(IC) Seattle Undercover

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« Reply #30 on: <11-07-16/1352:44> »
Skids leans back into the booth and smiles, "So Gladius, you think you three are some drek hot runners. And you're looking for a payment to take care of our issues with the Halloweeners. What makes you think I'd pay you anything for something I can do myself?"


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« Reply #31 on: <11-07-16/1408:56> »
"As I said: You can, but why would you want to? Gang wars seldom end in total victory - more often than not two gangs weaken one another to the point where a third party pounces and takes territory from both, because their numbers are to depleted to hold it anymore. This is doubly true if you fight against someone who knows what he is doing.
I won't lie: I'm selling a product here.
But you aren't asking your bike dealer why you should pay for a motorcycle if you are perfectly capable of walking where you want to go.
Same thing with us: We are a convenient way for you to not loose any of your men and guarantee that this doesn't start a gang war until you want the world to know that you were behind the decapitation strike.

We came to you first because you have the reputation of being a skilled business men who knows how to get a message across and haven't yet gotten any reprisals. Those crucifications were a nice touch by the way. That must have riled up quite a few of those Helloweeners."

Max let the last part sink in, counting on Skid to notice the subtle implication that their team could also turn to their competition.
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To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #32 on: <11-07-16/1627:51> »
Skids arches an eyebrow at the innuendo "I'll give you 10K a piece if the 3 of you can pull it off. You kill the leader of the Weeners without linking it back to me, then we'll talk abou thow else I can use you."

He turns his attention back to the others at the table. Obviously the conversation is over and your dismissed.


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« Reply #33 on: <11-07-16/1657:02> »
"Deal, but for that we need to know everything you have on this new Leader: His picture, name, or whatever else identifying material you have on him. If not than the name of someone who can give us the information.
We are capable of finding this info ourselves, but the more you give us to work with, the faster we can resolve this."

Max felt as a bit of tension fell of him. This could have gone a lot worse.
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To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #34 on: <11-07-16/2031:31> »
Twitch looked at all the gangers, but didn't stare anyone down. He wanted to let them know he wasn't intimidated, but at the same time didn't want to impose on them. He let out a small sigh of relief inside when the details were agreed, but otherwise seemed unfazed by the conversation.
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« Reply #35 on: <11-07-16/2157:58> »
SKid looks a bit annoyed at having dismissed you and you asking, "If you can find the info yourself then it proves I can use you for other jobs." He chuckles, but its not a pleasant sound. But I'll give you a bone. The orc goes by the name of Alverez."


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« Reply #36 on: <11-08-16/0201:16> »
"Consider it done." Max gave his colleagues the sign to withdraw.

Once they were outside and out of earshot he said: "That went better than expected. Now we have a name and race. As soon as one of our contacts can deliver us a picture and physical description, I can send out an astral construct to search for this man's location.
For the moment I'd suggest we relocate to our new base and get something to eat while we wait for info from our contacts. Unless of course you have a better idea."
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To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #37 on: <11-08-16/0706:00> »
Twitch let out a nervous chuckle once outside, glad that things had gone much better than he had thought. "We could check with the precinct to see if they have any info on an ork named Alverez," unsure if his suggestion was naive or not.
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« Reply #38 on: <11-08-16/1138:52> »
Mercury waits until they're outside to breathe out a sigh of relief.  "Well, that could've gone worse, chip truth."

Twitch let out a nervous chuckle once outside, glad that things had gone much better than he had thought. "We could check with the precinct to see if they have any info on an ork named Alverez,"

"That sounds like a good call to me.  I only have a few eyes on the Barrens, so any working bio we can get on this Alverez will be helpful."

He straddles his motorcycle, and dons his ballistic mask again firing up the engine.  "While we're waiting for information to come in, maybe we should assemble our gear and get it inside the wire.  I've got an SMG I'd rather not be trawling the streets with all open like."


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« Reply #39 on: <11-08-16/1206:00> »
"Wiz, I'll go get the car then" said Weber as he went to retrieve their lent vehicle. If they were going to go after the Halloweeners, he certainly wanted to stop by his place and get his stuff. Leaving the premises, the rookie was glad at himself that he had gotten something right.
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« Reply #40 on: <11-08-16/1310:22> »
"Good. Twich you take care of the report and information request. I'll see if my underworld contacts can point me in the right direction.
If we can't get any useful leads from that, we might have to fall back on that "steal a truck and sell it" plan.

But first we meet up at my place. Here's the address. I'll make sure your accommodations are ready.

By the way: Next time one of you will do the negotiations - that's definitely a job for a native speaker."

Max donned his helmet and mounted his bike as well. "See you later."

While driving towards the barren, Max called up his weapon dealer:
<<Hello Solchet. I might need some more grenades in the not so distant future, but until then I've got a question: Do you know an ork called Alverez? Seems to have reached the top of the Halloweener leadership recently. I'd need a way to get in contact with him or someone who knows him personally - even a good description would be nice. Attached you find a little something for your troubles. Best regards.>>

Next came his Anarchist contact:
<<Greetings Comrade Kurt, I'm looking to get into contact with a fellow non-conformist called Alverez. He is an ork who recently climbed to the top of the Halloweener gang. Do you know him or someone who knows him personally? I heard something about a concerted action against the capitalists using fuel trucks. Can you point me in the direction of that action? Thanks. Please find attached a little contribution to the cause. Best regards.>>

Each message had a 200 Nuyen transaction added to give it a bit of priority.
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #41 on: <11-09-16/0309:20> »
Twitch wrote a message to Lt. Murphy before driving along what could be called streets in the Barrens.

