Alea Iacta Est (IC)

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Jayde Moon

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« Reply #15 on: <03-20-17/1406:48> »
As Chante approached the ramshackle hut, she slowed, hearing a commotion from within. 

What in the spirits is making so much noise you can hear it over the storm?

She readied her Ares Alpha and moved to the door.  Looking back, she could faintly make out forms trudge-running their way to the farm house.  She waited several moments.  The quickest way to suicide was thinking you were a one-man army.  Bursting alone into the building without confirming it was empty wasn't the brightest idea.

Swoopy caught up and she held up her closed fist.  Swoopy stopped immediately.  She cupped a hand to her ear and then pointed at the door.  swoopy nodded, turning an ear to the door and then looking at her with another nod.  Shiriki came up just then and, having caught the exchange waited.

She turned to the door in a half crouch and Swoopy immediately crouched behind her, leaving no space between their bodies.  Shiriki got behind Swoopy and waited.  Chante wanted Ite to join them but they needed to secure the building.  She removed her right hand from the pistol grip and quickly tapped Swoopy's leg twice.  He followed by tapping Shiriki's leg.  The decker was ready and passed the message back up, squeezing Swoopy's shoulder.  the message finished with Swoopy tapping Chante and she immediately burst forward.

Throwing the door open she swung left, Swoopy turning right.  Under normal circumstances, any threats would have been quickly neutralized.

"Aw, hell, maw-maw, they're multahplyin'!" said a whiny, nasally voice.

"Like cockaroaches," a woman's voice agreed.

Chante stared, wide-eyed at the scene.  An old man and a woman were standing side by side, waving a shotgun and a... was that a bible?... respectively.  Dan-Dan stood in front of them, unbalanced.  One foot was stuck in an old wooden bucket, his boot sticking through the bottom.  His other foot was sunk mid-calf through the floor.  He had managed to get a hold of the only fabric in the room, tattered wisps of the curtain, probably, and wrapped it around his face.  His rifle swung from his sling and he was trying to bring it to bear, but the sling had twisted, making it awkward to maneuver.  In front of him, a hound was standing, stiff-legged, and barking.

Swoopy broke the silence, "Hey, why wasn't I invited to this party?"

That's just like... your opinion, man.


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« Reply #16 on: <03-20-17/1553:32> »
5 KM east.  That's all it would take, and it would make all the difference in the world.  Instead, the few moments Shiriki gets in free fall before entering the blizzard are comparatively peaceful compared to the chaos that follows.  The clouds close up above him, and he's falling in the dark, buffeted by the wind, and left with nothing to navigate by but the compass display in his cyber eyes.  A gale-forced wind hits and knocks him end-over-end and what must be about 150 meters straight sideways.  Shiriki knows he needs to get lower before he can effectively navigate himself, and so he closes his legs and brings his arms to his sides, falling like a stone.  Well, like a stone weighed down with plastic explosives, a couple surveillance drones, another combat drone fitted with enough stick-and-shock to make the first UCAS battalion twitchy, and his regular combat kit.

Two hundred meters more or less straight down, and Shiriki opens his wingsuit and heads toward the UCAS border.  He's still tossed about like spare detritus, but the course is easier to maintain.  He hits a momentary break in the clouds, orients himself, and sees that at this pace he will indeed overshoot the farm house.  Dipping his right hand, he tries for a turn, but another gust pulls his feet out and to the side, and he's falling again woefully off course.  For a moment he doesn't fight it, and lets the wind have its way, while he rubs some ice from his goggles.  He recalculates his approach, uses his arm wings to stabilize himself, and then spreads his legs again to push his body forward.  His speed catches, then accelerates, and he's on the right track, if barely.  He holds off on opening his shoot, probably no more than three seconds, but he knows it's three seconds that he's going to feel.  When the shoot opens, he detaches the rotodrone, and hot-sims it down among the trees while his body breezes about limp and alone.

Now, this is more like it.  Due to the ice, the propellers protest for a moment, but once they're going, he dives the rotodrone straight down and pulls up hard just above the tree line.  After setting the autopilot to their rendezvous point, he rejoins his meat body just in time to tuck before impact.  If it wasn't for the snow, he's sure he would've broken something, but instead he only wrenches his ankle against a fallen tree, and then he's cutting himself loose and limping toward the farm house, while checking the feed on his combat drone.

"Ah, frag me," he says to no one in particular, as he spots some fading thermal impressions leading up to the farmhouse.  When he makes it to the porch, he kicks off his boots against the railing, which gives out unexpectedly.  He tries to right himself, but Shiriki does so by grabbing a shutter which tears off in his hand and sends him stumbling off the porch and into what was once probably a blackberry patch.  He stands, rights himself, and carefully approaches the cabin a second time, boisterously proclaiming, "Well, that'll wake ya up in the mornings, chumps," before seeing that the mood inside is much more somber than he predicted.  He does a quick head-count.  Yeah, all here, so what's the. . . oh great.  The apparitions of two anglo farmers and their trusty pooch stand staring down Dan-Dan.  He's stopped dead in his tracks, and waits for orders from the CPT.
« Last Edit: <03-20-17/1557:57> by rednblack »


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« Reply #17 on: <03-20-17/1616:29> »
Hooting and a hollering was the technical term for what happened next. Somewhere in there references to Injuns, the gov'ment, not stealing homes, and the decency of common folk were swirling in a proud demonstration of at least fifteen cliche ideologies. Pa advanced on Swoopy and Itty, his ephemeral shotgun being used as an extension of wildly gesticulating hands. Ite probably should have been doing something to intervene, but that is hard when every time you turn there seems to be a sharp edged piece of furniture at groin height. The dog barked because it was a dog and what the hell else was it going to do?

Ma, as only befitting a matron who preserved the last vestiges of morality in this sinful world, immediately went to work on informing Chante of her various trespasses against the Lord. Being young and hot has ever been a great ethical offense to those who are not and Ma had crossed that line before the Awakening. She used only the choicest epithets garnered over long years of experience in this matter.Did she even know what a Whore of Babylon was? Did it matter?

Then Pa made a stunning discovery:

"Boy, you're not an Injun? What t'hell are you doing with these savages?"

Swoopy, busy trying to close a grenade pouch that kept popping open while he eyed Pa, froze. Touchy subject that - mom had just enough blood to guarantee a Right of Return when Chicago went to hell - but as many a pre-growth spurt bully had let Swoopy know, he still looked as Polish as his name. Ma's applied ethics lesson rapidly shifted pupils. 20 years of death gives you a lot of time to keep the right biblical quote at hand apparently.

Dave had a hard time getting a word in edgewise against the wisdom of Isiah as revealed by Ma, but finally:

[color=red ]"The gov'ment is stealing a bunch of Kansans land! These Injuns are gonna go fight the gov'ment, stop them from stealing the land, and probably get their asses killed in the process! All they need to is drop some stuff here before they go. Everybody wins - you turned evil against evil and your Lord would be pleased on how you handled the devil's minions! Now, o course I'm a white man. You think the Injuns are smart enough to do this on their own?[/color]

Swoops finished his short speech to a silent room. He sincerely hope, with all his night, that the four other "Injun" death machines in the room knew he was acting.


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« Reply #18 on: <03-20-17/1708:22> »
"Yes, ma'am, sir," Dan-Dan chokes out between breaths as the tattered lace curtails wrap around his neck. "Surely you've noticed the installation over yonder popping up in the middle of your cornfields." The 'yonder' is a nice touch that seems to resonate with Ma and Pa. "You don't recall giving permission for them to build that, do you?"

"Well, I don't know," says Pa, lowering the shotgun and rubbing a hand over his balding head. "I don't recall, but the government generally does what it has a mind to do."

"You boys are the first visitors we've had," Ma says, softening visibly. "Very kind of you to call on us. It wouldn't surprise me that a dragon would take over our land. Why else would he want to get elected anyway?"

Shiriki notes the historical anachronism and jumps on it. "President Dunkelzahn is deceased, ma'am."

Ma and Pa brighten considerably.

"Why, that's fine news!" Pa declares.

"The Lord delivers!" Ma weeps, holding her hands to Heaven.

Their resistance caves. Dan-Dan is freed from his constraints and the party finds itself the recipients of Ma and Pa's full hospitality.

"Please, make yourselves comfortable!" Pa insists. "There are blankets there to ward away a chill." He points to some moth-eaten tea towels.

"Come now," Ma says, doting on the Captain. "Would you care for some tea and cookies? I baked them just last night." She seems to be referring to something that looks suspiciously like frozen, desiccated rat poop. "Don't be shy!"


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« Reply #19 on: <03-21-17/1419:54> »
Ma and Pa Kettle start celebrating revival style on the untimely demise of Dunkelzahn, and Shiriki can't help but smile.  "I feel the same way," he says, taking a cold corner of floor and sitting cross-legged.  He avails himself of one of the "blankets," but passes on the food.  Funny, for anglos, they certainly keep with the Pawnee mores he grew up with.  Or were those mores Pawnee to begin with? he wonders absently.  Can't go insulting ma's cooking, now can he, so he settle for a simple, "Thank you, ma'am, but while we're on duty, it's forbidden."

He's a little self-conscious sitting as he is in front of the anglos, specters or not.  A few old jokes about sitting like an Indian come to mind, jokes that would be faux pas even in the early 20s, but he grew up thinking they were widespread, if not ubiquitous, in the tribal lands he grew up in.  "Don't think for a moment they don't hate us," his dad had warned, often, when he was growing up, referencing his complexion much more than his pointy ears, though old dad never candy-coated that one either.  And, those spirits sure made that much known when they'd entered.  It was strange that they softened so quickly.  Funny what loneliness will do to a person, or a whatever. . . given a couple decades. 

Leaning back against the wall, Shiriki pulls out his pair of Fly Spys, and puts them in flight.  The first exits the front door, and he sets it on a perimeter watch.  He has to keep it much lower than usual, only about twenty meters or so, but he taps Ité YeyΆ in on the feed, and takes the full VR plunge to his second, which he sends out a broken window and into the woods growing up and around the farmhouse.  The canopy breaks the worst of the wind, and the ultrasound does an adequate job of keeping him from plowing into any errant branches.  That holds well enough for a half-klick or so, and after that he's exposed again to the worst of the blizzard in the snow-capped great plains.  He alternates between low-light and thermo, and runs the little golf-ball-sized drone through broad sweeps at varying altitudes to give him a fuller picture of their approach.

<<@Team [Shiriki] If you'll look out the right side of the cabin you'll see the Great Plains in all their geographic glory.  Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that is flat, flat, oh, and a little more flat off there on the horizon.  Approach looks clear.>>

A few minutes later, and the western-most satellite dish appears on the horizon. 

<<@Team [Shiriki] Target 1 acquired>>

He doesn't dare pull any closer without meat bodies and his own heavy artillery on the scene, so he holds still for the moment, zooms in as far as he can with the drone's sensor array, and pulls back a couple klicks toward the farmhouse, staying in thermo to catch any would be critters that he missed on his first pass.


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« Reply #20 on: <03-21-17/1503:59> »
Dan-Dan sits calmly against a wall on the balls of his feet as surveys the situation now that he's free of the curtains. Embarrassing that. No real harm done,  beyond a few scrapes and bruises. He knows it's a spiritual  manifestation that made him clumsy. Probably the captain knows too, he's not sure of the others. Still, embarrassing.

He agrees with Shiriki.

"No ma'm we can't whilst on duty".

Upon her disappointed look, he smiles wryly.

"But, we sure can take some for later".
As he reaches for the pile with his glove.

"Son of a!"

"Now, a won't have language young man"
Ma says sternly "mind they're fresh out of the oven".

The 'cookies' are freezing cold, colder than they should be, even through the thinsulate gloves. Burning cold and frozen hard.

"I think it's time we were off, but thank you for your hospitality."
It's probably time to move on the installation, scouting in detail. It's a comfort to know there's some overwatch from Shiriki, though night is his element and sneaking his game.

