Search features?

  • 1 Replies


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  • Ace Runner
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  • Posts: 1976
  • SR1 player, SR5 GM@FtF & player@PbP
« on: <06-07-16/1557:21> »
Is there any chance of getting a software update that will have a more robust search function?  On similar boards elsewhere I’ve seen the ability to zoom in on a particular board (rather than the whole site), indicate a date range to search within, having a field to include the name of a certain poster, and indicate if I want to see particular posts, or just the threads that contain the posts.

I.E. being able to indicate that I’m looking for threads in the rules board that have posts by Waakshani in the last six months containing the word “drone.”  Instead of just searching for ‘drone’ and hoping to get lucky.


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  • Chummer
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  • Posts: 137
« Reply #1 on: <06-07-16/1723:34> »
Is there any chance of getting a software update that will have a more robust search function?  On similar boards elsewhere I’ve seen the ability to zoom in on a particular board (rather than the whole site), indicate a date range to search within, having a field to include the name of a certain poster, and indicate if I want to see particular posts, or just the threads that contain the posts.

I.E. being able to indicate that I’m looking for threads in the rules board that have posts by Waakshani in the last six months containing the word “drone.”  Instead of just searching for ‘drone’ and hoping to get lucky.

Once you hit the Search option in the Home / Help / Search / ....  menu, you go to a basic Search screen. At the bottom of that screen is a simple hyperlink titled "Advanced Search" that takes you to a search page with more options. They're not all that you want, but they do offer a bit more options.