<Lieutenant, we have a name on the Halloweeners's leader: it would be an ork called Alverez. I have attached the proper forms to request any information other departments might have on him, so with your permission I will get this circulating unless you would rather keep this information private for now.>

Detective Weber then made his way to the address Max had given him, making sure there were no tails following him.

[spoiler]So perception to see if anyone's following. Perception 4 + Visual 2 + Intuition 4 + Hawkeye 1 + Vision Enhancers cement 3 + Actively Looking 3: 17d6t5 6 No glitches. Successes capped at 5[/spoiler]
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« Reply #42 on: <11-11-16/1027:08> »
Not wanting to overload Bannockburn, and make his contact suspicious of what he might really be up to, Abran decides to try his blogger contact, and sends off a quick comm.

@Raymond Odessa [Abran] Hoi, omae.  I'm wondering if you've heard any word of some recent happening with the Halloweeners, especially as it relates to an ork who goes by Alverez.  Let a chummer know if you come up with anything, wiz?>>

Then he sends another comm off to Liga.

<<@Liga [Abran] I got a name to go with my previous request: Alverez.  You see him, or hear anything, think of me first, will ya?>>

After that, Abran heads back to his drekky little apartment back in Renton, grabs his gear, and makes his way to the safehouse to reconvene with the team.


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« Reply #43 on: <11-13-16/1619:47> »
<<Hello Solchet. I might need some more grenades in the not so distant future, but until then I've got a question: Do you know an ork called Alverez? Seems to have reached the top of the Halloweener leadership recently. I'd need a way to get in contact with him or someone who knows him personally - even a good description would be nice. Attached you find a little something for your troubles. Best regards.>>

<<Don't know much about Alvarez but those damn Halloweeners stole my stock of detonators. I'll ask around about Alvarez. I'll give you 5 grand to piss in his cheerios though.>>

Next came his Anarchist contact:
<<Greetings Comrade Kurt, I'm looking to get into contact with a fellow non-conformist called Alverez. He is an ork who recently climbed to the top of the Halloweener gang. Do you know him or someone who knows him personally? I heard something about a concerted action against the capitalists using fuel trucks. Can you point me in the direction of that action? Thanks. Please find attached a little contribution to the cause. Best regards.>>

<<Alvarez is one sick puppy. definitely a man that is both cunning and crazy. He'll flay your body just for annoying him and he'll burn down your grandma's retirement home for the insurance payout. You sure you want to deal with him?>>

<Lieutenant, we have a name on the Halloweeners's leader: it would be an ork called Alverez. I have attached the proper forms to request any information other departments might have on him, so with your permission I will get this circulating unless you would rather keep this information private for now.>

<<Give me a day to sort out the files on Alvarez. I'l forward what I find to you.>>

@Raymond Odessa [Abran] Hoi, omae.  I'm wondering if you've heard any word of some recent happening with the Halloweeners, especially as it relates to an ork who goes by Alverez.  Let a chummer know if you come up with anything, wiz?>>

<<DOn't know much about Alverez but I know about the shakeup. Word is they got somebody bankrolling something big.>>

<<@Liga [Abran] I got a name to go with my previous request: Alverez.  You see him, or hear anything, think of me first, will ya?>>

<<Alvarez is one man i won't get close to sorry chummer>>


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« Reply #44 on: <11-14-16/0740:14> »
<<Don't know much about Alvarez but those damn Halloweeners stole my stock of detonators. I'll ask around about Alvarez. I'll give you 5 grand to piss in his cheerios though.>>

<<Alvarez is one sick puppy. definitely a man that is both cunning and crazy. He'll flay your body just for annoying him and he'll burn down your grandma's retirement home for the insurance payout. You sure you want to deal with him?>>

Max replied:
<<Thanks Solchet, I'll take you up on that one.>>

<<Positive Kurt, we all have to make sacrifices for the cause - and if he isn't worth the trouble, he'll just have to give way to someone who is. But don't worry, I'll handle this discreetly, so there won't be a connection back to you.>>

Finally, Max reached the building, formerly known as "Casa Vindicatión". It was in fact housed inside a retired railway tunnel that led to a cavernous space, in the previous century used for train maintenance. The Mafia Don it had belonged before, had installed a secure wall, looking like the tunnel interior. Only the new mag-lock on the ancient looking security door and roll up door betrayed the fact that there was more here than met the eye.

The tunnel was large enough to allow a car to drive inside, albeit with a bumpy ride.

Once through the doors there was a modern garage and a 12 room apartment with three bathrooms, four bedrooms, a communal living room, an office as well as a small workshop and a top of the line kitchen.

The downside was of course that the hidden house was inside the barrens, making entering and leaving the place a bit of a pain.

Max waited for the other two two arrive, so he could guide them inside. Once they were all assembled in the living room he said:
"My contacts know of Alverez, but so far haven't given me anything solid. What's you status?"
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex

