Panzerknacker [IC]

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« Reply #120 on: <10-15-16/0014:44> »
My key to find out who Boobydoll really is. My door to the stage of payback time.
"normal speech"
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« Reply #121 on: <10-15-16/0137:47> »
Yael was embarrassed mr. Shmidt should not have used a name she was uncomfortable with. Yet embarrassment was a sign of weakness, and showing weakness only invited additional exploitation. So Yael kept her emotions as stable as she could and trusted her sharp tongue to get her out of this mess.

"It used to be my runner name, it is from the bible and describes an heroine that is both seductive and deadly..." She paused for a brief second to gather her thoughts and continued "Basically, Yael hosts in her tent an escaping general. She lavishly hosts him and gives him more than he asks. She does it so well that trust is aquired and the general goes to sleep. Then she smites his head with a hammer and kills him, seductive and deadly... this was what I was about, but I do not go by that name anymore.  I now call myself Anna as it matches my SIN, I figured out it is more stealthy than making up a distinctive shadow name.  After all, many women call themselves Anna but few people go by the handle Flatline.  Mr. Schmidt here was able to trace me way back up to my previous shadow name and I am honestly quite impressed, few Johnsons ever go so thoroughly. "

She said and smiled her devious smile at Schmidt, and nodded appreciatively as if that kind of extensive background check has made her feel important. Yael hoped that the doctor was not going to embarrass her further - and if he was testing her under pressure she hoped that she passed his test.

Yael is Anna's real name, the one her parents gave her, but ofc she is not going to just admit it to a bunch of strangers.
Especially as she is enrolled in university under a different name and so forth. So Yael is lying to the best of her ability
and is quite convincing when she does that.
(I rolled her con for RP to determine how convincing she sounds...  con(fast talk): 9d6t5 5)
« Last Edit: <10-15-16/0239:06> by gilga »


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« Reply #122 on: <10-15-16/0304:46> »
Schmitt just nodded at Anna, keeping a poker face:
"Regarding the start of the mission: Your tour slot is tomorrow at 1000h. You take the Interstate 90 bridge to get on the Island, let yourself be checked an verified, establishing the reason why you are going there. Having property on the island will make it much easier for you all to get through the controls in the future.
I'd suggest you get there at least two hours early, so you can make sure, only the inappropriate renters get there. Mastersons don't live here and are expected to arrive with an early flight from Denver.
Both are what you could call Yuppies: He is a lawyer and she works as a marketing manager. A cursory matrix search hasn't shown any particular weaknesses - but as a marketing expert I suspect she has their matrix tracks sanitized. He is a golfer and she's an avid horsewoman. 

You have a bit less than 24 hours to prepare - no need to start with an all-nighter though. I'd prefer you are well rested. bnc you might want to invest into a sleep regulator some time. I can personally attest to its great functionality. After the lease thing is done you'll have more than enough time for all the other investigations. The guard rooster is current up to the 7th of January. The best strike time will be around the holidays when there is less regular personal and the atmosphere in general is more relaxed." 
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #123 on: <10-15-16/1041:44> »
[spoiler]Judge Intentions: 7d6t5 1
bnc swallowed it for the time being ;-)[/spoiler]

"24 hours? Are you-"
bnc suddenly reminds herself who she's talking with. She clears her throat.
"I guess there are sensible reasons why you couldn't have sent 'em invitations two or three days earlier, right?"
bnc inhales.

"24 hours is little time. Can you please deliver any information you already have on the case. Who exactly is selling, by which means did he publicize the sale? What do you slash we already know about the competition?
Also, please provide us with our SINs and back stories.

If there isn't anything else to do, I'd start my work.
Thanks for the tip with sleep regulator. It wouldn't've been necessary i-. Nevermind.

Ah, Kite, two more things. a) You think you can show me the ropes about boating? b) Are you able to remote-Jump In the boat if necessary?

Right, anything else? If not, I'll do the elemental."
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #124 on: <10-15-16/1632:32> »
"I worked on this as fast as I could - finding your team wasn't easy. Mike was exceedingly lucky to get hold of your current comm codes. In addition, the tour date wasn't fixed until a few days ago. As I said, the original owner from whom I originally planed to lease the boat house died.

But first things first: Your corporate SINs.

bnc, you are Ruth Axes, Analyst.
Krestov you are Jonathan King, Chief of Security
Slobbertooth becomes Michael Maday, Compliance Officer
Flatline is Dr. Justin Thyme,  Head of Purchasing
Anna you'll be Roberta Ublind, Abstractor at Purchasing
Kite goes by Naimsa Lei, Pilot

And just to be clear: You are taking the car to get to the island. The only boat we'll be using will be the submersible and that won't be here until Mike and Slobbertooth fetch it tomorrow.

