Twist and Insult starts "In Media Res" - Like when an action movie starts right in the middle of gruesome firefight or chaotic chase scene. The previous Vory job referred to in the opening isn't referring to a previous adventure, it's referring to something the happened off-screen.
While it may take a little explaining or coaxing to get your pcs to understand or work with you, it's a great way to get a group of strange players together as a team (such as in a convention situation) without going by the overused: Each of your fixers calls you, each of you show up at the meet, each of you agree and take this job.
In execution, you may have to work with the players a bit and the first question out of their mouths will assuredly be, "Fine, ok. How much did I get paid then?" but it also allows the open option of the pc's choice to act however they wish in this run. One thing that I've done to both introduce characters and reinforce the fact that they've worked (at least once) as a team (even if it was off screen) was to open up the table to a once-around story/recap of the job they just pulled. Like that old campfire game where a person starts a story, then it continues on the next person, etc.
- Ban/'Wailer'