"Heh, I reckon he likes you." Says Pa, as the dog goes over to the captain wagging it's tail. A large glob of saliva gathers at the cormer of its mouth and slowly drips to splat on her outstretched hand.
« Last Edit: <03-21-17/1544:31> by MDMann »

Pap Renvela

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« Reply #21 on: <03-21-17/2034:33> »
Ité YeyΆ  sat in the corner and kept his mouth shut. He wasn't a great speaker at the best of times and heck did he know what to say to a revenant. It was eerie. Kinda of like that day the Hatali woman was on the crate preaching to the passerbys:

"You have got no private properties. Perhaps one or two of you may own the homes you live in, or have a nuyen or two set aside. But you own nothing that does not contribute directly towards keeping you alive. All that you own is your bodies. And you sell your bodies every day you live. You sell them when you go out in the morning to your jobs and when you labor all day. You are forced to sell at any price, at any time, for any purpose. You are forced to sell your bodies so that you can eat nutrisoy and live. And the price which is given you for this is only enough so that you will have the strength to labor longer for the profits of the Corp. Today you are not put up on platforms and sold at the courthouse square.  But you are forced to sell your strength, your time, your souls during almost every hour that you live. You have been freed from one kind of slavery only to be delivered into another.
Is this freedom? Are you yet free men? Be Shaikujin if you wish. Me? I want to be free."

Maybe it was just hot or she really was Awakened or maybe too little sleep and too much soycaf. But whatever it was, from that day forward Ité YeyΆ  had decided to make his life mean something. And so he had made the military his permanent home.

Damn Ité, your mind really wanders- must be what the shrink said. Probably should turn on some more Rock until we get ready to roll. That's a pun, son. I made a funny- don't you get it. Now what was the name of that stupid cartoon... 

And finally he hears, "I think it's time we were off, but thank you for your hospitality." Not waiting for anything further, Ité heads to the door. He has to lower his torso halfway towards the floor and twist sideways to get out as the door frame must have been built prior to trolls being around. Still, he manages to bump his head on the frame while going out into the cold.


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« Reply #22 on: <03-21-17/2302:07> »
Swoopy patted down the last of the dirt in the storm cellar, then gave it a few stamps to look natural. Inside was a pile of the trams wingsuits, chutes, and various bits and pieces that wouldn't be needed anymore. Wouldn't stay hidden forever if someone came a calling, but should be more than sufficient to keep the stuff out of casually prying hands. And hopefully the mission would be long done by the time anyone thought to search this direction. After that, it was on the support guys to make sure the gear didn't point to directly back to the Sioux.

This bit of manual labor kept swoops busy while the drone and magic specialists did their thing. Still, his mind kept wandering over what all was allegedly on the site, assuming the intel crew was right.

-An engineering officer and some civilian architects. Supposedly didn't stay on site, but late nights weren't unheard of.

-An Ares Technician and Installation team. Supposedly kept a couple techs with the site 24/7 to train UCAS guys on the new features and provide initial maintenance support. Could be what it said on the label. Probably was. You never knew though.

-Two major automated earth movers, setting base for the long term living and control buildings. Probably working through the night.

-"About a platoon". Thanks Intel guys. Real helpful. That could be a zone guardsmen with a jumped up rank structure, or it could be a New Model (Or, in UCAS, Total Domain Dominance 75, in policy circles Colloton Reform) platoon with squad level drone support, network defense from higher, and reach back to company for magical call forward. Plus a section from the BN hey drone section attached. Those guys would be the primary physical space threat.

-On call network defense and support relationship with the blah blah blah. CPT could tell you all about it. Meant some security deckers by remote, maybe even one on site, and no doubt the ability to pull eyes in the sky and a reaction force. Plus mage support. In short, things could get nasty if they got loud and slow.

-Magic stuff. Swoops figured the mages could think on that. The only bit that really hit him was "watchers for certain, possible Class III paranormal animals".

Looked like a couple air and artillery defense vehicles were slated, but hadn't arrived yet.

