Upcoming Shadowrun releases

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« Reply #525 on: <02-28-15/0209:40> »
"Fixing the Website" is apparently a huge task, and one we don't have a dedicated person to handle.  It's something that's been in process for a while, but I have no idea when it will be accomplished.

The BattleShop is CGL's official online store though, and while navigating it can be a pain at times, it's a perfectly legit way to buy, order, and eevn pre-order both PDF and Print products.

DrivethruRPG is also viable and legit alternative source for PDF's, since that's one we work directly with (and we even are the ones who upload PDF product to there).


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« Reply #526 on: <03-19-15/2207:45> »
Battleshop was once a great place to preorder content from catalyst, nowadays they don't respond to email, don't update shipping status, make it nearly impossible to search/find the item you are looking for, and generally have nothing "on the shelf" as far as Shadowrun 5E material is concerned. The battleshop website desperately needs to be updated, and they need some new management. You would think that ordering something from Catalyst would increase your likelihood of getting your books in a timely manner, I mean, they are the publisher, this is not the case.  You can expect to wait over a week for any sort of status update on your order, and that is assuming the book/item is actually in stock. Good luck finding shadow run products in stock at battlecorps. 

I try to buy my products for my FLGS, but they don't carry Catalyst products anymore due to the Core Rulebooks falling apart and the inability for them to make or stick to a release date/schedule. I wish I could cancel the order I made with them in early January for the "Pay Data" boxed sets. I could have ordered them from Amazon for about $30 less and have received the items in less than the two months I have been waiting. 

I get that the place is perpetually "Short Staffed", but the reality is that they should hire more people so this isn't a problem.  I think the best thing they could do for the image is to scrap the whole battleshop website, hire a real web designer to make an easy to use page, and hire a new inventory/operations manager to over see the whole thing. 


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« Reply #527 on: <04-24-15/1614:35> »
To follow up on the digital release of Crimson and 10 Terrorists earlier today, I wanted to pass along some additional info about upcoming products in the pipeline:

Lockdown - the campaign book associated with Shadowrun Chronicles - Boston, the current goal is to have the digital release ready to go in early May; print is targeted for June, but no hard release dates yet.

Bloody Business - another campaign book focused on corporate machinations should be following right on the heals of Lockdown. We're hoping for a concurrent release, but won't be able to firm up for a couple more weeks.

Data Trails - the next core expansion is up and we are hoping to have copies at Origins.

Looking a little further out, additional working titles include Hard Targets (a Deep Shadows book focusing on wet work, much as Stolen Souls focused on extractions)  and Chrome Flesh (core expansion covering augmentation).

Please note that the info being presented represents current best estimates and is subject to change. I plan to update as dates and details firm, but recognize that the situation can (and likely will) change, despite the best efforts of all involved.


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« Reply #528 on: <04-24-15/1731:14> »
Good to know, thanks. Any news on rigger expansions in the future?


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« Reply #529 on: <04-24-15/1901:38> »
Nothing public.

Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #530 on: <04-24-15/1947:48> »
Thanks guys, great news . Can't wait. :)


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« Reply #531 on: <04-25-15/2048:19> »
I can't wait to see that Boston book. I've played a bit of Shadowrun Chronicles. And the idea to tie these two products together seems really cool to me. I hope you guys and Cliffhanger can do that again.

And Data Trails is so close... I can't wait.


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« Reply #532 on: <05-17-15/1744:31> »
Wanted to follow up my post from last month and provide another snap shot of the products currently in process:

Data Trails - currently targeting a digital release later this month, with plans to have print copies at Origins.

Wolf & Buffalo - enhanced fiction, part of the Shadows in Focus: Sioux Nation series, should be coming out in conjunction with Data Trails

High Caliber Ops - an expansion for Shadowrun: Crossfire is well underway...but still too early to confirm dates. It should include two new role cards as well as missions, black market and obstacle cards.

Chrome Flesh - in process...targeting to have for GenCon

Lots of good stuff coming guys... ;D


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« Reply #533 on: <05-18-15/1145:41> »
Lots of good stuff coming guys... ;D

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Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #534 on: <05-18-15/1150:20> »
I'd link the "shut up and take my money" meme, but I think that's been done enough around here :)

So, I'll instead just say thanks for keeping the information flowing, AJ. I for one really appreciate the communication effort.


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« Reply #535 on: <05-18-15/1411:22> »
I haven't seen a single word of it, but I'm very psyched for Hard Targets--that's right in the wheelhouse of a few of my characters.
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« Reply #536 on: <06-30-15/1259:50> »
It's been a while since my last update...some new info, hot off the presses, focusing on GenCon and following releases:

Data Trails - Street date is July 08, 2015

Shaken: No Job Too Small - novel by Russell Zimmerman  has a street date of July 08 (though also showing available NOW at B&N); digital release will follow soon after

Boundless Mercy - compilation of Missions, targeting GenCon for release

High Caliber Ops (Shadowrun: Crossfire) - expansion targeting for GenCon release

Chrome Flesh - PDF released...trying to have some copies at GenCon, but TBD

Corporate Hideouts  - a Sprawl Sites map/book combo focusing on various corp locations, targeting late summer

Hard Targets - a new Deep Shadows source book focusing on wetwork and providing some setting info for Havana, targeting late summer

That's all for now, enjoy  ;D


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« Reply #537 on: <06-30-15/1812:44> »
OOOOO Havana! Looking forward to that.

Corporate Dog

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« Reply #538 on: <07-06-15/1708:04> »
Any news on 'Shadows in Focus: Butte'? Is this still a scheduled product?


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« Reply #539 on: <07-06-15/1738:04> »
No news.