[SDS IC] Tri Tri Again

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« Reply #15 on: <11-10-15/0655:11> »
As I headed south the rain lightened to become more like heavy moisture in the air than actual rain and the traffic remained free flowing, perhaps actually helped by the number of KE patrol cars I passed for a change. The day seemed to be looking up when a thought finally filtered through my brain. I knew the name Palace of China and not just from the message this morning. Some of my former colleagues from the Organised Crime Unit had mentioned it in passing as being associated with one of the Triads, though I couldn't remember which. Not that it meant anything, I was sure any Ms Johnson worthy of the name could get a private room there, but at least my brain wasn't letting me walk into something completely blind.

My destination was obvious to me from at least a block away. The Tang dynasty style building dominating the landscape of the surrounding area. From my swift research earlier I knew that there was no access to the parking lot for private individuals, it was valet parking or pre-screened chauffeurs only. Thumbing the biometric lock I'd installed on the glove compartment I dropped my Colt in, immediately feeling like a 2 year old who's security blanket had been taken away, as I brought the car to a halt at the entrance hoping that the engine would not choose this moment for it's first ever backfire.

Opening the door I was greeted by a slender female of obvious Chinese descent dressed in a modern interpretation of what I assumed was Tang dynasty style costume with the restaurants name woven subtly into the fabric over the left breast. "Do you have a reservation Sir?" I didn't have to see her face as the sneer could be heard in her voice.

"I'm with the 12 o'clock Johnson party"

The change in demeanour was palpable as the valet responded, Of course Sir. If you ask for Mr Chien he will see to it that you make your reservation. I will ensure your vehicle is cleaned and ready for you upon departure."

Heading towards the doors it's impossible to miss the two Chinese gentleman positioned either side of the entrance, each seemingly carved from stone and each looking like he could bench press me using a single hand without breaking a sweat. No wonder this place had such rave reviews, I wouldn't want to be the one to complain about the quality of my food, and if anything the security rating should have been bumped up a couple of notches.

The interior screamed money and sophistication even louder than the exterior, and that had rated at least 150 on the decibel scale as I'd driven up to it. I just hope I remember what goes where if this little get together includes a meal. Turning to the coat check on the left I dropped my fedora and greatcoat off. Before I could begin to ask for Mr Chien  a voice behind me broke the silence. "Welcome to the Palace of China. I am Mr Chien. If you would like to follow Golden Lilly she will escort you to where you party is waiting." Turning I see a distinguished middle aged gentleman and a beautiful young woman.

"Please Sir, if you would, several of your party have already arrived." The young woman's voice had just enough of an accent to remain alluring and exotic whilst ensuring that every word could be understood. A guy could get used to this far too damn quickly jumped through my frontal lobes as I responded.

"Of course, please lead on. It wouldn't do to keep them waiting."

"Thank you," her voice then took on a more conspiratorial tone that was tinged with amusement, "though you need not fret. You're not the last to arrive."

With that she headed up the stairs and enjoying the view I followed. Turning to the right she soon stops before an ornate door, knocks softly and gestures for me to enter. Taking a deep breath and receiving an A OK back from the mental diagnostic my brain was running I stepped through into the room. My eyes were immediately drawn to the four different, but beautiful, woman within before finally taking in the two males already in the room. So much for A OK. Come on brain, get with the program. If I had to guess the elegant Chinese lady who exuded confidence and control would be Ms Johnson, the young woman against the wall would be an employee of the establishment and the remaining two potential companions on whatever business we were soon to discuss. Of the two men in the room I would put money on the caucasian being ex-military but I couldn't tell much about the Asian other than  I didn't think he was Chinese in ethnicity.

[spoiler]Memory Test - Palace of China: 8d6t5 2[/spoiler]
´Wonderful´, the Flatline said,´I never did like to do anything simple when I could do it ass-backwards.´ - William Gibson, Neuromancer
“Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes.” - William Gibson

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #16 on: <11-10-15/1001:06> »
Tanya looks around at the soft sound of the door opening yet again.  Another tall man enters the room and Tanya evaluates the newcomer.  Not military, but authority nevertheless.  Something.............familiar about the face.  Her mind begins searching the vaults of information in her mind. even as she nods to him.  Now only one seat remains unfilled and Tanya's internal chrono tells her he is flirting with being late, and Ni Ni does not like that, especially in business meetings.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #17 on: <11-10-15/1207:33> »
As I enter the room one of the two caucasian women turns and acknowledges my presence with a brief nod. I return the nod maintaining eye contact. Disconcertingly there was perhaps the briefest flash of recognition in her eyes and yet I knew she wasn't familiar to me, after all it would be difficult to forget someone like her.

Was that damn photo of me carrying the injured elven female from the warehouse going to come back to haunt me? At least they hadn't actually named me in the piece that was written about the botched rescue 6 months ago.

I hoped this wouldn't mean trouble, though on reflection all of the recent trouble in my life had taken a female form. Well there are always worse forms for trouble to take, let's just hope this one isn't too bad.
´Wonderful´, the Flatline said,´I never did like to do anything simple when I could do it ass-backwards.´ - William Gibson, Neuromancer
“Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes.” - William Gibson

Jayde Moon

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« Reply #18 on: <11-10-15/1221:49> »
@ Early Bird

<<Somesuch [Early Bird] Wiz. Who am I lookin for?>>

<<Early Bird [Somesuch] Drek!  My bad, omae.  Party of Johnson, hope this don't make you late, that won't be good...>>

[Monday, 207506031152L]

@ All

The Chinese woman is all business, though on the friendly side for now.  You take her dress to be... probably Zoe and fresh off the racks.  There is little about her fashion that is 'Chinese.'  After taking a moment to greet Tanya and acknowledge the newcomers entering, she checks her watch.

"We await another, he is not late but as you have made an extra effort to be punctual we shall go ahead and place orders for lunch," she turns to the employee in the room and rattles off a few words in Chinese and the woman bows low to her.  Comeliness are pinged with a request to except an ARO from the restaurant, which reveal intricately decorated AR menus.

The fare eschews offerings of 'Orange Chicken' and instead opts for higher standards of Chinese cuisine.  Each item is listed in both Chinese and English with very clear descriptions of what to expect from the dish, as well as ratings for the level of heat.

"Order what ever it is you wish, pay no mind to expense, I will be insulted if I feel you are not indulging yourselves as you please."
That's just like... your opinion, man.


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« Reply #19 on: <11-10-15/1343:34> »
Taking one of the spare seats at the table I reflect that for a job that would require my talents it was an unusually large group being assembled. This certainly piqued my interest, though not as much as the menu now in front of me. A quick glance showed that none of the dishes I usually ordered from Lucky House on 5th were listed. It was looking like I was going to have to take the time to read what was on offer and then order enough to satisfy Ms Johnson that I was not insulting her whilst not appearing to be either greedy or wasteful. Ah, the joys of the mealtime meet The one dish that definitely caught my eye was the freshly prepared spinach noodles though I had no idea yet what to choose to accompany them.
´Wonderful´, the Flatline said,´I never did like to do anything simple when I could do it ass-backwards.´ - William Gibson, Neuromancer
“Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes.” - William Gibson


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« Reply #20 on: <11-10-15/1358:41> »
Seeing the group staring off into space in that telltale manner, Calico turns and smiles at Baozhai, inviting her to come offer assistance, prompting the Chinese woman to approach. "Could you bring me a physical menu?" Calico asks with a vaguely apologetic smile. "I don't use AR." she explained, wrinkling her nose. "Gives me a headache."

As Baozhai hurries off to retrieve the menu, Calico leans over to Tanya. "I love Ni Ni's dress… is that Zoe?  I LOVE her stuff.  Actually, I've had my eye on a particular Zoe garment for a while now.  Maybe when this is all over you can use your…" Calico flicked her eyes about meaningfully to indicate their current surroundings, "extensive contacts to help me get my hands on it."  She grinned impishly at Tanya as Baozhai quietly returned, handing her the requested menu.

