[5e IC] Call of Fate [2076 Game Thread]

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« Reply #285 on: <03-09-16/0947:18> »
"Thanks for the invitation. We are honored to meet you again." He looked around for their erstwhile escort: "I had hoped to meet Frisk again. I hope she is in good health... Anyway, I am glad to see that you haven't abandoned your mission Below." He cleared his throat
"I can't say I am surprised that you know about our arrival, but it would be nice to know how far the knowledge of our return has spread already. And before you say something about the obviousness of the whole affair - yes we are aware of that. This masquerade isn't primarily for Below but for the Underplex where we are actually headed.
So our main question would be - are you willing to help us once again to cross Below?
Our other motivation to return here are our missing comrades. As you know, shortly after you picked us up a few of our number became lost, but we were not able to search for them as we had taken responsibility for a family. Now we want to help those we can bring back or at least get closure for those we can't."

talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #286 on: <03-09-16/1013:01> »
The harlequin nods at ISaint's statement and implied question.  "We are indeed prepared to give you escort through the Market to your goal.  Frisk will be part of that escort.  Can you provide me with the names of those companions you seek information on and where you saw them last?  That would help us."
« Last Edit: <03-09-16/1839:50> by Mercy Merchant »
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« Reply #287 on: <03-10-16/0150:48> »
Please sit.  We are preparing a meal and can eat and talk.  It is understood that you are on a mission of some urgency and we will not keep you longer than necessary.

Deckard simply grinned all teeth out. Well at least they kept their overworld hospitality! He sat down and waited for the food to be served.
Rick Deckard - Circles of Fate
Kachina - Shaking the Shadows


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« Reply #288 on: <03-10-16/0348:15> »
"That is good to hear. But first may I introduce the new members of our team: This is Robyn our amazing cellist. This gentleman over there is called Half-Pint while this handsome fellow tends to listen up when someone says Rick.
Jackhammer and Al won't need any additional introduction.

On our previous team we had a Native American human called Smiley, an elven Mage with the handle Hallucination and a human drone rigger named Nitro. We were told that a woman called Mel was possessed by Shedim and subsequently disposed by you.

Can you confirm this?"

Isaint inquired.
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #289 on: <03-10-16/1302:28> »
Deckard gave a nod after his introduction but interjected:
I actually go by Deckard, unless you too are like Angel Saints who speak with Gods, in this case you can call me Rick, or whatever else of your choosing really.. don't want to upset any Patrons or anything, you know.... though the handsome part was pretty accurate
« Last Edit: <03-10-16/1326:34> by obidancer »
Rick Deckard - Circles of Fate
Kachina - Shaking the Shadows

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #290 on: <03-10-16/1453:01> »
Some bowls of a good stew are brought to the table and served to everyone, along with a light wine.  The harlequin takes a few bites before responding again to ISaint.  "Knowing that much, it should come as no surprise to you that we have an interest in your progress.  The loss of your companions as you walked below was noted and we spent some effort to locate them in case you returned.  You are informed correctly about your companion named Mel.  She did succumb to the Shedim in the catacombs, becoming one of them and worse.  Killing her was a blessing to both the person she had been and to those she was now a threat to.  Your companions Smiley and Hallucination were not strong enough to make it across the Shallows and were lost inside.  Early on, we saw their spirits flowing there but that horrible place will rip a soul to shreds within days if it is not protected by a body or great sorcery, and those two have been in there far too long.  Your friend Solo proved an unsuitable candidate for experimentation by House Laesal due to his dual faceted mind and he was released and escorted to the surface.  Nitro had some sort of relationship with your former guide, Goodnight.  He went off with her and her sister, Victoria.  All three have departed for somewhere unknown."

"Does this satisfy your need for information?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #291 on: <03-10-16/1517:53> »
Deckard have always spent his life surrounded by Runners. His dad was one, his mom was one, and it was no surprise the Deckard knew a lot about the shadow community. He had heard of the Amerindian naming himself Smiley. The man had worked most of his career in the UCAS before, just like him, making his way to London.
It always sadden the chaos mage to hear of the demise of fellow Awakens. And apparently Hallucination was a Mage too...

Well, it doesn't sound too good to be a Mage when hanging around you guys...

« Last Edit: <03-10-16/1520:58> by obidancer »
Rick Deckard - Circles of Fate
Kachina - Shaking the Shadows

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #292 on: <03-10-16/1542:11> »
The harlequin nods at Deckard.  "So it would seem.  And one might ask of the survival rate of the trix wizards and riggers that they have associated with.  Believe me when I say that we have looked at this phenomenon and believe it to be pure coincidence.  If you believe in coincidence."

He takes a bit of stew and turn to face the woman in the group.  "Robyn.  Cello.  Yes.  Well, Miss Lysander, your secret is safe with us.  I have listened to your playing in the Overworld and am greatly impressed.  Even more now that I have heard you playing music clearly not originally intended for the cello.  You may remove the mask if you wish to eat.
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« Reply #293 on: <03-11-16/1630:50> »
"Hm, somewhat. I'd have hoped for better news. Just goes to show...
Well yes, we did have a relatively high attrition rate with our mages, but mainly because over 50% of us where magically active. Combine that with an unstable magical environment... I just wish I could do something for them."

Isaint took the accompanying cup and raised it for a toast:
"To absent friends and chummers."

talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #294 on: <03-11-16/1802:08> »
"Amen ta that, kemo sabe," muttered Al, drinking deeply.

He still couldn't believe he was back down here - and Alyce lived down here part of the time?

He'd come for two reasons - find his co-workers, and back Isaint and Jackhammer. It was mostly bad news on the former, but that was now one box ticked.

So from here on out it was just his mates - both old and new. He didn't care about the dingus, and he didn't care about Tristan and isolde. He'd back his co-workers as long as he had to, and stay in this freakshow not a moment longer.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #295 on: <03-11-16/1952:02> »
Robyn removes her mask and nods at ISaint as she raises her own cup.  "To absent friends and chummers.."  She sips her wine and asks, "You crossed the Shallows?  And the Catacombs?  And Goodnight was your guide?  I wonder why she took you there?  I don't want to second-guess her, and perhaps there was no better route from where you started, but those places are very dangerous, even for people who live down here, and are not often entered."

Robyn raises her bowl and says, "Many thanks to the cooks.  This is very good."  Lowering her bowl, she looks expectantly between ISaint and the Harlequin Master, waiting to see if there is more for them to talk about.  She feels the troupe has more to say, but is waiting to have the right questions asked.
« Last Edit: <03-11-16/1955:58> by Mercy Merchant »
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« Reply #296 on: <03-14-16/2234:08> »
Jackhammer briefly considers that the soup might be poisoned, or worse, but then remembers that he's with what passes for good company in these parts. He mostly ignores the conversation, focusing on the food. Having eaten nothing but cheap delivery for a few weeks, it really seemed to fill a void. He paused, wondering if that was something else a shrink would have something to say about. He again conjured the mental image of punching a puny elven psychotherapologist, and for a moment the corner of his mouth twisted into something like a smile. He returned to his soup, looking at Al and Isaint 's expressions to confirm that he'd heard the news correctly. It was actually better than he'd figured, so he didn't let it eat him up. He'd already dealt with all that in the ring. He flexed his hand, looking down at his knuckles and remembering how the Troll's face felt for the knock-out blow. It actually really hurt. "This's good. Do you have more?" he asks, wiping some errant liquid from his chin with his sleeve.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #297 on: <03-14-16/2258:08> »
Almost before Jackhammer can finish the sentence, there is a second bowl of the soup in front of him and the first is whisked away.  Some fresh bread in baguette style is placed on the table in reach of those eating.  The Harlequins at the table seem content to let the team ask questions for a bit, then the Master looks about before focusing on ISaint, who seems to be the nominal leader of the group.  "Do you have any ideas for what you might need when you finish your primary mission?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #298 on: <03-15-16/0842:20> »
[Sunday July 5th, 2076; Harlequin’s Lair off Nightside Market, London Below]
Your meal is interrupted by the two laughing clowns who enter flanking a man, at least you think it’s a man, your eyes seem to slide past him.  He takes blandness to the point of ridiculousness and your senses want to refute his presence.  Even a glance into the other plane reveals very little information on the shadowy figure.
His voice is as soft and insignificant as the rest of him but the words grab your attention
“The Storyteller sent me with information on your task…” and he holds out a standard data chip for one of you to take…
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #299 on: <03-15-16/1144:01> »
Isaint took the chip and tacitly handed it over to Robyn.
"Thanks for the delivery."

Isaint turned to their host: "Yeah actually. We'll need a neutral, defensible place where we can conduct a wedding.
I don't know which authorities down here are capable of overseeing something like this - I'm guessing there will be no minister or padre involved."

When he received the data from Robyn he added:
"Oh and it seems the wedding night probably won't result in any tangible proof for a consummation. Oh well, might as well get a bio-technician involved if they need to produce offspring that unites the houses."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex

