White Hats [Wetwork, Inc. IC]

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« Reply #30 on: <05-09-16/1754:43> »
Perception (Visual) w/wireless on vision enhancement: 10d6t5 2 [10d6t5=1, 5, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 4, 1, 6]
Jupp, you sneaked up on him. Well done

Kynos' instinctiv reaction was to draw his handgun and aim it at the newcomers face before he realized it was his chummer: "Careful, the surgeon general warns against startling me.
Ok, here's what Fenris learned so far..."

After a quick summary Kynos, stopped Hawkeye from departing immediately: "Wait a second, I need you to watch my back for a moment."
Kynos got up and relieved himself against a pile of rubble. That done, he pulled out a Nutribar and a flask of water.
"Puh, that was a really long wait. Give me a signal when you are in position and send Fenris back. I'm itching for action."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex

Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #31 on: <05-09-16/1920:43> »
Even knowing that the shooter was on her way, Fenris almost jumped when she tapped his shoulder and grinned at her from his hideout. "You'd make a good wolf, Hawkeye" he mouthed silently, and winked before subvocalizing so Kynos could hear him while Hawkeye read his lips. "Will stay here until a few hours before dawn, then see if I can get eyes inside second floor." He moved over to give the sniper the better viewing angle, and settled in for the wait.

After several hours observing the building, checking for patrol patterns, external security devices, and the general comings and goings of the ruined store, Fenris decided it was time to move. The dark of night was still on his side, and his Elven eyes were well suited for this kind of approach. He gently laid his hand on Hawkeye's shoulder and gave her a few hand signals indicating that he would make his approach on the target building by circling around and making a north-eastern approach. He then mouthed for her to cover the east and west approaches if he proceeded behind the building on the north face. When she nodded in understanding and went back to watching the building from her vantage point, he carefully slipped out into the hallway after checking it was clear and made his way down to ground level the same way he'd entered.

He tapped his micro-transceiver twice to ensure everyone knew he was moving out, and once again when he'd reached the edge of the urban wasteland north-east of his target. Even in the dark his keen eyes could make out the fire escape, and he slowly approached it from cover to get a better look. The moonlight reflecting off a lens caught his eye and he froze in mid-step. "Security camera above fire escape" he subvocalized on the team channel before he moved closer and took a good look at the fire escape. "Fire escape is no good. Trying north wall."

Backtracking slowly to avoid making his presence known to whomever might be watching the camera feed, Fenris slipped into the shadows like a ghost and moved north where he paused for a short while to rearrange his gecko tape kit into it's normal configuration. The old building seemed miraculously well preserved, and he paused for a second before attempting the climb.
« Last Edit: <05-09-16/1925:57> by Herr Brackhaus »


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« Reply #32 on: <05-09-16/1956:40> »
The sun had just about sunk below the horizon now, it wouldn't be much longer for Robin to get to the target site. With the Pepper-Punch grenades for Kynos finally in hand he could finally get over to the mission site. "Man its so nice to have a smuggler for a friend." Robin mused. A brief smile came to his face as he remembered all the times that their friendship had been a boon for the both of them. During his little jaunt down memory lane Robin almost missed the turn off to get to the target site. Hardball road was one thing but, the chopper wasn't exactly made for traveling over rocky terrain so it was slow going.

"Ugh...recon, seems fun, until you get to sit in a bush for hours on end." Its not that Robin really disliked doing site reconnaissance, he just he was about as stealthy as a bear at times. He would much rather find a way to con his way in or some other way to gain intel, however this probably wasn't one of those situations. "Oh well guess it comes with the job, can't always have something exciting going on. Probably shouldn't complain too much, jobs work out with these guys and we get paid. Hard to argue with that."

Soon he was close enough that he could make it on foot with little effort. Stashing his bike nearby and ensuring his gear was wireless off or running silent Robin made for Kynos' position. Sometimes trying to pay close attention to something so you don't miss things can have the unfortunate side effect of making you miss rather obvious things like the re-bar sticking out of a small pile of rubble. As Robin carefully tried to make his approach, he suddenly realized his leg was caught on something. Its at this moment a split second before he hit the ground that he realized he as completely screwed and there wasn't anything he could do about it except make the best of it. With a quiet grunt Robin laid on the ground briefly for a moment to gather himself, shaking his head as he gets up to dust himself off. "God, why am I about as stealthy as a truck, but I guess thats the trade off." He was far enough away from the target building that it was unlikely anyone would have noticed him, but Kynos would probably have seen him for sure.

Upon reaching Kynos' position, he gestures in the dark to Kynos with his hand holding a small box. Handing over the Pepper-Punch Grenades, Robin sends out a message to the team. <<Whats going on, anything at all or about what you would expect>>

After being filled in by Kynos, Robin sits back for a moment and reaches with his out with his feelings to astrally perceive the building. Taking in what ever details he could, and looking for anything that may indicate something out of the ordinary or something that he should be worried about.


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« Reply #33 on: <05-09-16/2040:34> »

As Fenris circles around to the back side of the department store (careful to stay out of view of the camera he spotted on the western wall), he sees the uneven ground and the back door he recognizes from the surveillance. This entrance is the only actual door to be found on the exterior. The main entrance was presumably on the now-destroyed southern and eastern walls; this was just a back door that had long ago lost its "door." Now just a hollow door frame, Fenris could see a tile floor inside, covered with gravel and rubble. It led further into the shadowy interior of the department store ruin, and he could see metahuman forms moving further inside.


The black void of the astral overwhelms your senses as your gaze slips from the physical world. You of course can't see through the walls of the department store and into the second story, but with the southern and eastern walls destroyed it's pretty trivial for you to get line of sight to the huddled mass of squatters inside. Their combined auras coalesce into one giant, confusing, swirling bloom of lights. It's tough to pick out individuals from this distance, but the overall palette is one of desperation and fear. Pretty much what you'd expect from squatters in Redmond, to be honest. What's strange are the few pinpoints of hopeful yellow and intensely curious orange-pink scattered throughout.

After studying the mass of auras for a while, Robin is able to confirm that there about two dozen metahumans in there. Mostly trolls and orks, with the odd human thrown in. They're in varying levels of health, with some very ill, others perfectly healthy, and plenty in between. Over time, he detects two auras that stand out from the rest of the group; these ones are sizzling with a nervous maroon energy, the kind Robin has over the years learned to associate with braggadocio, or people acting tough when they don't really feel all that tough. These two weird, slightly paranoid-feeling auras are the only two with any discernible 'ware; one toward the very back of the building seems to have some light headware, probably cybereyes. The other, standing at the forefront, appears to have cybereyes too, along with some light internal 'ware on his kidneys, where one would expect a nephritic screen or toxin extractor to be.

Noticeably, Robin doesn't spot any lurking spirits, wards, or other obvious astral security.
« Last Edit: <05-09-16/2054:07> by Bewilderbeast »


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« Reply #34 on: <05-09-16/2149:08> »
Once she confirms that Fenris is aware of the current situation, Hawkeye prepares to set up shop in the room. Carefully dragging a table over to the window, she lays her briefcase down and quietly pops it open, revealing the disassembled Crockett. Taking her time she puts the pieces of the gun back together and lays it on the table. Placing her backpack on the floor, she reaches in and pulls out her motion detector and thermal camera, setting one on each corner of the table by her facing the doorway behind her, eventually followed by the spare clips for the rifle. Gear prepped, she extends cables from the jacks behind her ears, plugging one into each of sensors as well as her gun. Her careful preparation complete, she settles down in the chair and prepares to wait, scanning for any noteworthy change in the scene in front of her, waiting for the rest of her team to approach the building.


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« Reply #35 on: <05-09-16/2234:52> »
Fenris edges his way down the northern wall and begins to climb the northwestern corner with his gecko-tape gloves. After hauling himself a few feet up the side of the wall, he suddenly grabs a handhold he shouldn't have. A blackened chunk of plasticrete, gradually weathered over the years of alternate frost and blazing sun, is finally ready to give. It crumbles in Fenris' grasp, hurtling about ten feet down to the ground below. It lands in a pile of discarded ceramic tiles, making an almost cartoonish crash.

It's loud and Fenris nearly loses his balance, but he manages to continue to cling tot he wall. No harm no foul, right? Surely no one inside heard that through the thick plasticrete walls... no one except the young female ork from the Johnson's surveillance, who happened to pick exactly that moment for a cigarette break. Her attention is instantly drawn to the sound of crashing masonry, and her gaze instantly snaps toward Fenris' climbing form, clinging to the northern wall. For a moment she just observes, silently, her synthcig dangling limply from her tusked lips in astonishment. "Hey!" she eventually shouts, having finally processed the situation. Her features contort into a mask of panic and fury as she fumbles for her weapon, the Browning Ultra Power attached to her hip. The synthcig falls to the dusty ground as she assumes a firing stance, utterly forgotten.

[spoiler]Everybody roll initiative!
Initiative Roll: 1d6 1 The Red Wormz Guard has an Initiative of 7; if yours is higher, feel to post your actions too.[/spoiler].


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« Reply #36 on: <05-10-16/0315:31> »
Kynos had - with a thankfull nod - accepted the gas grenades and already topped of the internal magazine of his Ares Alpha. He wasn't a crack shot with the launcher, but than again with grenades you usually didn't need to be.
Now that it was dark he had followed Fenris' movements with his gaze, right up to the point where he fucked up. His rifle was up at his shoulder even before the noise had died down and so he was prepared when the guard noticed his chummer and prepared to make a perforated wall ornament out of him.
There wasn't really any decision making going on in his brain. Enemy gun equals enemy must die.
To late he noticed how the stiffness of sitting around mostly motionless all day had crept up on him. His aim was slightly off, but at least sufficient enough to hit the sluggish guard.

Ini 23
Simple Action: Aim w/Smartgun and Vision enhancement
AGI 7 + Skill 8 (Assaultrifle) + Smartlink 2 + Aim 1 - Medium Range 1 = 17 dice
Shoot w/aim APDS: 17d6t5 2[17d6t5=3, 4, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 2, 1, 5, 1, 4, 3, 4, 5, 3, 1]
So DV 13 AP -6[/spoiler]
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #37 on: <05-10-16/1328:47> »
Fenris lunged at the ganger girl, who raised her meaty forearm in an instinctive block. Her lips curling into a tusky snarl, she moved to cross-draw her gun. She was able to clear it from the holster, but wasn’t quick enough to get a shot off before Kynos’ bullet tore into her shoulder. He’d slightly missed her center mass, and the armored vest she was wearing displaced some of the blow, but blood still streamed from her left shoulder as she suddenly found herself on her back, gasping in pain in the dust and dirt.

“Outside, northside! Outside, northside,” she yelled in an almost sing-song chant, almost like a particularly macho Urban Brawl cheerleader. Then, with a pretty impressive force of will, she managed to find her feet. Hauling herself up with her left arm dangling limply at her side, she tried to dart back into the cover of the ruins. This time, however, Fenris was ready for her. His fingers flashed with cobra-like alacrity, jabbing her with expert precision in the neck. It was too much for the injured ork, and her eyes rolled back in her head as she fell twitching to the ground, paralyzed but alive. The Browning she’d managed to wrestle from her hip clattered to the ground as she fell.


Standing Up: Body 7 + Willpower 3 - Wounds 3: 7d6t5 4


Quickdraw Attempt: Agility 4 + Reaction 3 - Wounds 3: 4d6t5 2


Blocking Interception Attack: Intuition 3 + Reaction 3 - Wounds 3: 3d6t5 0


Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #38 on: <05-10-16/1411:49> »
Fenris watched in fascination as the chunk fell from the wall, and groaned when the ganger spotted him so easily. He reacted instinctively and pushed off the wall with all his might, and took off at a dead run as soon as his feet touched the ground, grimacing at the irony of his own movements making almost no sound.

As he prepared to strike the ork along one of the central nerve clusters he shuddered at a sudden premonition of danger, and his precise strike was turned away at the last second by the rank amateur in front of him. Suddenly, her shoulder erupted as a high velocity round pierced her armored vest and sent her tumbling, and Fenris barely had time to thank Wolf that Kynos had been watching from his vantage point.

The adept was even more surprised when the ork got to her feet, but when she foolishly tried to move past him he snarled with a ferocity that would have made Wolf himself proud and struck at the base of her skull, grinning as she tumbled to the ground. Without a moments hesitation he ran for the closest ruin and silently surrendered to the shadows, watching for pursuers.


