to strip away his humanity as he does his best to hold on to the last few tethers of what makes him human.  Part of whats helped him maintain this is his moral code.  Unfortunatly his life in the shadows has slowly started eroding his morals as it does to everyone eventually. He's seen alot of killing over his life and has grown accustomed to most of it.  He still draws the line at children.  He used to draw the line at no women or children but the mean streets have never been known to be sexist.  another thing thats helped him mantain his humanity is his odd sense of humor.  from slapstick animated trideos to the occasional pun. 



Positive Qualities
Biocompatibility (Cyberware) 10
Restricted Gear (Cyber Torso) 5
Restricted Gear (Heavy Military Armor) 5
Martial Arts Ars Cybernetica(3) 15
  +1 Cyber Implant Attack
+1 DV Blades
Reduce Freinds in melee Modifier by 1
Maneuvers known: Finishing Move, Clinch, Disarm. Ground Fighting
Negative Qualities
Addiction Mild (stimulants) -5
Combat Monster -10
In Debt (20000) -20

Active Skills
Athletics Skill Group2
Unarmed Combat5
Heavy Weapons3
Ettiquette (Working the Crowd)2/4
Knowledge Skills ( 24 Free points)
Criminal (Vory)2
Street Drugs1
Slapstick Comedy Trids1
Hang outs "Criminal"2
Security procedures2
Language Skills

Rating 2 Reaction Enhancers0.5420,000¥+2 Reaction
2 Aplhaware Auto Injectors (1 Dose Each).142000¥ Reusable Autoinjector 1 dose
Used Radar Sensor Rating 40.326,000¥See Through Varing Densities
Customized Obvious Full Left Arm0.930,100¥Cust BOD, STR, AGI, +2, BOD, STR, AGI +4, Retractable Spur, Data Jack, Enhanced Capacity 1
Customized Obvious Full Right Arm0.928600¥Cust BOD, STR, AGI, +2, BOD, STR, AGI +4, Retractable Spur
Customized Obvious Full Left Leg0.933,600¥Cust BOD, STR, AGI, +2, BOD, STR, AGI +4, Retractable Spur, Rating 5 Hydraulic Jacks
Customized Obvious Full Right Leg0.933,600¥Cust BOD, STR, AGI, +2, BOD, STR, AGI +4, Retractable Spur, Rating 5 Hydraulic Jacks
Customized Obvious Full Torso1.3533,800¥Cust BOD, STR, AGI, +2, BOD, STR, AGI +4, Enhanced Capacity 2

Gear (51,225¥)
NovaTech Airware R: 3 S: 31,250¥
Iris Orb F: 3 S: 31,000¥
"Pocket Hacker" softwarebundle with (R3 Agent, R3 Browse, R3 Exploit and R3 Stealth)4,920¥
Rating 2 Tacnet Software6,000¥
Full Body Form Fitting Body Armor Suit 6/2 1,600¥
SWAT Armor 12/108,000¥
Urban Explorer Helmet 0/250¥
Chameleon Suit 6/48,000¥
10 Flash Bang Grenages300¥
10 High Explosive Grenades450¥
1000 EX-Explosive rounds 200/800 Pred LMG1000¥
1000 Stick-N-Shock Rounds 200/800 Pred LMG800¥
2000 Regular Ammo 400/1600 Pred LMG400¥
Rating 6 Autopicker1200¥
Grapple Gun500¥
Keycard Copier300¥
Maglock Passkey2000¥
Wire Clippers25¥
20 Doses of Cram +1 REA and IP for 12-BOD hours then 6S200¥
10 Doses of Jazz +1 REA and IP for 10X1d6 Min then Disoriented750¥
Subvocal Microphone50¥
Rating 4 Fake Sin "Hanz Schroder"4000¥
Rating 4 Drivers liscence400¥
5 Rating 4 Permits for Each of his Cyber Limbs2000¥
2 Rating 4 Weapon Permits800¥
1 Rating 4 Permit for his SWAT armor400¥
Concealable Holster75¥
10 Spare Clips for Ares Predator50¥
Rating 6 Goggles W/ Flare Comp., Image Link, Smart Link, Thermo, R3 Vision Enhance, Vision Magnification1375¥
Ares Predator IV SA 5P -1 AP 15c Smartgun 350¥
Ares MP-LMG BF 6P -1 AP 2(3) 50c Gas Vent 2. Hip Pad bracing System, External Top Mount Smartgun2100¥
Spurs 8P Paid for Else Where