-Basic chain link fence. C wire. Pretty standard. Strongpoint Automated Engagement Systems (aka, turrets) covering it. Less standard. "95% probability of manned decision required before firing" Great...


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« Reply #23 on: <03-22-17/0125:23> »
Shiriki expertly pilots his Fly Spy through the woods and into into position. It's damnably difficult due to the wind, but Shiriki skillfully uses the trees as windbreaks to ease his approach.

The Fly Spy gets a distant look at the radar installation. <<Zoom. Enhance. Zoom. Enhance.>> Shiriki commands; the Fly Spy obeys.

The drones can see the automated earth-movers working through the storm. There also appears to be a multitude of construction vehicles not currently in use at this time of night: cement mixers, bulldozers, scrapers, steamrollers, front loaders, excavators, cranes, and so on. There also appear to be two large earth spirits which are plodding about, perhaps assisting with the frozen ground.

Shiriki doesn't pick up any heat signatures at the installation other than the buildings and the earth movers. Nobody's outside on patrol, for the moment at least.

Suddenly his other Fly Spy triggers a warning. Shiriki quickly switches feeds and notices four thermographic forms moving at inhuman speeds through the grasslands toward the house. They are on four legs but are running faster than any mundane animal. When they see Ité stop outside, they pause to howl. Shiriki's butthole puckers tighter than a snare drum.

Everyone in the house is filled with a magical sense of dread. The sound vibrates through your skull and feels like death and disaster drowning your brain.

You see visions of UCAS soldiers laughing over your broken bodies as they take pictures of you in demeaning positions. Perhaps this will earn them a court-martial, or perhaps it will make Senator Hollensfeld's next PR release. Your friends and family members are disgraced by association, and the Wildcats forsake you. Your names are never mentioned again, except in the context of legendary fuck-ups who were probably spies anyway. Your remains are tossed to the cockatrices, and - after you are pushed through the digestive tracts of giant chickens - your final earthly form is manure.

Jayde Moon

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« Reply #24 on: <03-22-17/1249:25> »
The Captain stiffens at the mournful baying and shakes her head.  Magic at work, for certain.  A number of paracritters could elicit that effect.  Unfortunately, knowing didn't make it feel any easier to push through.  She got to her feet.

"The hell was that?  Shiriki, you got eyes?  Barghests?"

She looked to the others.  The team was solid.  No one was a quivering mess in the corner.  She expected no less, but would not have held it against anyone.  Magic was feared because it could reduce the most solid performers to non-functioning and there was often no way around it.

She looks at the Ares Alpha for a moment, then shakes her head.  They are far enough away that she doesn't think the site will hear the report of a rifle, especially through the storm, but she'd rather not take chances.  She quickly unbuttons the loops on either side of her belt, holding her tomahawks.  The Urban Tribe combat hatchets felt good in her hands.  She gave them a quick whirl with the flick of her wrists and moved to the door.

"Dan-Dan, Swoopy, windows.  Cover me." and then she steps outside.
That's just like... your opinion, man.


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« Reply #25 on: <03-22-17/1830:58> »
Shivers ripped down Dan-Dans spine from the mournful howling. Dogs. Parcritters certainly but dogs. The energy generated by their baying wails electrified him and he quickly moved to a window unlimbering his weapons. The captain called for cover as she ran into the snowstorm her hair flying wildly behind her as she dashed into the driving snow. Lightning illuminated her like a strobe. The jagged light briefly illuminated one of the combat drones loosing off a shot and giving the range.

Dan-Dan took his rifle and fired off 2 quick shots, calling back to Ma and Pa.

"They've set Hellbeasts upon us. We'll defend this God fearing stead. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!".

He could see commotion through the window as the beasts charged in. Unable to get another clear shot at the remaining curs, he swore and clicked through his mic that he was going out to support the captain. He preferred it close and intimate anyway. The pure kiss as his knife slid into the ribs of the foe and purred...