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« Reply #39 on: <05-10-16/1434:17> »
Kynos was already moving after he saw Fenris finish his target. That was after all the second rule of sniping: Change position or get bullets back. On the team frequency he said: "What now, assault or abort?"
The slight purr in his voice made clear which option he'd prefer.
Minimizing his profile, he ghosted to the next cover about 50 m away.

[spoiler]Stealth: 12d6t5 4[/spoiler]
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex

Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #40 on: <05-10-16/1458:17> »
Fenris heard Kynos' voice over comms, but was too busy running and then catching his breath to respond. After he'd made it into cover and was watching the building he took a deep breath and softly spoke back. "Observe, let's see what they do; all they know right now is that a single individual tried to climb their roof. If you see the target then take the shot, of course." The last part of his message was said with a deep, throaty growl of a laugh, half humorous and all serious.


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« Reply #41 on: <05-10-16/1521:30> »
As the darkness of the void slowly faded away and was replaced by the darkness of the physical realm, Robin had gained about as much intel as he could unless he wanted to walk right into the lions den. Which didn't seem like a completely bad idea to him, however it would put him a huge disadvantage if things went south. He was just about to send an update to the team when in the distance from the direction of Kynos' position he heard small arms fire. A single shot rang out through the night, echoing off in the distance. "Shit...I really hope they didn't get spotted." He took a moment to send a message for the benefit of Hawkeye, who was in the dark on what was happening. <<Hawkeye, Shot fired, direction of Kynos POS.>> Robin was about to take off running when he noticed out of the corner of his eye a small Fox, with an almost predatory grin on its face, eyes glimmering with excitement, no sooner had Robin glanced in its direction had it vanished into nothing. Robin could feel the mentor spirits excitement at the idea of the boring recon concluding. Robin could feel the smile creep across his face now too.

Robin concentrated for a moment, "My old friend, the time has come, grant me you cunning, the time for action is here at last." He could suddenly feel the arcane power flow through him as his reflexes increased, the spells power poured over him, he didn't even feel his life energy being sapped from casting the spell, a gift from Fox(Chaos). All he could feel is his reflexes heightening as he was infused with other worldly power.

With that done Robin took off running, he opted to go around the tenement building not wanting to get caught in the open on the street in front of the target building, heading in the direction of Kynos' last known position.
« Last Edit: <05-10-16/1838:10> by Blueclaws »


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« Reply #42 on: <05-11-16/0526:12> »
Kynos realized that his other two chummers either didn't use a transceiver or hadn't gotten the full picture, so he clarified:
"Team from Kynos: Just to be clear: I just shot at a guard that wanted to do the same to Fenris. I think Fenris took her down. At the moment it looks like we'll just wait if there is any reaction coming from within the building. If it stays quiet we can start our assault.

Fenris, what did you learn about the building? Can we climb to the roof to gain access? The falling wall piece seems to indicate that a back door would likely be safer to use.
In any case I'm in favor of going on the offensive. A distraction outside while we get in from the other side. Hawkeye makes sure the target doesn't flee and disables any vehicles getting out, while we make our way to the safe room or whatever lair that troll has created for himself."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #43 on: <05-11-16/1317:23> »
As Hawkeye watches the slow nighttime movements of the trashed out supermarket across from her she notices a sudden change in activity among the squatters. Triggering the MT she calmly reports, "It looks like the squatters are waking up for some reason. Lots of movement towards the north side where Fenris is. No obvious targets as of yet. No action on the upper floor."


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« Reply #44 on: <05-11-16/1751:11> »
Robin had no sooner started running when his comm buzzed, he quickly glanced at it, feeling slightly foolish for thinking that Fenris and Kynos would need immediate assistance. He slowed down as he neared the south east corner of the tenement building, taking cover near a pile of rubble. "Damnit, I hope no one that matters saw me from that department store. Even if they did, hopefully they just think I'm some no name trying to take cover in this tenement building. That much commotion is probably going to draw some unwanted attention..."

Collecting his thoughts he sends out a message to the team. <<Thanks Kynos. I would vote to go on the offensive however, I just want to point out that we are still missing Hernandez. On another note, I got a look at the group on the bottom floor, I am guessing one of the hopeful auras I was able to detect was the guard you shot, there probably is at least one more on the bottom floor still. I may be able to get you on the roof if I have a chance to get around to have line of site with that side of the building.">>