Thundercloud Morgan
MetaHuman Adjustment for a Troll, Smuggling Compartment

"Painless" Steve Dunbar (Street Doc)1/4
Craig "The Hookup" Wiltershuns (Fixer) 2/4
Alexei Belikov (Vory Shestiorka) 1/4
Joe Murdoch (Bartender)2/2
Eddie Murcury (local Go-Ganger)2/2

Lifestyle CategoryLP costs
Positive Qualities
Negative Qualities
Defective CHN -1 (the machine has become his nemesis.)
Total LP7
Monthly Cost1100¥
Months Paid Up1

Build Point totals: 400 = Stats 160 + Edge 20 + Active Skills  142 + Resources 46 + Contacts 24  + Knowledge Skills 32 (24 free) + Positive Qualities 35 - Negative Qualities 35

« Last Edit: <03-27-11/1741:52> by deathwishjoe »


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« Reply #1 on: <03-24-11/2233:03> »
I would consider more knowledge skills based on your past.  Otherwise if he's been on his own and used to looking out for himself maybe some type of healing.  Those are the two things I would do.  Otherwise, looks great.


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« Reply #2 on: <03-24-11/2258:10> »
With the amount of hardware on this guy I don't think First aid or the like is the skill used to fix him up.  Maybe something more like Industrial mechanic with the cybernetic specialization?

I think in order to get more knowledge points I'll drop edge by 1 giving me 5 more points to add around.  Now to find some more knowledge skills for him. 


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« Reply #3 on: <03-25-11/0258:14> »
Character back ground below and Ive updated the character sheet above

As a small boy Nikolai Grew up on the mean streets of Grozny Russia. Life was hard and where to get his next meal was always at the forfront of his mind. During a particularly cold winter as Nikolai remembers it around his 16th year he ended up hiding for shelter in a basement storeroom of one of the richer areas of town to get warm. While breaking in he set off a silent alarm alerting the residents security team of his presence. The owner of the house a one Peitr Lazarev was a wealthy business man with a few ties to the Avtoritey in the area. After watching a young nikolai break 3 fingers and a 2 noses from his highly trained security team beofre finally being subdued he decided the kid might be worth something.
  Peitr having enjoyed the local underground fights for sometime and being rather unimpress with his current additions to the local fighting scene he decided to offer the boy a job and to take him under his wing. For the next several years he would train under a private tutor as Peitr slowly replaced his body with mechanical parts.  His physical body atrophing under the lack of use while his new mechanical body picked up the slack and then some. Nikolai did well in his training and even better in the fights gaining a reputation as a vicious fighter who never backed down or gave up. His notoriety in the pits meant he was also quite useful to Peitr as a body guard. Peitr had gown rather fond of Nikolai over the years or as fond of a person as a cold sociopathic business man like Peitr ever gets and Nikolai looked up to Peitr like the father he never had seeking his approval at every turn.
After a few years Peitr had begun to mount a few major debts due to some failed business ventures and legal battles. In a desperate yet successful move Peitr had the now highly augmented Nikolai take care of a few problems concerning his debts. Despite his size and bulk his augmented agilities allowed him to be quite sneaky when he needed to be. Thus allowing him to get into several quite secure locations and dispatch several sources of Peitr's debt.
Having taken out a few key sources of his debt and increasing the rent on a few of his properties to pay the others things were looking quite well for Nikolai and Peitr.  Unfortunatly misfortune and death knows nether status nor wealth.  Peitr had pulled from the pockets of those beneath him a little too deep in to pay those above him.  While out and about in the city and feeling secure as he was surounded by his security and fearsome Nikolai a young school teacher whoes new wife had died in child birth due to the unsanitary conditions on the streets since they were evicted from there home due to the rent hikes, set off the homemade explosive he created strapped around his chest.   The explosion rocked Nikolai hitting him harder then the largest troll he had ever seen in the pits. He crawled through the wreckage looking for the man who had become like a father him.  He found him in the rubble with several large holes from the shrapnel in him long since having bled out. 
Having no time to express his anguish, being the sole survivor of the explosion and with the police sirens off in the distance but quickly closing Nikolai ran. He went to the Vory and like many a fool before him he asked for a favor which was granted. He asked for a new life somewhere else and.  They transported him to the UCAS with new papers and some extra cash.  But like all favors to such people its the interest that gets you in the end.  So far the Vory have been happy with his interest payments and havn't asked for any favors in return. 

Upon reaching the UCAS he tried getting back into the underground fighting scene.  Unfortunatly he found they reminded him too much of the father he lost and left them soon after his debut.  So hes passed the time and picked up the occasional body guard job here and there.  Looking impressive is something that comes naturally to Nikolai and keeps him fed.


