[5e IC] Storm Force Whisper [2076 Game Thread]

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« Reply #15 on: <02-01-17/1936:47> »
Deckard was enjoying a cup of tea with Pr. Slughorn, his contact at the Oxford University. The visit was courteous and long overdue. The man's knowledge in the Magical Arts was phenomenal in spite of his low aptitude to use any sort of Magic. So sharing his experience in Lyonnese, omitting a few details and names, was for the Professor like getting access to a rare book or archive. He wasn't missing any second, and drink on the information faster than he was sipping his tea. For Deckard, it was a good way to get into the man's good side, and insuring he would gladly help the Shadowrunner should he need information of favor.

Deckard was about the describe the arrival of the Army from Below when his commlink alerted him with a ARO of an incoming encrypted message. The blind girl...

An Army walking to their death, while his two companions laid the device that would certainly consume the metaworld - Deckard left it on a Cliffhanger. It seems the rest of the story will have to wait for another time, Professor. Of course it drove the older man mad, but at least Deckard knew his contact would be looking forward to their next meet...

So the Shadowrunner head back home.

He was excited. He hadn't heard from his companions in two months but was pretty sure he would not refuse a job if it involve any of those three people. So his friend had call to play video games... great.

It had been a while since he touched a VR game. He grinned at the irony. Vampire Hunter world. At least he will have something to compare it to with his real life.

It took him forever to create his persona for this game. Too many options. He looked at the clock and realize he could easily be late for a meet  he wouldn't want to miss.  He chose a few more option and without understanding much why, got kicked out of the game. He cursed. He re-entered the Virtual World. This time he just went for Random and within a second he found himself in this Gothic Hall.

He was dressed with a long black trench coat, and Van Helsing type hat, kind of the game iteration of a Vampire Hunter, lacking all the bells and whistles of the rank, courtesy of a Level 1 starter gamer.

Thanks to their ID, he could recognize his trio of Friends, but as soon as he greeted them, an Icon appeared and dismissed ISaint's pets.

It wasn't long before they got shifted to a totally different environment. Deckard wasted no time grabbing on the cargo netting surrounding the wall of the drop ship.

Polynesia... I was just mentioning an acquaintance of mine, I was looking forward to some time away from the crappy London weather... To be clear, we're talking a real hit of  a physical place, not one of those virtual building you all seems fond of, right?

Rick Deckard - Circles of Fate
Kachina - Shaking the Shadows


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« Reply #16 on: <02-01-17/2020:01> »
Al was not amused by this or any other virtuality. Bad enough his meat was shivering with nausea, now they were trying to disorient his digital representation as well. The Fake World always put him in a mood.

He was, however, delighted that Rick turned up at the last minute. He was a good guy, plus it always was good to work with people you had some experience with.

And yeah, of course he'd be taking the job. It was Silky, after all. They went back some. And an aqualogy - old stomping grounds, only instead of the frigid North Sea they'd be in the South Pacific. Visions of white sands and thongs filled his jet-black head. Another milk run.

He didn't know about his boon companions, but for himself he caught Silk's eye and with a wink the deal was sealed.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #17 on: <02-02-17/0245:24> »
The matrix is Alyce's life and she grins at the choice of game Silk is playing.  She actually has an advanced character here that she has not played in a while, mostly because she really got involved with Vampire Hunter, which has a better play mechanism than this one.  With a twirl of her cape, Alyce takes on the persona and avatar of a Senior Captain.  Her combat armor bears enough hash marks to choke a horse, each one representing a perilous mission.  The decorations painted on the breastplate of her armored suit show anyone who knows that she has participated in some of the most harrowing and deadly drop missions in the universe.  That she is here at all means that she has survived missions that have left controllers swearing for weeks as they have to recreate avatars, because this game is different from others in that there is no replay and no saved lives unless you are lucky enough to earn an incredibly rare slot in the clone bank.  Captain Krait has three of these slots.  It takes a couple of seconds to remember what everything is and what it all does, but then she flips on the grav units in her boots and clicks to the floor of the descending drop ship and salutes the other trooper.  "Senior Captain Krait reporting for duty, ma'am.  What is the sitrep?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #18 on: <02-02-17/0632:22> »
Isaint smiled beneath the hood when Rick appeared. The monk choir said: "You know Rick, this style quite suits you. Maybe you should go for Van Helsing garb in real life. Great to see you again by the way."

He wanted to say more, but Aria appeared.

Isaint frowned when his agents were kicked from the game, but at least the hardware wasn't damaged from the maneuver. He went along to the new environment but didn't bother to change his appearance. The hooded monk therefore was standing unsupported in the middle of the drop ship, the robe gradually soaking from the spray.

