6e Play/Stress Test

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« Reply #150 on: <09-11-19/1015:11> »

buy the negligible drain

Did the GM not say "hahha, nope, we're gonna make you roll the drain and see when your luck runs out"? That's what I'd have done, for sure.

Eh.  Unless there is a significant time crunch a box or two of stun is litterally nothing.  Three boxes is a short nap.  Buying hits is for when there isn't a significant chance or penalty for failure.  Soaking drain while sitting around a hotel room watching trid with an afternoon to kill would certainly qualify.

It's a GM call, but buying hits moves the dull stuff along. 


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« Reply #151 on: <09-11-19/1044:29> »
Eh.  Unless there is a significant time crunch a box or two of stun is litterally nothing.  Three boxes is a short nap.  Buying hits is for when there isn't a significant chance or penalty for failure.  Soaking drain while sitting around a hotel room watching trid with an afternoon to kill would certainly qualify.
Oh, that's a fair point, I was forgetting it's pretty easy to heal. Yeah, OK.

Edit -- you remind me that I've pondered a houserule that you can't heal drain from a spell while you're still sustaining that spell. Potentially annoying bookkeeping though.

Shinobi Killfist

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« Reply #152 on: <09-11-19/1129:11> »
In 5e It depends on what you allow to be done in downtime. Binding spirits is one where it can break the game. If you make them roll you can kill them from it. In 6e if your morning ritual of summoning is downtime and buy hits you can build a dude to break it.


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« Reply #153 on: <09-11-19/1131:29> »
Eh.  Unless there is a significant time crunch a box or two of stun is litterally nothing.  Three boxes is a short nap.  Buying hits is for when there isn't a significant chance or penalty for failure.  Soaking drain while sitting around a hotel room watching trid with an afternoon to kill would certainly qualify.

It's a GM call, but buying hits moves the dull stuff along.

This is pretty much my view on it. The ability to buy hits is there to speed stuff along, so by all means please do so.

With the low force but high limit casting they were doing (edge/reagents to break limit) it was seriously like 2-3 drain vs. 22+ dice. I would never want to bother rolling that out. The more important factor for me was how much edge or reagents did you spend before you got a result you stuck with?
"TL:DR 6e's reduction of meaningful choices is akin to forcing everyone to wear training wheels. Now it's just becomes a bunch of toddlers riding around on tricycles they can't fall off of." - Adzling


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« Reply #154 on: <09-12-19/0947:38> »
Eh it helps. But a rando 12 die mage gets 3 hits 4 net on health spells that’s my cap anyways for attribute boosts and it’s not like I’m taking improved reflexes past that either since
I’d of capped out the minor actions. A GM can aggressively go after them but I’m not a fan of adversarial relationships with the players.

Either way you look at it, Quickening is in the top tier of augmentations/buffs. In 5e it was grossly overpowered due to the available spells and difficulty of dispelling. In 6e I consider it only slightly stronger than ware, primarily due to being able to augment mental attributes, which is harder for ware. We'll see how that develops as additional spells and ware come out.

Fully agree on adversarial gaming. It's not fun for anyone. As a player, I am always ok with the NPCs zeroing in on my character. I am not ok with the GM zeroing in on me, for whatever reason (don't like me, don't like my playstyle, don't like my character, don't like my optimization, whatever".
"TL:DR 6e's reduction of meaningful choices is akin to forcing everyone to wear training wheels. Now it's just becomes a bunch of toddlers riding around on tricycles they can't fall off of." - Adzling

