While there is a Hot-Sim Simsense Addiction listed in the CRB Addiction Table, that is directed towards BTL's not "Hot Sim" as a decker/TM would be experiencing the matrix (most likely) every day.
At least that is my understanding. If you find out an actual listing for Hot-Sim or Cold-Sim (without any additional qualifiers like the above example) i will gladly change my opinion.
As far as your statement about plainly saying something, What edition are you playing

theres nothing plainly spelled out in these books!

all joking aside, Simsense (as listed in the table) and Hot Sim are two completely different things, altho you need one to properly experience the other. an AR simsense of a really hot elf girl (or boy) doing unmentionable things is nice, but if you really want the true feeling you need Hot Sim VR Simsense, and the feeling of that elf rubbing against you and the actual physical sensations of that (fabricated) experience is what the addiction is for, not the method of getting that addictive "high".
hopefully that explains a little as far as my understanding of it goes.