SR5 Persona Question

  • 15 Replies


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« Reply #15 on: <09-17-20/1222:29> »
Yeah, I guess we are mostly talking about the scenario where the exterior of a bar that when you look at it with your AR contacts while your commlink is wireless enabled would display all kinds of public AROs, like the name of the bar, an animated cowgirl riding a bull and a big flashing arrow pointing towards the door -- but while if you were to look at it without access to AR it would probably just be a gray concrete wall with a simple door - The unintended side effect is that things can look a bit dingy when you turn off your AR display, but that’s the price of progress.

I can see how a wireless enabled camera perhaps could have the capability to capture the first image. Perhaps the camera would also need to have an image link accessory?

...but that it seem clear that a wireless disabled camera (and also all other optical devices that have no way to display or capture digital AR images) would always only capture the second.