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« Reply #4 on: <03-25-11/0700:51> »
Just a question...where and why the hell he gets that milspec armor??
Character looks good and balanced even ewtih the good story and good potential for the future (Vory never forgets)...but where he got that piece of armor and what for. He had to manage that in the Seattle, no way he had been able to smuggle some Spetznas military armor from Grozny to Seattle...Like I said. Why and where.

Just for info...
This would hardly be the military run (I love those, but lets just say, thay are for special ocassions). If any KE or Federated Boening (whos HQ is located in Auburn) surveillance drones (and they are many...) catches you in something like this on the street I`d call for para troopers with close air support and some (many) heavies...

About your combat skills. For my purposes it is OK if you have Unarmed combat with specialization on Martial Arts: Ars Cybernetica
You have already paid 15 BP for MA quality. You dont need to spend another points for the Exotic melee weapon, that doesnt make sense to me. Use those BPs on something else.

Like it is said: "No man is an island", so what is his position in the comunity, on the scale:
Annonymous stranger ---- Allways welcomed neighbor who did so much for our community



"Vermin presence detected. Pest controll confirmed for tomorrow at 0800PM. Maximum privacy guaranteed by the company, even if you are not present. I will fully cooperate with the pest control team and notify them on every under floor space where the presence of vermin is possible. Have a nice day mr. Schroeder."
« Last Edit: <03-25-11/0729:34> by Sichr »


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« Reply #5 on: <03-25-11/2011:46> »
What?! Nyet!  I just vant de Coffee!... I Vill Stangle you... and den.... STAB you full of holes till you...  AAAAAARRRGGGGG! THE ONLY PEST HERE IS YOU, YOU INFERNAL MACHINE!!! Nikolai stomps off swearing in Russian under his breath packing his forbidden and restricted gear up in case the machine was lying about the time and he needed to hide the stuff quick. 

I understand your point about the milspec armor.  Id be willing to down grade it to the full body armor from the main rule book SWAT armor from Arsenal P.49 if it would make you feel better.  The idea behind the armor is that it dates back to when he was still working for Peitr.  Nikolai's body is rather expensive at the moment totaling at about 160K + medical expenses for surgery and recovery time from installation/repairs.  When your that expensive but yopur job might entail jumping in fron of bullets or on top of a live grenade it seemed a wise investment to armor him up as much as possible.  It also explains why Nikolai lives while Peitr dies in the explosion. 

About your combat skills. For my purposes it is OK if you have Unarmed combat with specialization on Martial Arts: Ars Cybernetica
You have already paid 15 BP for MA quality. You dont need to spend another points for the Exotic melee weapon, that doesnt make sense to me. Use those BPs on something else.

I'll find some other areas to use those BP on but it seemed to be what the rules were suggesting I do.  In fact I was a little unhappy that apparently the exotic weapon proficiency (spurs) nor unarmed combat covered the type of spurs that come out if your wrist or knucklets ala wolverine and that I would need to get weapon proficency blades for that. 

Like it is said: "No man is an island", so what is his position in the comunity, on the scale:
Annonymous stranger ---- Allways welcomed neighbor who did so much for our community

If we were looking at a scale of 1-10 with Annonymous stranger being 1 and welcomed neighbor being 10 Id put him at a 2-3 range.  He's rather new to the area and while he hasnt been hiding from his neighbors he certainly hasnt gone out of his way to to get to know any of them ether.  I'd say maybe across the hall from him is a really old lady whos almost blind but has ears like a spy drone whoes rather lonley and whenever shes hears Nikolai heading towards his appartment door she finds a reason to step out for a few.  They have a few words and its the highlight of her day although Nikolai finds it strange that there have been so many "coincedental" encounters with her.  A vague paranoia creeps up on him when he thinks about it but none of the crazy theorys make any sense.  She couldn't possibly be working with some sort of combined taskforce between the Grozny Police and the seattle police shes far too old and she not russian so she cant be working as a Vory informent on him.  Aside from his regular dealings with the local goganger contact to pay protection money thats about it.  And he doesn't pa the protection money because HE needs protection, he pays the money because there like cockroaches and just keep coming back and he can't be in two places at once and would like to be able to leave stuff in his appartment. 


