And last one.
They are all pretty min-maxed, which I both expect from them, and is also the stress test portion of our endeavor.
Cage looks pretty straight forward. Good soak, good defense dice, good DR. Crazy good grappler. With AR 21 and double-jointed, he is basically guaranteed his 2 edge for a turn when he attempts to grapple someone, and 18 dice to hit and 13 strength pretty much guarantees he will. Less attack dice for his archery, but still a high pool, and if someone gets hit by the nacrojet tree-trunk arrows it's just done.
I KNEW at least one of them would go for grenade abuse. Collateral (good name too Mike, well played) is going to be a combat problem. 18 stealth dice to force most defenders to make that surprise test, 5d6+14 base initiative is a pretty compelling case for always going first, and starting a confrontation with 2 grenades in hand probably means at least one high priority target is guaranteed to die before he gets to act. Possibly 2 if the surprise test is failed so they can't take avoid incoming. Good defense dice on him too, but soak and DR probably means anything that does land will hurt.
Lockdown is probably the most basic. Good matrix skills, and the ware/attribute/skill selection makes him a reliable combatant on top of that. I don't see any particularly nasty surprises from him though, just good raw bf/explosive rifle damage with a good attack pool.
Revenant is interesting. 24 base defense dice, 13 soak dice, DR 18 means that outside of improbable rolls nothing but grenades will ever touch him. Outside of spirits, he has absolutely no offense though. Do you need anything else though? Not having offense spells means he can hang his 3 concentration spells into physical resilience rather than need to worry about drain. When summoning, presumably from a safe location, he can have the drain resistance spells up to handle the summons, then pop on his normal load. Clever.
Sovereign I think I am most concerned about outside of Collateral. 22 drain dice, Thunderbird reduces the edge boosts on air spirit summoning by 1, and spending reagents will give him an edge when summoning. So each time he summons it is basically a free 1 or 2 edge use, so likely either turning a 4 to 5 for an extra hit for him, or making the spirit reroll a hit for that 66% of losing it. I am not sure if he will aim for the oversummon, or just shoot for the golden standard of walking around with 3 force 6's. He is incredibly unlikely to suffer drain from the later, even across multiple attempts, but he likes to go big, for might aim for a pair of 7's or 8's. He's more likely to fail to get services out of that than to get hurt trying it though.