Dropping his rifle and dashing into the howling wind after the captain, he pulled his quivering knife from its sheath. Time to skin dome puppies. Cat be with him...
« Last Edit: <03-23-17/1647:26> by MDMann »


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« Reply #26 on: <03-22-17/2320:27> »
Swoopy raced from the basement up to the ground floor at the CPT's call. The door is already swinging open by the time he arrives. Uh-oh. He threw the shutters open and leveled his rifle. Dan Dan was already banging away, and it looked like some sort of giant presumably magical, dogs were closing on the CPT. The snow kept vis to under 100m and the 4 dogs were nearly in crunch time as it was.

Weird choice that. Knife work, to Swoopy's mind, meant you had done it wrong. A last gasp option when tactics failed. Clearly the rest of the cats had different opinions. Oh well. At 100m Swoopy didn't even bother with the smartgun auto-zero.

He aimed, fired, once...twice...

The blizzard raged. The night was dark. At 75 meters it didn't really matter. The trail dog thing went down hard.  Suffice to say rounds that were meant for killing 100 kilo metas in armor were more than sufficient to handle the magical version of a huskie. Swoopy shifted his rifle to find another target - make this nice and clean, no need for anything to get dangerous. Too late. Looked like the CPT had ridden her white horse, as officers were wont to due, into glorious fair man to man, or in this case canine to woman, combat. No way to get a shot off now...
« Last Edit: <03-23-17/1525:12> by GloriousRuse »

Pap Renvela

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« Reply #27 on: <03-23-17/1554:19> »
Damn these things are moving fast. Too bad I can't lob a grenade right now.

As the critters ran towards him, Ité YeyΆ aimed his arrow at the lead canine which was hit by so much gunfire it seemed to explode. Quickly switching targets, he manages to graze a different target. He then half blocks, half dodges the lunge of a third as he reaches behind himself to unsheathe his katana.

"We're Indians you crazy mutts! We live with nature. Why don't you go pick on the pale faces?" 

Unless,of course, they're pale faced Indians.

"No offense, Swoopy."

Jayde Moon

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« Reply #28 on: <03-23-17/1704:47> »
As Chante steps out, she can hear the chattering of gunfire from behind.  She quickly makes calculations in her head.  Which of the beasts is closer, which is a threat, which is... well, that one's dead...

The storm is still blowing hard, but the warrior keeps her footing, dashing into the snow.  One of the beasts lunges forward, snarling.  It stumbles and Chante can make out the contact points of the stick and shock that have disoriented.  She sidesteps and brings one tomahawk down it's neck, beheading it and ending any suffering.  Beasts, even awakened, were simply beasts and didn't deserve any level of cruelty.

Looking about, she notes that the threat is cleared nearly as quickly as it appeared.  None of the critters is near enough to her for action, so she wipes the blade of the tomahawk in the snow and reholsters both blades at her hips and turns back to the house to wait for the others.
That's just like... your opinion, man.


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« Reply #29 on: <03-23-17/1712:32> »
Doctor Dakota Daniel Dan-Dan "Dancer" Danyes dashed into the driving snow, drawing his deadly dirk to dispatch the dangerous doggies afore they devoured the dainty captain.

The stinging snow swirled and swept into his eyes as the eerie howls sounded, sending shocking shivers down his spine. Suddenly silence.

A slobbering beast leapt from the murky gloom, springing at the running medic whilst it's companion ran leaping at Ite. Keyed up, adrenaline sizzling painfully through his veins, Daniel jumped to meet the leaping dog, nimbly dodging out of the way. Impossibly the fell creature twisted midair to snap its jaws at the twisting doctor. Its maw gaped wide around Danyes' head, improbably wide. Saliva whipped around the mans neck as the cur encompassed his head...

Grabbing a tuft of Fur on its flank, Dan hauled himself out of its grasp, its lips kissing his face as he rolled along its side, spinning to face it on its other side. Amazingly, the agile mutt again twisted to meet the moving threat only for the adept to slide under its belly. Completely wrong footed, the creature was completely at his blades mercy,  a gift to cat,  when rounds tore the night and ripped into it.

Dan shrugged and seeing no other threats started to harvest it for telesma.