"Can't say that aquatic missions are my specialty - neither is the south pacific - but I'm certainly open to broaden my horizons. And I do personal protection, so if you go there and want my help staying safe, I certainly can do that."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #19 on: <02-03-17/0815:39> »
[Thursday September 10th, 2076; Citadel Game, Matrix Host: SEAѤ67-∑2]

"Senior Captain Krait reporting for duty, ma'am.  What is the sitrep?"

Silk shrugs, “I’m just a private! Aria will be pleased that you come here often enough to get where you are Cap’n”

“Can't say that aquatic missions are my specialty - neither is the south pacific - but I'm certainly open to broaden my horizons. And I do personal protection, so if you go there and want my help staying safe, I certainly can do that."

Silk smiled wryly “Before I was an infomonger I was a runner, I know a little bit about keeping myself safe and I won’t be relying on you any more than the others.  I know your reputation for keeping the team together, it’s why you are all here.”

She turned to face the others… “The target is a man who calls himself Monarch.  He was a high level fixer in Seattle a few years ago for a group calling itself the Brotherhood.  My mother was one of his runners.  This bastard had her executed at the same time as giving the orders that got thirty or more people killed in the Stillwater compound.  After six years of searching for him I intend to go and ask him why!  It’s usually bad business to go after fixers but I believe he is sufficiently removed from the scene for the repercussions to be small.  But you will need to determine for yourselves whether you are prepared to take that risk.  I know you all have other fixers and that it is a fairly tight knit group of mutual favours and interwoven networks…for me this is personal and I am willing to take the risk, but you…?  So, do you want more details?”

Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #20 on: <02-03-17/0905:07> »
"Shee-it, girlie, real sorry ta hear 'bout that," answered the featureless black form standing in the midst of the soldiers and vampire hunters. Al tried to make his tone sympathetic, but it was tough amid the roar of the drop boat. "Damn straight I wants the deets. Turnin' on yer own, well the only thing worse'd be takin' someone's kin. So that's a double mark on yer Monarch friend, an' you can imagin' how much credence ol' Al gives ta some spook-tales about fixer secret society payback. Fuck 'em - I ain't never been long fer this so-called perfession anyway."


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« Reply #21 on: <02-03-17/1420:37> »
Deckard's parents had been Shadowrunners too. He grew up in the street of Seattle, from one safehouse to another.  So he knew quite a bit about Shadowrunner's etiquette. And yes, it was bad form to go after your fixer. But for one,  a job is a job, and two, going after someone else's Fixer wasn't that bad. Surely it would make a few people unhappy but in every Run there was a winner and  a loser, a happy party and an unhappy one.

He knew oh too well to desire for revenge or answers, he couldn't blame the girl. On the contrary, he was happy to help.

If that's what we're hired for, I'm sure there will be forgiving circumstances with those who get pissed off. I guess you got yourself a team. Though you know we don't come cheap... But I do have questions: It's quite a trek to get there. Have you planned for it already? And when are we leaving?
Rick Deckard - Circles of Fate
Kachina - Shaking the Shadows


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« Reply #22 on: <02-03-17/1634:01> »
"I see. Well, I guess we all wanted to spend a bit more time in the sun after the last mission. Hunting a traitor is an acceptable endeavor.
So yeah, let's talk logistics. As our wise mage said: How are we getting there and what can we take with us. Also do you want us to find our accommodations ad hoc or do you already have contacts in place?"

Isaint said while he also looked around in his new flat. Seems like he could have saved himself the trouble of cleaning everything...

talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #23 on: <02-04-17/1153:29> »
Senior Captain Krait nods. "Are we the extent of your assault force and what are the rules of engagement?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #24 on: <02-09-17/0115:04> »
Wise Mage... quite a pleonasm.
Distracted by his new matrix representation, Deckard couldn't fathom the meager skills of level one Avatar. He had no Magic here, no fetish, no gun...
The ones who seemed to thrive in the role were the two ladies...
Well, if Ms Silk needs to ask question, I take it we need the principle in good conditions, aka alive...
Rick Deckard - Circles of Fate
Kachina - Shaking the Shadows


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« Reply #25 on: <02-14-17/1233:23> »
[Thursday September 10th, 2076; Citadel Game, Matrix Host: SEAѤ67-∑2]

Silk gestures for you to take positions in the restraint harnesses whilst herself seeming to ignore the bucking movement of the dropship…doubtless most of you decline her offer,

"I see. Well, I guess we all wanted to spend a bit more time in the sun after the last mission. Hunting a traitor is an acceptable endeavor.  So yeah, let's talk logistics. As our wise mage said: How are we getting there and what can we take with us. Also do you want us to find our accommodations ad hoc or do you already have contacts in place"

“I’ll start with the last part first.  This is outside my sphere of influence so my usual contacts won’t be much help here.  I do have a possible exit route in mind with some friends of mine but I will confirm that later this evening.

