So who has Killcode (I know Beta does), and what do you guys think about it? I'm still trying to absorb a lot of it, but here are my knee-jerk reactions.
New matrix actions - I love almost all of these (I'm not sure how I feel yet about the one that lets you ignore needing marks). I think it's cool that they give more options for hackers who want to focus more on their computers and data processing stats, which also seems like an indirect quality-of-life buff to technos. These are pretty much all kosher.
New matrix gear - my knee-jerk reaction to this one, mostly cause they're brand new, is that they exist in the world, but aren't readily known or available, because it's mostly trickling down from corporate R&D teams and isn't common knowledge on the streets yet - most people don't even know to look for these things. So a few NPCs may have them, but access to this gear will open up as time goes on and you unlock better/improved contacts.
Technos - Still reading. I'm bad at spotting things that are immediately problematic, but it sounds like cyberadepts could have some issues that may need to be addressed?