ZeroSum: nice use of superscripts, what a great way to embed the rolls without breaking flow!
Thanks! I thought of it halfway through the response, when I forgot why and when I had made a certain roll in my own writeup...
Also, IC response up. Obviously

Just FYI, I'm rolling a bunch of stuff mostly for my own benefit of trying to learn what I would do in a normal session. Feel free to use those rolls to supplement or just ignore as necessary. I made little annotations in the IC post where the rolls would be relevant, so for example:
1 Memory Test (Local News): "Watcher":
13d6t5 5Since I have the Local News knowledge skill, I figured I'd roll to see if I could make a mental connection between the face and/or name provided by Feather to any events that would have been reported on whether through the usual corporate and public news channels, or the pirate trid ones.
Then, on the bus ride to Redmond I'd have run a quick Matrix search:
2Matrix Search: "Watcher", "Fre∑dom tribe", "Seattle University":
15d6t5 55 hits is enough for "deep academic familiarity, strong professional knowledge, behind-the-scenes familiarity; with 0day's background, I think it's likely that he would not only have known about the tribe in question, but actively have followed news revolving around hackers. So I included some of the Watcher background data in the post.
3Running Silent:
14d6t5 80day will run silently when necessary, and meeting new people is definitely an occasion he would consider as such. 8 hits... man, I am a ninja right now
4Matrix Perception:
15d6t5 35Matrix Perception (Bug Scanner):
17d6t5 4Similarly, he's inherently curious and would want to know who else is hiding themselves. 4 hits isn't great on 17 dice, but the Bug Scanner means I just have to tie the opposed Matrix Perception test; anyone rolling 4 or less on Willpower + Sleaze, I'll spot, but only within 20 meters.
13d6t5 3And finally just a perception check using the drone's sensor array; I'm not including my vision enhancements in this kind of test, as I feel like using the Sensor would override the ability to see through my own eyes. So this is just Intuition + Clearsight.
And I just realized I may have done that last one wrong; I think when using a sensor you use the Rating of the Sensor, not the Clearsight software. So it should just be 8 dice (Intuition + Sensor Rating instead of Perception skill). I think I'll just handle this differently from now on; I will make a test using my defaulting Intuition + Vision Enhancements, and the drone will use it's Sensor + Clearsight, I'll have drones working in pairs to support each other, so they'll perform a Teamwork test.
Perception (Defaulting):
6d6t5 1Drones:
Drone Perception: Teamwork Assist:
7d6t5 3Drone Perception: Teamwork Leader:
10d6t5 2Hah, the Teamwork assistant did better than the actual test... Glorious

Assuming our Johnson isn't actively trying to hide from us, I'm guessing I'll be able to spot him in the crowd. I'll still wait for someone else to make the first move, however. Don't want to seem too eager, plus, not Viktor's style to make a ton of small talk.