Jialong Data Haven

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« Reply #60 on: <11-24-15/1602:49> »
Returning from the mission, a little tired from being out of his element, Wyt went to his hotel room. As he arrived, he opened a carbonated beverage, and a white styrofoam box. Within the box lied some imitation Chinese food, and chopsticks. Wyt began to ponder. he began to think about the weakness he displayed in front of that terrifying creature. something assassins use on a daily basis, they use it to weaken enemy forces, they use it to detect strong enemies, but generally fear ties with the assassin’s instinct. It hits before you turn the corner, letting you know that on the other side of this wall is a true threat. However, this time his instincts were dulled, maybe even "water logged." nothing told him there was a threat, nothing warned him that something truly horrid was on the other side. Wyt thinks to himself "what if I was caught by that creature, what if it knew I was coming and was waiting for me, would I have died?"

Never a dull moment in the assassin trade, you come to expect your life is always a coin toss away; however, this was different, true fear, true death, an end to a philosophical cycle of end to life. Trained not to care for another's life but with no direction or sentiment towards your own...the way of an assassin. You are never taught except maybe through experience what you should feel towards your own life. Should you not care whether you live or die, in exchange for annulment of emotion, to make the job easier on the psyche. Wyt has never needed to think about these things, his life has never been in immediate threat, even if it ever comes to a time in which his life is threatened he can "always run" thought Wyt. This creature said "I WILL HAVE YOUR BODY!!" and Wyt was filled with dread, fear, so he ran, "fuck that" he thought.

sprinting down the stairs passed his teammates, worried as he truly believed he had run into something he could not defeat, his instincts told him so. However, after hiding, catching his breath, he hears his teammate, that hot elf, yell at him, to man up. the sounds conflicted, between her attempt at a military style encouragement, and the sound of mental struggle as wet debated the pros and cons of fighting that creature. he looked over the edge of the object he hid behind to watch his allies fire bullets upon bullets into this creature. it didn't go down for a while, it wanted a body and was more than apt at taking them. Wyt watched as the monster was battling his teammates, he stopped looking for a moment to gather his composure and help his team. he told himself, "on the count of 5, I'm going, IM NOT THIS WEAK, I CAN DO THIS!!!" by the time he got to the number 5, he turned readied his weapon and stood up, positioning himself to jump towards the creature.

As soon as he stood there he saw quite an epic moment, as the creature threw all its weight, and bullet hole ridden body towards the dwarf named Jan. the dwarf moved closer towards the creature, a very fine move, and placed his gun into the mouth of the creature, pulling the trigger as nothing but scattered brain remained. The creature didn't stop moving, the hot elf shot some kind of bolt of energy towards the creature, it finally stopped, it stood there, said something with its headless body and fell to the ground lifeless. a feeling of relief washed over Wyt, as he told himself, "I need to steel myself, I must conquer fear today, or it will haunt me. His teammates debated on whether to steal shit from the boat and blow it up, or just leave and blow it up. No one mentioned Wyt fleeing for his life, this encouraged a type of feeling in his chest, as he wondered if this is what it means to have friends.

He watched them grab some drugs from the boat, though he didn't grab any himself, and once everyone got back on the original boat, he watched as he used his remote trigger to blow the boat up. He stared into the fire that coursed and flared on the open water, and captured the image into his eyes, burned it into his mind, as he remembers this day to the best of his ability, as a milestone to the path he has embarked. Whenever he becomes afraid he will remember this day, as the day he met true fear, experienced it, and learned from it.

Wyt slips on some more comfortable clothes, as he recalls his day, and his memories from earlier, he cuts the TV on, watches some action series about a troll who can't die, due to an immortality curse given by a dragon. he eats his food, drinks his beverage, and sleeps, a little more peaceful. As his eyes close he reminds himself to meditate in the morning, and reflect on his actions, his judgment, and to learn a way to deal with fear. He remembers an instance where the hot elf teammate whispers her name, he wonders whether it was because she is starting to trust the team, next time he sees her, he will say her name, and see what her reaction is. he then begins to sleep, but not before another thought hits him, he tells himself "maybe the elder will know a good way to deal with fear." as he drifts into a slumber and rest his body and mind.

Ps: Watched some "Vorbrak the immortal" today, one of the coolest scenes in the episode as he meditates while his house is being burned down, as he searches the astral plane for a spirit who knows some information on Gina (you know who she is if you watch the show). I heard this guy used to be a shadow runner before he was an actor, here is a picture of the scene.
« Last Edit: <11-24-15/1606:11> by Wyt »


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« Reply #61 on: <11-24-15/2006:04> »
<ooc> Jiao your character unfortunately does not know what hospital the patient was taken to and it was over 2 weeks ago in game time. If you're interested in finding out what a Tempo addict looks like on Tempo you could do some digging around the club scene in Hong Kong to find out which venues see a lot of Tempo users attending and then astrally scout those locations when they have a good crowd in attendance. <ooc>

Jan Schaefer

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« Reply #62 on: <11-24-15/2029:33> »
Jan nods approvingly at the Tsingtao.  "Almost good enough German to be.  A proper Lager."  He's happy to finally not be drinking thin Chinese beer or bitter, hoppy Seattle brews.

"I think I am the hung of Honk Konk getting.  Hang?  Hung?  Hangen?"   He sips.  It almost seems odd that he doesn't have a mustache or beard; so many dwarves do, and you have an unconscious expectation of seeing foam on a hairy dwarven face after a pull of beer.  "But in Germany it was cleaner.  Yes, you have your toxic spirits from the northwest and the SOX.  But if something was trying to kill you in Germany it usually had blood pumping in it, and it would pause if you a part of it off shot!

"Smuggling drugs is not me new.  Capturing enemy scouts and agents, also not me new.  OK, boats, that is new.  But we were prepared and equipped and trained.  Proper.  But these shedim geisten?  What kind for an enemy is this?"  He shakes his head and frowns at his lager.  "Dead, dirty, and they care not.  Not one tiny bit.  Shoot them and they keep coming.  And talking.  Scares the shit out of me too, truthfully.  I know not why I alzo not running have.  Were?  Haffen?  Gott, these verbs in English, so difficult."

He sighs heavily.  "But, I am getting the hang of them too, I think.  So?  Next piece of business- the drugs.  If we them to sell going are, and to who.  I, I think that we should them thru the Red Dragons sell.  They equip us with very nice ammunition, very expensive, but it makes such difference.  Truthfully you need such here, to shoot through all the dirty armored spirits."
« Last Edit: <11-24-15/2033:37> by Jan Schaefer »


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« Reply #63 on: <11-24-15/2057:21> »
<ooc> nice run recap wyt! +1 karma. Also +1 to resist fear from shedim for your pc's meditation and reflection on the nature of fear. <ooc>


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« Reply #64 on: <11-24-15/2349:55> »
<ooc> Jiao your character unfortunately does not know what hospital the patient was taken to and it was over 2 weeks ago in game time. If you're interested in finding out what a Tempo addict looks like on Tempo you could do some digging around the club scene in Hong Kong to find out which venues see a lot of Tempo users attending and then astrally scout those locations when they have a good crowd in attendance. <ooc>

After attempting to scout a nearby hospital for 15 minutes without finding the girl Jiao felt downtrodden and went back and looked at the notes. The date stood out in her mind. Two weeks?!?! She threw the paper as far as she could in frustration.

"Damn it!!! " She screamed out in frustration at the world. Soon after Jan comes into her tacnet suggesting to sell it to the Red Orchid. Laughing she has to restrain herself from sarcastically chiding him and waits for a moment and gently replies to the English impaired runner.

"Jan...Selling it is good. However we don't want to reveal to our employer we took on additional money otherwise it could get back to the Black Crysanthenum. Always assume you are being watched. Because you probably are. Instead charitable "donations" in exchange for money with dealers or corps is for the best. I know a few people we can unload it on. And I will keep about half of my stash as leverage."

In doing so Jiao hid half of her stash in a safe in her apartment. She definitely didn't want word getting out that some of the Orchid is available else the Black Chrysantenum may think we pawned the boat instead of destroying it.

That left the small problem of how to help young girls taking Turbo. Sex is a good weapon when used on the willing. On the catatonic it is a crime against nature. Knowing that new drugs hit the club scene and most everyone deserves a night off Jiao wondered if she could convince her runner buddies to go with her to scope out the nearby scene. Then maybe as she danced around she could save some girls from their Turbo'd selves or Shade or whatever is happening to these people.

Over the tacnet she sent out a group commique: "Free drinks at the Miankong tonight for those who want to party off this run. I'm buying! " <ooc: Miankong is a translation of the word Faces in English. In Sacramento it is a gay bar but in this world I figure it would be a come as you are upscale ish (upper middle class or just middle class) establishment. You would want to be in clothes you can move in but still feel handsome or beautiful in.> </ooc>

Jiao figured if she was working on her day off, nigh on close to free body guards in her favorite haunt can't hurt.

Jan Schaefer

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« Reply #65 on: <11-25-15/0125:14> »
"Thank you, Ping, for your two invitations.  I would be very happy with you to sell the drugs.  In my past I am always the drugs to a seller moving, not selling them my self.  But for the drinks, well, not tonight I think.  It has one hell from a day been."


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« Reply #66 on: <11-25-15/0513:15> »
Wyt wakes to a com link message, he sighs a bit, then realizes its been a while since he last went out and enjoyed himself. he replies back to jiao, using her real name instead of ping, with a "sure ill come, send me the address."


