Panzerknacker [IC]

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« Reply #45 on: <10-05-16/1600:06> »
W-What? Is she l- serious? Either way, she's at least sharp-tongued. Never draw back.

bnc smiles broadly, yellow-crystal-shaped warmth flowing through her body. She decides to append her reply to her boasting from before: "Take care. You don't know what I can do with a rubber gum and a security pin..."

She turns from Yael, knowing that the impression might sway from "quick with the tongue" to "bantering child" in the blink of an eye. Instead she faces Kite, acknowledging her experience with a nod. "It's great to know people around who know their business. So you'd be our rigger, right? May I ask - without any specifics at this point - what your specialization might be - drones? Planes? Matchbox cars?"

<@team <So? What do you think? We can't delay our answer forever, boys.>>
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #46 on: <10-05-16/1719:46> »
To Krestov's comment he said: "Very astute of you. Yes, this mission is a heist with a certain object for me and a certain amount of riches for you."
Schmitt kept eating his dessert, letting the runners get to know each other before they committed.
When he had finished he only said: "Well? Are you ready for high risk - high reward?"

talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #47 on: <10-05-16/1855:23> »
"I'm in."

Devon still didn't trust himself to speak, and only looked around after he put himself on the line.


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« Reply #48 on: <10-06-16/0648:32> »
Yael said: "I am in if Sprinklers is in"  she clearly meant bnc and was taunting her for the decking boasting. She said that in good spirit and a hint of a smile. The decker girl never introduced herself, so Yael took the liberty of assigning her a nickname. After all even if she did introduce herself she'd just give them a fake name like Slobbertooth, Flatline or Kite. Sprinklers was as good as any and it had a nice sound to it. 
« Last Edit: <10-06-16/0728:07> by gilga »


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« Reply #49 on: <10-06-16/0912:02> »
Kite's eyes flickered back and forth between the other two women as they verbally jousted with one another. She detected tension between the two that she hadn't noticed before, but as they spoke she became confused about what kind of tension it was. She took a spoonful of rich chocolate mousse, poorly timed, as the thin girl chose that moment to turn and ask her a question:

"It's great to know people around who know their business. So you'd be our rigger, right? May I ask - without any specifics at this point - what your specialization might be - drones? Planes? Matchbox cars?"

Taking a moment to swallow, she smiled, making eye contact with the girl. "I am a pilot, above all. But I do it all. I have wheels, I have drones. I'm sure I could get a boat if we needed one."


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« Reply #50 on: <10-06-16/1006:32> »
The troll ate his meal as the banter followed.  It was clear to him he had missed format introductions, but he picked up the details he needed...Yael was a mage and a bit of a sneak, possibly socially as well.  Flatline was a medical mage of some kind.  And Kite served as a rigger.  A full team.  I almost expect a sarcastic comment from Torrent right now

  He gave a little smirk as the large meal was finished before him, his hands pushing the plate away.  Exchanging quick glances with the two faces he did know, he knew what each of their answers were.  Offering a smile, he closed his hands together and rested them on the table, each motion practiced and measured.

"High risk high reward is nature of work, particular with you, da?  Three of us are in."  sitting back in his seat, he concluded his affirmation, waiting to hear more.


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« Reply #51 on: <10-06-16/1047:55> »
Now the objective of this run is in essence a bank robbery. Our target is the Harmond&Sells Private Banking Institute located on Council Island, Seattle.
The name is a bit miss-leading: This institute has the majority of its shares under control of Aztechnologies - albeit through a few straw firms.
It is a very esteemed business, favored by big drug dealers from Azlan, Slaverbarons from Nigeria and a few other high value but illegal businesses.
The bank prides itself for its absolute discretion as well as its impenetrable security.
This has been reaffirmed a month ago with the appointment of Dr. Zola Esteban. This is his retirement present from his mother corp for which he oversaw operations of his elite forces during the Amazon wars. The man is himself an accomplished magician of the Azlan tradition and well known for his ruthless efficiency.

As you might be aware, 20K MUS, the company I was lend to from S-K has been taken over by a subsidiary of Azlan. Thanks to the extraction you managed for me, I was able to preserve a portion of my research from falling into their hands, but some crucial parts vanished. It took me a while to find out who was behind that operation and it's no-one else than Zola himself.
Fittingly Azlan has stashed that missing piece of research my team had been working on for five years inside the H&S vault.

Simply spoken: I want it back.

