Greetings All,
Deacon45, excellent assessment of DragonCon.
If I could add a few details.
1 - I had an awesome time as week. I only play once a year and DCON is it for me and my gang of misfit runners. We look forward to it each year and usually buy out an entire table for our sessions.
2 - I agree that the GMs are phenomenally skilled. I use my last adventure with Matt (which we bombed at the very end...oops) as the perfect example. Matt did the adventure cold (GM dropout) and ran the adventure without ever referencing a book, just the module. Meanwhile, Zac was coordinating all the adventures, keeping the time hack, and quoting supplemental rules to help the GMs while resting on a table (eyes closed). I WISH I had that much control over just my own character. Each of the GMs has their own style but they are all tons of fun. The players are also friendly and helpful. 2Bags is the strangest mage yet and Radio give a hell of an Scottish accent (if that is what it was). Not bad for a local!
3 - Catalyst usually attends but this is the first year they opted out and so near game time. I was extremely disappointed but GENCON drift towards DCON is apparently having an impact. I did manage to still get Echo's signed Tarot Deck Art Pack but only because she was in the dealer room. SCORE!!! This probably impacted SR gear since most dealers ASSUMED that angle was covered and they brought other stuff. Voice your concerns for a sustained presence next year!!!!!!!
4 - I totally agree that Catalyst sends out regular waves of disdain for Shadowrun and DCON. I have been with SR since 1st edition so something seems amiss now and for a while too. The writers jump on the forums, the freelancers field questions, and the conversation is open. But some books make my head hurt and errata comes slow (even though the forums are stuffed with 'suggestions'). Adventures come out on PDF but hardcopy is glacial. It might be all games or just SR. Anyone get that feeling on Battletech?
In closing, mega thanks to super GMs Matt, Zac, Mac, Andrew, and Guy. You guys need to get a life cause you know Shadowrun TOO well.
You are the lifeblood of DCON Shadowrun. Hopefully, Catalyst sees your goodness and rewards you somehow.
Special thanks to Andrew for suffering his first module as a GM with us. Rotten luck for him!
OK...I'm done for now.