How we get there and therefore what resources you will have with you once you arrive are open for discussion.  Commercial flights are readily available and I may be able to charter one private flight.  Unlike the corp J’s you’ve worked for in the past my resources are finite.  Some of you are in the UK I believe, I’m in Seattle but I can probably take what I need on a commercial flight with the correct permits in place.

This needs to happen quickly for a variety of reasons.  Our window of opportunity could close very fast and I have worked for too long to let this bastard slip through my fingers again… so I will do what I can to expedite getting you all on site.”

"Are we the extent of your assault force and what are the rules of engagement"

”Wise Mage... quite a pleonasm.  Well, if Ms Silk needs to ask question, I take it we need the principle in good conditions, aka alive...”

“Yes, I want him alive, and in a condition to answer questions, but I’m not too concerned with his long term health prospects.  Once we’re done with him I intend to hand him over to the Knights, they have their own reasons for wanting a quiet conversation with him.

To answer Robyn, the five of us are it for the simple reason that I don’t want to spread the information web too far from this point.  We have the basics covered I believe?  I was an infiltrator when I ran with Balefire and I don’t think my skills have deserted me.

But, and this is a very serious point for me, the target is hiding in an aqualogy which houses a large number of people, including children, whom I don’t want our actions to put in harms way.  At the end, that is more important to me than the conclusion of this run.  I trust you can work with that?”


Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #26 on: <02-14-17/1457:15> »
"I don't think anyone in this group would deliberately hurt innocent bystanders or children.
So we are going into a place without an existing contact network and without time to cultivate one. The best way to do this would be to engage shadow carriers to get our more problematic gear into place and otherwise only carrying legal equipment with us. Doable, although it will hurt my performance in the field somewhat. But at least it will give me the opportunity to learn a new language.

As I see it, this is a classic extraction job. We'll need all available information on the aquacology and the local shadows before we can plan an approach."

Isaint's Monk paused for a moment before continuing:
"You say this guy is on the move quite often. Is there a reason why it wouldn't be easier to nab him in transit than inside the very controlled environment of an aquacology?"
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #27 on: <02-14-17/1828:56> »
Al had no use for the restraints. Hell, he hoped he'd be thrown out - then maybe he could wake up in the real world, clean himself off, and have a beer or three.

He'd taken the job, there was really no need for him to be here for the Q&A. Isaint would plan all the details, leaving Al free to do what he did best - everything.

Getting there would indeed be interesting before. Only way to do it fast was fly. And while Al had done plenty of that, usually behind the stick himself, he'd never travelled that way. Not in all his journeys. Hell, the farthest he'd ever gone not on land or the sea was the distance between the shore and an oil rig. Certainly never flown commercial, no suborbitals or semiballistics. No reason, just had never come up. And you needed a SIN, which once upon a time had been pretty spendy relative to his various modes of employment.

Now, hell, he went through IDs like water, and he currently had a shiny new, airtight one from Horace, all virgin and with sec licenses for a couple of must-haves. He'd never get his boom-bag on board, but whatever...not like he was married to mountains of machinery like their leader Inspector Gadget.

Flyin' the friendly fuckin' skies...white beaches on the other end...drinks with the little umbrellas...would they put those in beers?...yup, this was going to be the best ride yet....

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #28 on: <02-15-17/0052:29> »
Robyn nods in acceptance.  "When do we go and are we travelling together?  I can get a sub-orbital to somewhere close and we can puddle-jump it out there.  I suppose that we should try to determine what we are going to take with us, but it sounds like we do not have much time."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #29 on: <02-15-17/0813:42> »
[Thursday September 10th, 2076; Citadel Game, Matrix Host: SEAѤ67-∑2]

“Sorry, as far as I know Monarch hasn’t left the aquaology in the last six years.  Our window of opportunity is when the Pattern has suggested we have the best chance of reaching him.  I can read the Pattern to a certain extent, it’s a form of divination…and I have waited for this moment for a long time.  You and Master Guthrie have a strange effect on the Pattern, like kittens and a wool blanket, but I am hoping that will work to our advantage and mask our intentions from other seers who might be looking on.

You have heard of the Seer’s Guild no doubt?  We believe a faction within the Guild is actively opposing us for reasons we can’t yet fathom but must be to do with a rival vision for the future.  Divination is a tricky business, a reading of probabilities more than a clear picture of pre-ordained events.  Those of us who can see the Pattern can nudge it in directions that suit our goals, and of course it can be nudged back by others.  Some say we shouldn’t meddle but to my mind it is no different from anyone who seeks a favourable outcome, we just get a little more insight into the path to that outcome.

If you can provide me a list of things that you either can’t or won’t transport I will see what I can do about arranging similar items to be available in Tonga.  Diving gear and local transport can also be sorted, Al, you can pilot a small vessel can’t you?  That would be preferable to hiring a pilot out there.  It may be moot, there are supply vessels for the station which we may be able to catch a lift on and the infiltration of the land facility may reveal other ways on board the aquaology…”


Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36