Essen itself has cleared me for this operation since I do have a successful track record as a "Johnson". This is a make or break point for my career. I do have a small budget to get this operation started, but the real payday is the vault itself. It contains jewelry, artworks, bearer bonds, tons of credsticks as well as gold, silver and refined orichalcum. It's hard to be sure, but the amount of easily convertible assets lies between 5 and 10 million nuyen.

Any questions so far?"

Schmitt looked at them expectantly.
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #52 on: <10-06-16/1159:11> »
"I have a few, but I will wait for a full download before asking them."

Devon had learned to approach runs strategically, his logical mind working the issues like a difficult diagnosis.


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« Reply #53 on: <10-06-16/1335:31> »
Sprinklers? Nice counter, honey. Not as- Wait, what's going on here? Is she playing her f***ing tricks on me? bnc's initial smile fades. A subtle compliment roughly disguised as a semi-professional remark. Inventing a personal nickname, thus creating an artificial proximity that is hard to deny for me without being explicitly rude. All that wrapped up with a hint of humor and a smile. Not bad for a beginner, but while you may be able to seduce low-class men falling for your charms and body but Sprinklers will be a more difficult nut to crack. But this is a game I can play as well.
The smile reappears, this time fake, although it would need a very close observation to identify the falseness of it.

Once Krestov, as a spokesman for the whole party, accepted the run, bnc went back-to-business in an instant.

"Indeed. But like my teammate (she bows to him to acknowledge Devon as such) I wouldn't want to interrupt you before you're finished."
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #54 on: <10-06-16/1355:46> »
Slobbertooth raised his hand.

"Only one so far. Are we expected to fence the nova-hot payday of stolen goods through our own contacts?" His eyes flicked to bnc and Krestov. "That might not be the wisest choice for all of us."
"normal speech"
"under your breath"
" translated foreign language" (Foreign Language)


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« Reply #55 on: <10-06-16/1429:10> »
Yael looked at Sprinklers thinking "If it sticks she'll grow to like it. I mean I wish someone would have given me a cool nickname." She wondered how come Sprinklers can be on one side a professional decker considerably more expirienced than her own - and on the other side - she feels the need to boast about it.
She thinks
"Perhaps she wants to slot me? May explain the crazy eyes before, but not that emotional storm she experienced. With so many emotions, who knows what she really feels about me - she is not indifferent though."
  Actually, Sprinklers had Yael at "I am a decker", as the power to mess up with computers was mysterious and magical to Yael. In fact, anything technical appeared out of reach to the young street rat and Yael had a soft spot for geeks.

She looked at the doctor - she wondered how the fuck are they going to break into a bank and empty its vault.  Perhaps Doctor Shmitt, first blinds us with greed - and then when the details are known, we actually end up doing a very expensive job for bullshit and peanuts. That was some brilliant pitch.  She looked at Slobber and nodded - she wanted to say the same thing exactly.
« Last Edit: <10-06-16/1705:16> by gilga »


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« Reply #56 on: <10-06-16/1437:21> »
Schmitt shook his head: "No offence, but I wouldn't expect you to come up with an art dealer of such high caliber. Fortunately I do know some people in Europe that can take care of that side of the deal quite reliably. Although I'm sure your friend the Sunkid would find someone in Hong Kong to buy your loot. The old fox is quite resourceful.

About the plan:

As you can imagine, I wouldn't undertake such a venture without doing my homework.

The bank might appear invincible: A foundation with 1 m thick plastcrete walls, a time locked, half meter thick titanium steel save door with tungsten hardening, a military grade drone/agent controlling the buildings defenses, an eight-man guard squad on duty at all times with relieve no more than 5 minutes away, one remote decker/rigger as well as a six-pack of watchers ready to alert an Aztech trained mage to send his spirits after magic users. Not to mention that Zola himself likes to work late and at times sleeps in his office, which necessitates that his two bodyguards stay with him. Those are Ramirez Escobar, an Ex-Jaguar/Physical Adept that loves his bladework and Kynos a remorseless mercenary with enough chrome inside him to almost qualify him as a cyber zombie.

But as so often with great security systems the human factor is its greatest flaw: Zola is a perfectionist and a micro-manager. He possesses an override code for the safe's time lock.
It took me some serious foot work, but I managed to get hold of the duty plans for the coming two months. I know which mage is supposed to be on watcher duty, which decker is supposed to be logged in and I am also in possession of detailed floor plans of the building.
I am also in the favorable position to have seven open visa for council island. This is maybe our greatest advantage: Thanks to their obfuscation tricks, the bank is not real AAA territory, therefore its in theory under Salish-Shidhe jurisdiction. This means Zola can't just call KE for help or bring in other specialists at short notice. All permanent off-duty personal is therefore housed in a hotel vis-a-vis the bank. And since they can't carry their heavy artillery with them, they have to equip in the bank's armory before they can do anything.

