Spirits, materialization and physical senses.... Subject for Errata?

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« on: <08-16-18/1457:54> »
SR5 p. 301 Spirits Basics
When materialized, the spirit uses astral perception (its only perception) to perceive the physical world.

This seem to be in contrast with:

Spirits of Air, Earth, Beasts, Fire, Man and Water all have the [physical] perception skill (Perception).

Spirits of Beats have Enhanced Senses (Hearing, Low-Light Vision, Smell)
Spirits of Man have Enhanced Senses (Low-Light, Thermographic Vision)

May spirits use physical perception (such as Hearing and Seeing) while they materialize or do they only get to use astral perception?

This might not be a rules question and is more suited for the errata forum, but I feel that I might be missing an important piece (an actual rule or that I read the existing rules wrong), but I can't find it. It drives me crazy.... :(
« Last Edit: <08-16-18/1500:11> by Xenon »