Into the Chaos (IC)

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« Reply #210 on: <09-28-16/1628:49> »
Chewing on the thick flavors of oil, grime and stainless steel as he peered into the auras of those around him.  Kynos, in particular, was akin to looking at a blackened festering wound.  So deep and profound was his augmentations that barely little of the elf remained.  And what did remain, was more machine than metahuman.  Flesh and bone unnaturally sculpted into a facsimile of a person.  Not even a heart remained within that chromed hollow.

The others weren't as hard to look at.  Or smell and taste for that matter.  Much of their essence, their soul, was altered by cyberware or bioware alike.  Wheely's aura was dim to behold but still had the sparks of life and fear strong within him.  His augmentations were like what he claimed to be, that of a rigger. 

Simone, both street samurai and field medic.  Her aura wasn't as dark and lifeless as that of Kynos', but still she glowed cold in the Astral.  Powerful emotions lay within her bosom that kept her more animated than the promises of murder.  However, she is one more operation away from turning into a living drone.

Yobu was an enigma.  Even to Maxwell.  The way he burns so bright on the Astral marked him as an awakened adept.  That wasn't the oddity though.  Yobu's body was augmented with subtle cultured bioware that marred naught his essence.  Allowing him to enjoy the benefits of modern science and magic without the two working against one another.  To Maxwell this feat was unheard of until now.  Later, once he has the chance, Maxwell will inquire as to how this marvelous union came to be.

Nothing truly remarkable about Iriss' augmentations.  Typical chrome for a street samurai.  Her mood and demeanor towards Kynos was just as enjoyable on the Astral as it was in meat space.  Kynos' verbal jab at the she-elf's ego left quite the impression on the sniper.  Almost too easy to torment.

While trying to stifle a laugh the chaos mage chimes in with an omen of his own.  "Yeah, he'll only be infuriated instead.  Still, on that note, I full-heartedly support his prudent caution.  Magicians such as myself are keepers of secrets so arcane and pagan.  Diligently I have kept nightmares too bleak for dreams from running loose upon this world.  Please, I implore you to heed our word and work together under this command.  I'd rather not be undone again by another one of my fellow runners.  Or else... I shall put you to my altar and test you under my fiery crucible."
« Last Edit: <09-28-16/2251:45> by Mulcarn »
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« Reply #211 on: <09-28-16/1934:43> »
[Noëmie "Nyx" d'Orville - January 12th, 2076 - Gates Casino, Bellevue, Seattle]

Noëmie is completely free of cyber, bioware or nanites. She is completely unmodified, her aura pure and full of colours, the aura of an Awakened, an Adept. She's in good health, free of injuries or sickness. Wary, cautious, but not fearful. There is a small cloud of worries, but nothing that seem to relate to the current situation.

There is something else though. Her aura is not that of an elf. Or well, it's the aura of an elf, but...more than that too. Nothing Maxwell ever saw.
"Speech" | *Thoughts* | >>Matrix<< | ~Astral~


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« Reply #212 on: <09-28-16/2347:00> »
The delightful aura of Nyx was incredibly delicious and warm.  A stark contrast to the coldness from the other runner's souls.  The Astral swirled about like perfumed colors where she sat.  Maxwell silently gorged himself on the adept's scented aura.  Something was a little off though.  He couldn't quite place his finger on it.  It almost felt as if she weren't truly an elf, but something... more...

His stomach started to gnaw at him in hunger.  Shifting back to meat space, Maxwell gets up and walks to the buffet.  He had learned all he could by assensing the others.  Time to indulge his growing appetite by helping himself to all the restaurant had to offer.  A neatly constructed club sandwich with a side of waffles was going to be his lunch for the day.  In a matter of seconds, Maxwell devours the plate of food and washes it down with a glass of malt liquor.  He pushes the empty plate aside and checks his commlink while the rest of the team still wined and dined.  The message from Athos left him mildly irritated.  No rest for the wicked it seemed.

@Athos - <<On my way back down.  I'll deal with them soon enough.>>

Maxwell pulls out his duffel bag underneath the table and unzips it.  Pulling out his mask and then promptly zipping it back up again.  With the bag slung over his shoulder and mask in hand, he announces to the others.  "Some unwanted guests have arrived looking for me.  I better go deal with them before a SWAT team shows up.  Kynos has my commcode if you need to contact me.  I look forward to working with each of you.  Don't disappoint me.  Good day and pleasant nightmares."  Maxwell leaves them to their devices and makes way for the elevator.  Pressing the button that led to the first floor casino, he puts on his armored mask and waits.

[spoiler]Maybe one of you want to follow him?  Not really required or demanded, just a suggestion if you're bored talking.[/spoiler]
« Last Edit: <10-04-16/2336:24> by Mulcarn »
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« Reply #213 on: <09-29-16/0920:59> »
Wheely stands up shortly after Sovereign "I am moving as well, I don't think I would be much help with the trade anyway so I will leave this up to you. I would like to start doing a first recon of the farm from afar before the sun set."

Using AR to send a message to all of his teammates' commlink not running silent, he adds : "I have just send you my commcode, I will tell you if I find anything that might help with the trade."

Wheely catch up with Sovereign right before the elevator doors close and gets in with only a split-second of hesitation.