My preliminary plan is threefold:
1) Gain somehow access to Zola's personal effects and find the override key
2) Find the on-duty mage in his home and make sure that he isn't available for overwatch
3) Find the decker/rigger and likewise disable them from direct interference

With that it's just a matter of gaining access to the building, strolling down into the vault, emptying all lock boxes and leaving Council Island for Seattle."

Schmitt smiled and added: "Of course nothing is ever easy or convenient and there is a lot to be done and figured out before that, but we have about two months to find solutions, before the duty rooster becomes out of date."
« Last Edit: <10-06-16/1720:56> by Jack_Spade »
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #57 on: <10-06-16/1717:43> »
Yael listened carefully to what Shmitt said, it appeared like a well wrriten scene from some movie and she could not comprehend that it is really going to happen. A mediocre student from SU is going to rob a freaking bank with a vault and everything, and then go back to her normal life with an actual trust fund - like most of her schoolmates.

Feeling underwhelmed and not wanting to ruin the illusion she decided to have a Tiramisu. Since she already committed to the job, Yael have also opened her beloved Hermes link. She texted her schoolmate Irene >> 90% we're game for tonight, I am making progress with homework. Kisses.


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« Reply #58 on: <10-07-16/0631:03> »
[spoiler]I assume that bnc is not going to continue the banter while we're talking real stuff but that instead we took a bit of time to get to know each other before we came to the hot stuff (after all, eating a meal would take much more time than we actually roleplayed - which of course we had to skip if we don't want to eat 'til Christmas). Or else, we can assume that they talk after Schmitt left. For simplicity's and speed's sake, however, I'll post both threads of conversation in the same posts, if that's okay for everyone.[/spoiler]


"Name's bnc", Bianca responds dryly. "no capital letters, if you please. And you are...?"

Ah, a SIN at last. Now you're all mine, honey. bnc stores the SIN on her 'link, for later research. I'm gonna dig stuff out you yourself can't recall.


"I assume that you will send us all the data, maps, recordings and schedules you have.

Some questions about the course of action. How important is stealth? May we leave traces? What about resistance. Are we, uhm, limited in the way we deal with them?

Do you know in which form the override key is stored? Is it hardware? Is it stored as a file on a host? Is it split up into two or more parts? What is your source, that is, where do you have the information from, and what else do you know about the key?

What is going to happen if the on-duty mage slash spider fail to arrive? How quick will they be replaced? Who will be informed? What is their plan B for this situation? How early do they have to check in?

And a small remark about the earnings: Did I understand that correctly that our payment is what we steal ourselves first, minus what you want to have plus our advance payment?
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #59 on: <10-07-16/0806:24> »
Schmitt replied:
"Naturally. The full info dump awaits you at your new base of operations.

Stealth is necessary during the preparation, somewhat favorable during the execution and useful but not essential during the exfiltration. I wouldn't recommend leaving traces. Zola isn't known for letting such things slide. If Zola were out of the picture, its not as problematic, although you are still stealing the goods of some very dangerous people. All in all I'd say the cleaner this goes the better.
About casualties: In general I prefer to leave no bodies - especially not of people who are just doing their legal job. Zola and his bodyguards are an other matter - you won't make any friends by killing them, but I certainly wouldn't lose sleep over them being gone.

The override key is most likely a real object with a special RFID transponder. The exact nature I don't know. My source is the person who installed the security system - or rather his files. The key is probably something he constantly wears on his person like a ring or a locket with some kind of button or mechanism to activate the key.

The mage and spider don't have to arrive, they are not leaving their homes. This is meant to increase security. The trick will be to knock them out without drawing attention to the fact that they are out. Both their shifts start at the same time and are 8 hours - enough time to get into the bank and back out again - provided we spoof all requests directed towards them.

Yes, basically I am funding this operation, paying expenses. The payday is contingent on your success to empty the vault. For that I have taken the liberty of creating a base of operations just outside council island. This is a fully stocked living quarter where I'd recommend you spend all your off time during the operation. Operational security begins with no-one outside of this circle even knowing where you are nevermind knowing what you are working on.
Mike will act as our supply guy during that time so you can minimize your contact with the outside world and any lurking enemies. Once we are done, the base will be cleaned out and purged."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex