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« Reply #67 on: <11-25-15/1136:21> »
<ooc> +1 karma to Jan for his run recap. Jan, Jiao and Cabbie have about $1k of Red Orchid each in small baggies. Just let me know how much of it you want to fence/ sell. Jiao I got you from your comments above. I'll post updated character sheets today.

I like the idea of the bar Jiao, I'll add it as a location to Hong Kong as you describe it above, nice. I'll post in a bit re: the visit to the club <ooc>


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« Reply #68 on: <11-25-15/1331:04> »
Miankong is a translation of the word Faces in English. As the hub of Hong Kongs gay party scene and currently very trendy it attracts a wide range of the younger party set; equal parts hardcore partiers, hedonistas and slumming corp-rats.

Located downtown in a recycled Uncle Ho's Mighty Chicken storefront it looks like an abandoned fast-food restaurant to the casual oberver. The long lines of party-people that gather out front after dark gives away it's current use, that and the 50,000 watts of thumping base that accosts all passers-by within 50 yards.
« Last Edit: <11-26-15/1040:31> by adzling »


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« Reply #69 on: <11-26-15/1233:20> »
//trash/recovered// From: Trina
Subject: TempOMG!
I tried it last night! Sally and her boyfriend took me to a club in Tarislar where they knew a guy moving the stuff. I think his name was Biggs, or Biggie, or Smalls; something like that. Anyway, I have tried a lot of shit and this is better than all of it. You’ve got no idea. It’s brilliant. What is taking you so long to try it? I’m heading back out to the Daisy Chain tonight. That dealer said he’d be there around midnight, just when the party starts taking off. There’s a lot of poseurs who hang out around that area but it’s worth it to get your hands on “flipside.” You wanna go with?—T. //upload misc intercept batch_260471 :: user Riser

SEATTLE, UCAS: Jania Shields, beat reporter for the NSI, was found dead in her home early this evening. Best known for her 2069 expose’ on the Or’Zet rock culture, Shields was seen as a cutting edge journalist willing to take every risk to get her story. It is unknown what story she was working on at the time of her death, but sources close to the Intelligencer indicate that it had something to do with the much talked about drug, flipside. Lone Star has promised an investigation into her death. She is survived by her mother and sister.

<ooc> the above posts were recovered by Cabbie via a matrix search. It's also a few weeks out of date and refers to activity in Seattle, the Olaya Cartel's stop before Hong Kong <ooc>
« Last Edit: <11-26-15/1237:21> by adzling »

Jan Schaefer

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« Reply #70 on: <11-26-15/1517:48> »
Checking Jan's room one last time to see if you can persuade him to join you at the club, you see an interesting scene when he opens the door.  Jan's commlink, lying on the coffee table, shows a large picture of Jan!  Younger, leaner, and more upbeat as he grins at the camera.  You shoot Jan an inquiring look and he flushes and stammers.  "No, it is not me.  You think I am some kind of Narcissus?  It is my brother, Rudi.  See that gun he is carrying?  It is the same so mine, at least before all the modifications.  We were so proud when we got those guns.  We joined a Kurdish militia fighting the bugs in Constantinople, I think in 2055.  Proud days. Come in, come in, sit," he says, offering you a chair.  You can see that he feels the need to unburden himself, so you take a chair and accept a refreshment. 

"We were born, twinnings, in Westphalia.  Not a friendly place for Dwarves to be.  Our catholischer mother, we are lucky.  Most women would after being raped by a soldier abortion have."  He continues in a rush, possibly choking down a quick emotion.  It's rare that you see his stoic mask slip, and you lean forward with interest.  "Our mother she did the best that she to do could.  But it was impossible to get us SINs, her husband left her almost as soon as she got back from her deployment in Poland.  You would think war heroes and veterans would well treated be; Germany barely held up against Russia in that war.  But she had metahumans born, and no one cared if it her fault had been.  So, she could only get base jobs," (he says "yobs", but you restrain yourself from correcting him) "and no social support, not even from the church as soon as we born were been.  We grew up punks.  We learned to sneak and steal, and we were very good at it.   Joining a militia was a big step up, our first positions of trust and responsibility!  She was with us very proud.  So proud we were too.  Our last day as a happy family to be."

He pauses you and looks to see if you are interested.  "So, I ramble on, and you want toward the club, dance going.  This can wait I suppose."  He waits to see if you express interest in hearing more. 
« Last Edit: <11-26-15/1556:54> by Jan Schaefer »


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« Reply #71 on: <11-26-15/1617:30> »
When Wyt was brought in to the other branch clan with his brother, he was placed into a room similar to the bottom of a well. The brick was wet and slimy from algae and moss, the floor was cold and damp, there was a ceiling but it was tall and long and hard to see the top as there was no light in this room. The clan called this room, the veil; it was specifically designed to make meditation, astral projection, and astral perception easier to use, as long as you were calm in the room. The clan members use it to contract spirits, and obtain their mentor spirits, which is an ancient tradition held by the clan. Every clan member must have a mentor spirit, and once the mentor has decided it cannot be of any more help to the disciple it is free. Typically, if you die in the clan of natural causes, your spirit is tethered to the material plane so you can become a mentor spirit to the next children who take your place in the clan. They called the room “the well of beginnings” but was is merely a magical lodge with rituals to augment magical abilities and astral projecting.

Since the unforeseen instances that occurred to the clan, many prominent assassins were killed and not tethered or bound. As such there were less mentor spirits and even less children to teach. When Wyt was brought into the branch clan, they told him there was no mentor left tied to the clan, so he would have to search for his own as they tossed him in the room. Wyt meditated for 3 days until he saw in the astral plane, a man, a spirit clad in an orange armor with a glowing blue blade. The man slashed at a spirit tree as leaves began to fall the man sheathed his sword and the leaves broke apart and withered away almost as if they were slashed into dust. The man noticed Wyt's presence and flew towards him. Wyt a child who had lost everything thought his life was over as this man placed a blue sword towards his throat.

“Who are you boy?” asked the spirit, his sword began to pulse with a bluish glow, his armor seemed to expand, almost as if the man himself was flexing his muscles in preparation to attack.

“my name is Shiro, and I am looking for a mentor…”

the man speaks in an almost Japanese-British accent, “a mentor you say, a master, someone who can train you?! Ho ho! I like the sound of that!”

“I don’t mind being your mentor, but you must pass a test, one that my master imposed on me…You must first cut a single leaf from a tree, this one will do fine, use this knife.”

The boy called Shiro who will later be known as Wyt, paused for a moment and attempted to slash the leaves that fell from the tree. Every slash he made, a leaf would fly around, uncut. Shiro looked at the tree and the leaves on the ground and thought for a moment.

“hahahaha, this brings back memories of when I had to take this test, hah took me a whole week to figure out how to…” the man stared astonished at the boy as his words were cut short upon notice of the child completing the test.

Shiro took the knife and placed it on one of the leaves on the ground and made a cut on it. He looked up at the man in the orange armor and asked him this was the answer.

“yes…that is the answer to the test, your supposed to understand that like the way of the blade, forms and techniques are useful but however you get the end result is what is important. There is honor in battle, but in a true fight one where your life hangs on the balance, where your opponent needs to die, as long as your blade finds its way into your enemy then you will win. The sword techniques I will teach you are not to win fights, or beat an enemy, they are for killing, can you accept that?” spoke the man in orange armor, as he sheathed his bluish blade.

Shiro shook his head, in agreement. The man placed his hand on Shiro’s head and bonded himself to Shiro. “my name is Oron the amber knight, I will teach you how to foresee your enemies, and use your instincts to always make the best decision. Once you have mastered the basics of the sword, you will learn the ways of divination. With this combination you will never lose a fight as you will have the ability to kill and the ability to foresee your opponents moves.”

Shiro emerged from the well of beginnings 3 days later, and the clan officially accepted him as one of their own. It was this day that Shiro obtained his mentor spirit, and started his path to learning his sword techniques, as well as the day he started his assassin training. Oron the name of Shiro's master, or as Shiro calls him, “the elder” since Oron sounds like an old man.


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« Reply #72 on: <11-27-15/1332:55> »
<ooc> nice post!


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« Reply #73 on: <11-29-15/1353:38> »
<ooc: Sorry for the wait guys. Had turkey day stuff. />

Quickly Jiao smiles and forwards over the address to the two of them. She also sends a brief thanks to the Samurai who used her real name. At this point she is in so deep her name they could have probably found out anyway.

"Please meet me on the outside of the line next to the bouncer. I will have bright red hair and an awesome dress. Yall will be my party pushers just for the to seconds to get you inside so you don't have to wait. Oh and please conceal your toys. If a bouncer sees them or has reason to suspect you have weapons then it might be harder to explain."

True to her word Jiao had on her familiar Armante dress with the plunging neckline revealing her cannons she brings to very speech fight. Interestingly enough Jiao left Nancy (her crossbow) at home. With her she had her regular lipstick and laced lipstick (with Narcojet) and enough makeup to make a pig pass a charisma check. Carrying her clutch she looked at the long line of people.

Why don't they see how the game is played?

Zoning out for a moment Jiao smiled and thought about how close she was to helping out a tripped out youngster from their potential drug habit that could kill them.

Jan Schaefer

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« Reply #74 on: <11-30-15/0100:17> »
<ooc if you want to put your character in a position to hear more from Jan, or blow him off from his sob story, reply to the message 3 posts or so back.   This will be a brief interlude on your way to the club.   He probably won't come to the club, but then again, maybe an interested listener could persuade him, or at least offer a rain check.  ooc>