Her is the info dump on the pair."

Schmitt used the RCC to slot a chip and sent it to the team's commlinks.

<<Dosier: Mastersons

Tom Masterson, 35 (born August 18th 2041) Caucasian, male, hetero, 178cm, blond, blue eyed. Only child.
Lawyer at Kimble, Kimble and Kline (Business Law), Handicap 10, allergic to shellfish, 1 failed previous marriage, married since 2059 to

Mary Masterson née White 32 (born April 4th 2044), Caucasian-native heritage, female, hetero-flexible, 175cm, black, green eyed. Youngest of three sisters
Marketing Manager for Porta Nova Network, Seattle division, won silver at the 2060 Olympic Games in Show Jumping (Horse), recently revoked an application to adopt an one year old girl. Daughter of

Valery White née Crow, deceased at 63 (born November 5th, 2013), Native, female.
Owner of Whitewall Diners chain, estate estimated at 18.6 million Nuyen. Drowned in her bathtub due to alcohol and opiate abuse. Testament devised property in equal shares to her surviving daughters.

Boat houses:
Six boat houses for vessels of 20 m length at 8218 Avalon Drive, Seattle.
150.000 Nuyen annual rent per unit.>> 

talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #125 on: <10-15-16/1724:09> »
"That's a great name, wish the idiot that saddled me with Flatline had been that creative.  So you prefer Anna?  That's understandable, easier to blend that way."

Once he has heard the details such as they are on the first part of the run, Devon went to put away his gear, programming his link to feed him information about golf.  The game itself, local courses, the pro circuit, anything that would be useful to help him speak to the owner of the boats and converse intelligently.  Not so much to appear an expert, but just enough to be seen as an eager novice, which any young doctor should be considered.  He had no illusions about being technically proficient at the game, athletics beyond the health aspects escaped his understanding, but then again, most good golfers seem to prefer someone they can show off to and chat with as a friend, rather than deal with any competition.

Once he finished, he took the tour, paying special attention to the med facilities and asking about reagents.


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« Reply #126 on: <10-16-16/0247:05> »
The young mage was amused that she managed to market 'Yael' as a legitimate shadow name, last minute save.  She nodded at Flatline and said"Flatline sounds pretty much badass, especially since you embraced it. "   As Yael glossed over the details provided by Schmidt, the one detail that excited her was the 'hetro-flexible' sexual orientation of the wife," Maybe I am going to get that threesome after all" she thought and grinned with a silly smile. It was a silly idea, and Yael quickly forced it out of her head.  She read out loud her role.  "Roberta Ublind, an abstract for purchasing." After  a short pause she asked "Care to explain a bit what is Roberta's day job ? It says very little to me I afraid... I do not want to butch it."
« Last Edit: <10-16-16/0552:50> by gilga »


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« Reply #127 on: <10-16-16/0720:21> »
"An abstractor is a fancy word for research assistant - only that your job includes to find and preprocess information for your boss, so that they only need to take one look at one small file instead of thousands of it.
Meteor Enterprises is a Nigeria based corp, specialized in preparing travel arrangements for foreign rich people, visiting Nigeria and the other way round for their rich to visit foreign countries.
If anyone asks, that's why Mike and Joe will appear there. Which reminds me: You all will need some high class suits and dresses. If you don't have one yet, Mike will take care of you."

Schmitt answered.
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #128 on: <10-16-16/0759:35> »
 Anna continued and asked "... and my boss is Dr. Justin Thyme? Who is Joe and does Mike also get a SIN? Also I have a feeling that I need something cheaper than the Rasing huntress if Roberta is just an abstractor. What do you think?"


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« Reply #129 on: <10-16-16/0851:47> »
"Sorry, I meant Jonathan and Michael or Krestov and Slobbertooth. Honestly, women fashion is my weakspot knowledge wise. I'd have stuck you all in Executive Suits and be done with it."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #130 on: <10-16-16/0931:00> »
"Oh silly me...  I takes a bit to get used to these new names." She giggled and thought "He is probably single and is working so hard... if he has a wife at his social standing than it was nice if he paid attention to her fashion."
She continue and demonstrates her awareness of the etiquette of cooperate life.
"A glorified research assistant that goes around in a 13k dress ,like the one I wore yesterday, is definitely having an affair with her boss and is too silly to try and hide it. I can play that kind of assistant I can be flirty and everything.  The question is if it helps our cause. The head of purchasing holds a position of power and influence, he will wear better clothes than his assistant, people that live in suits can tell the difference.

