@Beta You want spells that are voluntary and/or unopposed. Levitation is the obvious example, as you cited.
Fashion is another favorite. This can be wondrously effective and convenient.
Spatial Sense (Extended) is a tremendous spell.
Similarly, Catalog is a dynamite spell for a private investigator, but unfortunately it is opposed by Object Resistance.
Fix can be handy in a pinch.
Sterilize, if we've been naughty and need to cover our tracks.
@JackI far prefer SR4's advanced lifestyles. SR5's rules still baffle me.
I'm reasonably sure that you do have to pay for all the extras, and it appears that you also have to pay for optional points put into Security like I suggested. Here's the passage from Run Faster:
Not all the points for each lifestyle need to be spent—each point can raise the monthly cost of the lifestyle, so players have to consider the benefits they get and the costs of gaining them. Each point spent on Comforts & Necessities, Security, or Neighborhood increases the Lifestyle cost by ten percent of the base lifestyle. Points spent in the Entertainment category vary in cost; depending on the associated lifestyle, they may not bring in additional costs (see Entertainment, p. 219, as well as the information for each category).
If I'm reading that correctly then that would add 10% for the optional point in the Security rating (which I still think is a good idea), which comes to ¥1,841 per person. Still less than a Low lifestyle.