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« Reply #6 on: <03-26-11/0320:51> »
Unarmed combat covers the use of spurs in the specialisation cyber implant combat
a retractable blade would use blades - cyber implants


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« Reply #7 on: <03-26-11/0352:11> »
the exotic version covers the use of blades in an unusual location such as the elbow or foot


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« Reply #8 on: <03-26-11/0450:13> »
the exotic version covers the use of blades in an unusual location such as the elbow or foot

I think that it`s bullshit. There are no "unusual places" on fully cybered man who have 3/4 degrees of Ars Cybernetica. I know RAW should be interpretted this way. Not in my game, I still bellieve that common sense prevails in situations like this.


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« Reply #9 on: <03-26-11/0513:32> »
I'm not sure, but from what you said, I get the feeling you are calling it a violation of common sense because you think there should be no unusual locations for a heavily chromed Ars Cyberneticist. Am I right?

Quote from: Exotic Melee Weapon
... cyber-implant weapons in unusual locations (ie; elbow spurs, foot blades).
Quote from: Unarmed Combat
[Unarmed Combat] covers the use of certain cyber-implants, such as shock hands.
Quote from: Blades
[Blades] is used for cyber-blades implanted in the hands or forearms, but not other areas of the body.
Blades implanted anywhere that's not your forearm / hands uses Exotic Melee Weapon [X]. Anything that doesn't inhibit the use of martial arts or require a different set of skills uses Unarmed Combat.

This is how it's interpreted as standard, regardless. I fail to see how these rules are not suitable for 'unusual locations'. What of it gets you so tied up, Sichr?


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« Reply #10 on: <03-26-11/0521:26> »
What?! Nyet!  I just vant de Coffee!... I Vill Stangle you... and den.... STAB you full of holes till you...  AAAAAARRRGGGGG! THE ONLY PEST HERE IS YOU, YOU INFERNAL MACHINE!!! Nikolai stomps off swearing in Russian under his breath packing his forbidden and restricted gear up in case the machine was lying about the time and he needed to hide the stuff quick. 

LOL I think we would have a good time together LOL


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« Reply #11 on: <03-26-11/0524:56> »
It is nonsence to get 15BP quality for Ars Cybernetica and then spend 3*XXX BPs just to enable that Martial art to work, with buying Three different skill. Seems like You need whole Group skill to make it work. Unbalanced.

So the Unarmed combat + specialization for Martial arts: Ars Cybernetica is enought for me.
Exotic melee weapon with this spec. But just one skill.

For me, if you use only your body, no matter how upgraded, for the combat, it is unarmed combat. If you need to take a weapon to your hand, it is Edges/Blades/clubs or whatever. But if the weapon is part of your body, your reflexes and instincts are attuned to it, you are not using any weapon. And with the Martial arts quality, there is no need to use multiple skills, because it all comes with one training,

Imagine Krav Maga: Tactical ombat, Unarmed and armed, with agauinst oponents, Throwing weapons also, using firearms in the close combat etc.

If you want to create Krav Maga warrior using RAW, You will need to take the quality i.e. 15 BP)
Combat skills at least 4 to reflect the fact that in the words of Martial arts you are almost master. To make it easier without im counting without specialiaztion:
Melee combat skill group= 40BP
Throwing weapons = 16BP

But you take the same result from 4 hrs/day training of Krav Maga as for examlple for training Karate
Karate 3/4 = 15 BP
Unarmed combat = 16BP
« Last Edit: <03-26-11/0556:47> by Sichr »


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« Reply #12 on: <03-26-11/0945:15> »
You can say, "I want it to be cost effective for my character to switch between standard non-blade implants, unarmed combat and neck spurs during a fight. That's cool. The question on my mind then is ... why aren't you focusing on one of these things? What purpose do you have in taking all of them? You might as well be the guy with twelve pistols, for all the good it will do.

I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.
~ Bruce Lee


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« Reply #13 on: <03-26-11/1015:27> »
You can say, "I want it to be cost effective for my character to switch between standard non-blade implants, unarmed combat and neck spurs during a fight. That's cool. The question on my mind then is ... why aren't you focusing on one of these things? What purpose do you have in taking all of them? You might as well be the guy with twelve pistols, for all the good it will do.

I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.
~ Bruce Lee

Well - blade implant - spurs etc, are basic combat implants for me...also, I dont see that this character is using anything else, he had Arm - spurs ...and...Arm - spurs...and...Knee spurs...and...knee spurs! So he is specializing on ...spurs???

And when learning Muai Thai you will need to take Unarmed skill twice. One for using your arms and second for your knee kicks.

And maybe third for using your head...

Aw, c`moon...
« Last Edit: <03-26-11/1026:15> by Sichr »

