Based on estimated costs of art and the wordcount, Krime Katalog currently has the most "bang for its buck" in digital sales among all Shadowrun products, and is only beat out by House Arano among all CGL products. Only counting DTRPG sales, of course, physical books may beat out Krime Katalog and I don't have a lot of data on Battletech books.
Columns R-S detail the best case and worst case estimates.
Krime Katalog makes between $65 - $220 per thousand words with moderate (?) confidence. Next highest "bang for buck" SR product is Free Seattle, making between $30 - $130 per thousand words.
Formula: (Estimated sales - Estimated costs / word count * 1000).
Assumptions: Pay was between 0.005 and 0.03 cents per word. If CanRay got something closet to 0.07 - 0.10 cents per word, this is adjusted. Cost of art was between $10 - $25 each.
This does not include editing/layout, since I am unsure if that's salaried or freelance at CGL. Even if my estimates are off (Suppose CGL does a standard rate of 0.05 cents per word, or does freelance layout at $X per page), the adjustments will be consistent across the board.
So from a cold, money-based standpoint, Krime Katalog is very successful. Also, I'm guessing you can't say, but if you seriously got paid 0.005 cents per word for that you should ask for higher pay next time, your writing is worth a lot more than that.