 I was thinking something cheap for the junior cooperates like the driver and the abstractor,  and something significantly more lucrative for the head of purchasing and the chief of security. I am not sure how senior a compliance officer is, but cooperate is an extremely hierarchical environment, well get passed the security without questions but do not expect to fool people that are part of this system if you do not understand how a person of your social status behaves. I mean, this couple may not want to sell that place to a bunch of criminal shadowrunners - so they should get the real deal.  So no, not just cooperate suits for all of us, there are suits and there are suits and the small details are important."


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« Reply #131 on: <10-16-16/1107:56> »
"Sorry, no offense intended.

So, Ruth, eh? Is there any background I'm supposed to know? What exactly am I an analyst of? Boat houses?

A suit..? I s'pose a band T-shirt doesn't count as a suit, does it? Am I s'posed to wear one? I'm gonna stay in the car, right?"

Jeez. I might've underestimated that girl. Maybe there's more to her than just tits and Assensing. She sure knows something about dresses... Dammit, real people are out of my league, really.

bnc raises an eyebrow in Anna's direction, reluctant acknowledgment can be read in her facial expression. "You do seem to know your job. 'case I end up needing fancy suits and stuff, um, may I lay the task in your well-manicured hands? I ain't got no basics on that topic."
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #132 on: <10-16-16/1132:10> »
"Let me see, ah yes, Ruth searches the matrix for whatever the corp is interested and evaluates costs and benefits of different solutions.
Yes, ideally you'll stay in the car, but the suit or dress is also for the border patrol. A pack of well suited professionals will gain much less scrutiny than a pack of well suited professionals and a girl in a band T-shirt.
Believe me, a nice suit and a vague smile can let you in more areas than the best sneak suit.

But I'll leave you all in Anna's capable hands for that. Really, this is something I'm very confident you can figure out yourself.

MIke, if you'd be so good as to show them what we've got?"

The ork nodded and beckoned the assembled team over to another crate: "Now, you lot probably want something chic. I know a guy, who does these nice suit-armor combos. Protection, movement range and good looks in one package. Just need you to step into the 3D scanner for measurements. While you wait, you can just browse the catalog and select what you want it to look like."

In effect you'll have to decide either to wear a custom tailored normal suit that looks like anything you want, or you can chose one of the armored ones from R&G up to 3000 Nuyen.

talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #133 on: <10-16-16/1154:01> »
[spoiler]Hey guys.  Massive storm front rolled in, leaving me without power for a couple days.  Sorry for delays, but it seems like Jack had a handle on what role I'd be playing.  Tch, nice one.

Would a Sleeping Tiger/Longcoat combo be enough classy for this op?[/spoiler]

Krestov listened intently, recording all of the exchange for later translation.  Some of the big words were missed on him, and he did his best to keep his face stoic to not show such.  However, at a convenient moment, he gave a smile and slowly lifted his head.

"Setup is ideal.  From what sounding, Anna and Flatline good for talking to, with me there as backup.  From what Krestov understand, corps appreciating displays of protection and security, and troll good showing of that."  he lowered his gaze, folding his hands in front of his mouth.  "Krestov accept this plan.  Ready to assist how am able."


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« Reply #134 on: <10-16-16/1344:30> »
Quote from: bnc
bnc raises an eyebrow in Anna's direction, reluctant acknowledgment can be read in her facial expression. "You do seem to know your job. 'case I end up needing fancy suits and stuff, um, may I lay the task in your well-manicured hands? I ain't got no basics on that topic."

Anna chuckles and extends her hand with satisfaction, "It is so nice of you to notice... I can do your nails as well and I am also good with hair if you like something more business appropriate and less metal band chic. Try it,  it will be fun!... You will be a cooperate princess for a day." Anna says happily.  She can feel the tension in bnc's words but attribute it to nervousness with the mission and the fact that she may need to actually talk nicely to people.

She smiles with satisfaction as the doctor gives her his blessing to cloth the people, this is going to be so much like shopping... only they'll be stuck in that safe house. Still, free clothes are always fun - and owning a second suit is... amazing, as it is going to give Anna more infiltration options. The young mage is eager to choose clothes.

Quote from: Krestov
"Setup is ideal.  From what sounding, Anna and Flatline good for talking to, with me there as backup.  From what Krestov understand, corps appreciating displays of protection and security, and troll good showing of that."  he lowered his gaze, folding his hands in front of his mouth.  "Krestov accept this plan.  Ready to assist how am able."

"Your mare presence makes me feel safe, Mr. King, even if your attention should mainly be given to Dr. Thyme, I know that you will keep an eye for me too." She said and winked at Krestov. Anna tried to familiarize herself with their new SIN names so that she will not accidentally say the wrong name tomorrow.

« Last Edit: <10-16-16/1351:16> by gilga »