"Thank you very much, Baozhai."  she said as she took the menu, maintaining eye contact with the Chinese woman, her face expressing the genuineness of her gratitude.
« Last Edit: <11-10-15/1401:56> by trv123 »
"Speech" *Thought* <Text> ~Astral~


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« Reply #21 on: <11-10-15/1717:50> »
Kumiho looks over the AR menu and using his AR gloves touches upon the items he wants to order, Fèng zhuǎ, luo han zhai, and Xiao Long Bao with green tea. After he selects each item he swypes them off the virtual menu - sending them directly to the waitress' commlink. Oh, the miracles of the digital age; where ICONs take the place of words and all confusion is erased.

When he looks up and sees the small redhead ordering of a material menu -  he is baffled by her open Technophobia, but then again by her dress Maybe she is awaken.
« Last Edit: <11-10-15/1720:04> by skulldixon »
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>
Text and thought


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« Reply #22 on: <11-10-15/1807:21> »
Whilst scrolling through the menu on my commlink screen I notice the young redhead in the skin tight suit asking for a physical menu. This one certainly wasn't backward about coming forward. She could just as easily downloaded the menu to her commlink as I had, but instead made a show of asking for the physical menu. She definitely wanted people to notice her and the way she was dressed just screamed look at me. If I had to bet right now I'd be putting money on her being awakened in some way. Of course she could be a total mundane like myself or even a technomancer pretending they couldn't see the ARO menu but something about her, perhaps the almost supernatural perfection, just made me feel she fit the awakened shaped hole in the puzzle box that was the group sat round the table.

Her interactions with the woman in the silk dress who had first acknowledged me upon my arrival suggested a familiarity that went beyond that of meeting today indicating that at least two of the assembled group had some prior history together.

Finally deciding upon my order I select a combination of steamed and fried stuffed dumplings to start followed by the fresh spinach noodles topped with a spicy beef and vegetable stew with a side of pickled garlic. Some sparkling water would do me where the beverage was concerned. I wasn't even going to attempt to pronounce the Chinese names in my head let alone out loud.

Clicking my selections on the screen I hit the send button and settled back in my chair to watch the rest of those gathered around the table. So far I was pretty sure that I'd pegged the muscle and the magic but wasn't sure on the other two. Odds were at least one of them would be the matrix but I couldn't be sure which. Neither of the other two males had given any indication of prior history with anyone, but there was still time for that to change and as Ms Johnson had indicated we were still awaiting one more to join our intimate little gathering.

Lunch and the conversation should certainly be interesting and I was was still waiting to appreciate the irony that Madame Butterfly had promised me.
´Wonderful´, the Flatline said,´I never did like to do anything simple when I could do it ass-backwards.´ - William Gibson, Neuromancer
“Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes.” - William Gibson


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« Reply #23 on: <11-10-15/2038:22> »
"Johnson party, please?

The assortment of attendees leads the tall, skinny elf in the nice suit through the massive and sprawling compound, eventually leading him to the room where the he supposed this meet was to take place. Inside, he finds a group of people, already ordering lunch, all of whom look up at him at once. Without missing a beat, he quickly walks over to the table where the rest of the party is seated. Eugene takes off his shades and nods his head quickly, but politely at the group before sitting down in the last empty seat. He takes only a moment to look over the other runners assembled here. Don't recognize any of these hoops. That can go both ways. Without looking at the menu, he turns to the waitress, indicating toward the Chinese woman in the nice dress with his hand. "I'll have whatever the lady is having, thank you." Only after the waitress has gone does he address the rest of the table.

"Earlybird. Nice to meetcha." with a wink and a smile. "D'I miss anything?"
« Last Edit: <11-11-15/0126:42> by Poindexter »
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #24 on: <11-10-15/2203:12> »
"Early ... bird? You sure about that?" Calico asks, grinning up at the new arrival. "You sure it's not, like, LastManToArrive ... Hawk? Or something?" Her smiling face holds no angst or irritation, even as she continues to pile on. "Well pull up a seat Mr. Earlybird!  We just ordered a big 'ol platter of Irony cakes, just for you."
« Last Edit: <11-10-15/2204:57> by trv123 »
"Speech" *Thought* <Text> ~Astral~


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« Reply #25 on: <11-10-15/2235:50> »
"Early ... bird? You sure about that?" Calico asks, grinning up at the new arrival. "You sure it's not, like, LastManToArrive ... Hawk? Or something?" Her smiling face holds no angst or irritation, even as she continues to pile on. "Well pull up a seat Mr. Earlybird!  We just ordered a big 'ol platter of Irony cakes, just for you."

The smile hasn't left his face, but it's a bit frozen now. A bit 'camera-ready.' A bit fake. Eugene listens with one eyebrow slightly raised until the irony cakes finish off the joke, rolls his eyes briefly, and inhales to speak. "I hear the chef here is fantastic." Turning his head to face one of the other members of the group and turning the real smile back on. "Imports real crab. Farm raised."

Chump. Can't wait to hear how funny she is while I'm pulling a bullet out of her.
« Last Edit: <11-11-15/0054:05> by Poindexter »
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>

Señor T

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« Reply #26 on: <11-10-15/2347:17> »
Man, this AR drek is fancy, Cal thought. Looking through the menu hovering in space before him, Cal places an order for something spicy that has steak in it. And hell, some of those baos and dumplings. Might as well live now if I might die later.

He dismissed the menu and looked around, noting the jibes being thrown at this Early Bird guy and the woman who gets a headache from AR. This sure as drek ain't gonna be like working with the boys, he thought. Then again, won't be boring either.
Thought   "Speech"   <<Matrix>>   Astral

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #27 on: <11-11-15/0007:20> »
Tanya examines the latest arrival with interest.  She has no preconceived notions about working with Keebs, but very limited experience.  She nods and smiles at him before looking back at the table.  Her mind is still sorting through images and links in her memory.  She does not have to go back too far.  Six months.  Keeb girl kidnapped.  Someone important to the Tir Princes.  A miscommunication led to some friendly fire casualties.  Lots of finger pointing.  Then there it is..........a pic of a man carrying the Keeb girl from the disaster.  Hmmm.  No name, but the caption implied that he was FBI.  She looks back up at the man and smiles.

She listens to Ni Ni with a smile and accepts the ARO ping for the menu, but has no need to look at it.  Knowing exactly what she wants, she places her order in Chinese then sends the menu away.  Turning to Calico, Tanya says, Calico, dear, do you need some help?  I can recommend anything from section 3 of the menu if you are not used to spicy cuisine.  If you are, then go ahead and order anything that looks good.  Just be warned that they are not exaggerating the heat level."

She turns to the newest arrival, "Yes.  Earlybird, right?  I am Tanya Marisart.  Nice to meet you.  And you are correct; the chefs here are fantastic.  The food is real and much of it is imported in.  Easily my favorite place to eat for this type of food."
« Last Edit: <11-11-15/0032:23> by Mercy Merchant »
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #28 on: <11-11-15/0134:34> »
"Yes.  Earlybird, right?  I am Tanya-"

"Marisart! Wiz.!" he thoughtlessly interrupts her, smiling. "Thought I recognized you. Not many gloks use their real names... so... You the house or are you the help?" Eugene has always had a way of blurting things out and not waiting his turn to talk, a fact that despite his natural good looks and quick wit, has a tendency to make people dislike him. The fact that his face defaults to an expression exactly halfway between "let's fuck" and "punch me as hard as you can if you're not a coward" doesn't help matters.
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #29 on: <11-11-15/0144:30> »
Tanya smiles, "No.  I am just part of the help, I am afraid.  I have been here a few times to eat, though."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>