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« Reply #214 on: <09-29-16/0947:56> »
Ayato also shares his commcode with everyone.  Than asks Kynos Is he always so melodramatic?
Life is a hideous thing, and from the background behind what we know of it peer daemoniacal hints of truth which make it sometimes a thousandfold more hideous. --H. P. Lovecraft


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« Reply #215 on: <09-29-16/0950:16> »
@Soverign As you go down Athos introduces you to the two cops, they are dressed in expensive suits and you would not recognize them as cops otherwise. They take you to a private room and then introduce themselves "I am officer Gomaz, and my partner is office Gonzales, we are with the magical threats department of Lone Star, Seattle. As a magical practitioner we felt the need to talk to you in person and inform you that there are new restrictive regulations about magic in the public areas of Seattle, namely that is now forbidden in all public spaces of the city, punishable by a year in prison without the need to prove any damage. The only exception is self defense and well - you do not want to go there, the Seattle site manager is the one to decide if it was self defense or not."


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« Reply #216 on: <09-29-16/1031:36> »
Wheely see Sovereign being accosted by the two cops. They don't seems hostile and he would rather not get involved in the magician's private matter, especially if they involve coppers. But well he is part of the team so just in case he garners all informations he can from the cops SIN and commlink (names, jobs, workplaces…).
Matrix Perception. Targets: Gomaz and Gonzales: 9d6t5 1

Also I've just realized that I rolled the previous Perception and Search with LOG instead of INT sorry.


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« Reply #217 on: <09-29-16/1153:28> »
Ayato also shares his commcode with everyone.  Than asks Kynos Is he always so melodramatic?

"You have no idea... But he is competent enough that it's a small price to pay."

Isaint shared bis comm code with the others, before he continued.
"Alright, no time like the present. Gem can you get back to the farm and try to get one of the officials or your friend to talk to Nyx? If not I've got a stealth chip for you for the follow and confront plan."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #218 on: <09-29-16/1248:28> »
The two cops were dressed in the same armored business suits that fixers and corporate-types everywhere love to wear so much.  Probably better than their flashy blue and gold uniforms that would stick out almost as bad as him.  Sitting down before them with a smug grin he fashioned so well, Maxwell replies.  "Is that so?  Well thanks!  I'll keep that in mind next time I grab some soykaf.  A few questions though.  Are there even enough Awakened left in the city to warrant enforcing that law?  Not sure if you noticed but most of us were killed off by rioters and fear-mongers.  Those that weren't lynched in the streets were captured by The Red Queen.  Never to be seen from again.  Also, did your boss only send two G-men to detain the amazing Sovereign?  I feel like I'm slipping lately."
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« Reply #219 on: <09-29-16/1344:42> »
@Maxwell "More than you think Mr. Nagell, and for every time the people see someone like you they go and harass their aspected neighbor that usually cannot do anything worthwhile with magic, most awakened cannot fly and toss spirits around you know. "

Officer Gonzales adds, "To me you are Mr. Nagell, not Hudini, not Merlin and not the amazing Sovereign, keep it civilized. We do not care what kind of troubles you caused the knights and you get a fresh start and a clean crime free legal status in Seattle. Not you, everyone - this was the precondition for LS to get into this mess in the first place. Stay on the right side of the law kid, there are enough magical threats in this city without having to chase rouge mages."

« Last Edit: <09-29-16/1346:42> by gilga »


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« Reply #220 on: <09-29-16/1415:36> »
Leaning back in his chair and already displeased with the officer duo.  "Haven't you heard?  Flying is the safest means of transportation.  Given the current state of Seattle and how everyone is jumping at their own shadows.  Who could blame me for not wanting to subjugate myself to that lunacy?  I'm not exactly killing civilians or citizens here.  Nor am I kidnapping women to plough at Sabbaths come the equinox.  I mean hell, were speaking aren't we without exchanging blows or death threats?  Not civilized enough?"
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« Reply #221 on: <09-29-16/1419:36> »
@Maxwell Gomaz interfere and said "Comeon Rob, he got the memo  - if he continue the magic show we'll just get him the next time." To Maxwell he said "Thank you for your time Mr. Nagell"  The two cops bid you ferewell and leave toward the exist the casino.
« Last Edit: <09-29-16/1421:13> by gilga »


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« Reply #222 on: <09-29-16/1440:59> »
I share my com code as well then repeat my previous question, making sure Gem hears me this time.  Do you know where they enter the sewers?
Speech  Matrix  Sub-vocal  Thoughts

“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll


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« Reply #223 on: <09-29-16/1449:52> »
Waving them off and goodbye, he adds.  "Yeah-yeah-yeah... stay out of trouble you bunk heads."  Maxwell gets up and out of the private room once they left.  He sees Wheely in the casino lobby fiddling with his commlink in AR.  Edging up to him, Maxwell asks.  "Been following me or merely bored planning?"
« Last Edit: <10-04-16/2339:36> by Mulcarn »
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« Reply #224 on: <09-29-16/1451:04> »
Gem said "They have a sewer access right next to their container, sorry... I got distracted. So What do you want me to do? I can bring Nyx to the container and I sure Bricks will droll all over her... I mean look at her.... but he cannot sell her pixies. " To Kynos she sad "We'll need many more stealth tags there are 10 of them and I do not know how they decide who goes every day."

« Last Edit: <09-29-16/1452:36> by gilga »

