Bliss, Blessings and a Piece of Hell [IC]

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« Reply #510 on: <07-15-16/0551:15> »
"No, not yet. Who do you think you are talking to? By now, all I have is the word of someone who abducted me, threatened me to have a huge, scarred troll rape me and then leave me here to die. I have no guarantees you won't kill me safe your words, I have no reason to trust you either.

Here's what I suggest, and if what you say is true, you have every reason to join in this. You allow me to talk to my partner, and send him my geodata. If you are at least a bit professional, you will have chosen a safe distance. There is no way he can interfere until I have told you all I know - or, in case I should refuse, to kill me in a painful way. On the other hand, if I am willing to cooperate, he can find and take me from here, thus ensuring that he won't be punished for a crime you committed, and my survival.
Of course, this still leaves you the opportunity to just kill me off. I have to trust you in this regard that you have no intention of leaving corpses behind. The difference for me is, that in one case you have to put active effort in ensuring my live, whereas in the other case you have to put active effort into killing me. This might not be a big difference for you, but it is one for me, to be sure.

On these grounds, I will tell you everything I know. If you refuse this, I have to assume that my only choice is to die anyway, and as a half-Japanese, I would rather die in honour than as a traitor."

Ihre Stimme zittert leicht, auch wenn sie sich Mühe gibt, das zu verbergen. Sie kämpft um ihr Leben, scheint aber auch entschlossen zu sein.
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #511 on: <07-16-16/0719:50> »
Sobald Manisha "...send him my geodata " vorgeschlagen hatte, teilte Scarcrow seinen Kollegen seine Bedenken mit.

"Too much of a risk, her lover must stay blamed.
Mark, can ya redirect her call to you and impersonate Jeremy? "

speech   thought      "matrix talk"   <<message>>    whisper   foreign language


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« Reply #512 on: <07-18-16/1357:21> »
"I can do the first. I can't do the latter."
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #513 on: <07-19-16/1508:07> »
"No. Your friend would most likely try to contact the police to search for you. That would inevitably alert your employer. In response they'd most certainly change or upgrade their security. That would make all this an exercise in futility.

You don't exactly lose anything by trusting my word. For the rest of the world you are already dead.
We will attempt to breach the temple with or without your help. The better your help, the better are your chances to be found and come out of this alive. Resisting won't gain you anything, nor will it help your friend. The only thing you'll achieve is that we might have to kill or injure guards and co-workers of you, or that we might be killed or incapacitated, making it impossible for us to free you. And make no mistake: We are the only ones with the ability to free you and it will stay that way.

The only thing I can offer you is a cyanide pill if you want an assurance that you won't have to starve to death.

And now we have wasted enough time. If you don't want to help us, so be it. We will leave. With luck we'll make it without your detailed information and with further luck we'll be in the mood to free you. You are an intelligent woman. I don't think I'll have to make this any clearer."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #514 on: <07-20-16/1003:01> »
"No, you don't. Judging by the impressive show of complete amateurism and your absolute unwillingness to turn this into anything else than it obviously is, I am already dead. At least I will not die a traitor.
From your answer, I can deduce only two things.
First, that you are morons. Why and how should the temple people be informed by the police? They are an illegal body themselves.
Second, that you don't care whether there's one more body, one more innocent soul in your path, if it's only slightly inconvenient to you.
I have nothing more to say, except that I would indeed accept the pill you were offering, in case you were not just mocking me."
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #515 on: <07-20-16/1119:41> »
"You are kidding right? The first thing the police will do is ask about your workplace and contact whoever you are connected with. The police here might not be the best equipped or the sharpest knives in the drawer, but basic procedure after a wealthy woman vanishes will include looking for your coworkers. If you work for such an incompetent illegal organisation that they wouldn't pick up on that, we probably won't have any trouble anyway.

And no, as I said, the bodies lie on your conscience. You alone have the ability to prevent them. We do what we have to do. We prefer to not kill anyone. But I probably won't cry myself to sleep about a bunch of people who mind rape children and turn them into murderers. 

But suit yourself. Time to give the police that anonymous tipp, that your friend was seen carrying a body into the parking garage."

Cinder drehte sich um den Raum zu verlassen.
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #516 on: <07-22-16/0538:22> »
"Who the hell hires brutes like you at all? Are you just saying that you kidnapped me without even the slightest clue who I am working for? In case you again did not get what I am saying, here's for you:"
Sie sagt in einer sehr langsamen, jede Silbe betonenden Stimme: "I - am - not - working - for - those - temple - freaks."
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #517 on: <07-22-16/0547:37> »
"Yeah, yeah, your company is just leasing the premises and using their resources. Same difference from our perspective."
Cinder zuckte mit den Schultern und setzte seinen Weg fort.
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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  • Omae
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« Reply #518 on: <07-23-16/0419:40> »

"So you ain't dying a traitor, huh?"
Scarcrow zuckte mit seinen breiten Schulten.
"Fine. We can find someone else who will."
Er drehte sich um und schickte sich ebenfalls an, den Raum zu verlassen.
"I'll say hi to Jerry for ya."

"Let's give her a moment to get used to dying.
Mark, anything interesting in her com? 'bout the arrival of her Japanese chummers for example."
speech   thought      "matrix talk"   <<message>>    whisper   foreign language


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« Reply #519 on: <07-23-16/0540:13> »
Manishas Miene ist steinern - furchtsam, aber entschlossen. Jedenfalls noch. Sie schweigt eisern.

"Yeah, and more than that, chummers. I not only got all those Faruke contacts - including the dwarf's - there's also some business related stuff. I guess I got some time to figure out what is what but it looks a lot like meetings, expenses, ooh, and there's also a lot of message traffic. Hardly anything temple-related, though. But I guess you got some important info anyway.
Ah, speaking of "anyway": I could, if you say please in a very, very polite manner, weave this Cloak of Presence I used on you earlier ... on both of you. I guess this might help to quench the info out of this bi... business woman."
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #520 on: <07-25-16/0521:28> »
"Great. Any planned visits?
Let's leave her brooding for some minutes and look through the information."
speech   thought      "matrix talk"   <<message>>    whisper   foreign language


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« Reply #521 on: <07-27-16/0304:07> »
"Oh, that might have come in handy before.
Thank god we can have a second chance. I meant it to be a bluff, but now I am inclined to do exactly what I told her to do. Therefore we could use drug to make her forget this conversation and repeat the whole thing - now with the information we already have. Should be interesting how she reacts the second time round.
What do you say?"
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #522 on: <07-29-16/0519:55> »
"Sounds like a plan, we loose nothing if we try that."
speech   thought      "matrix talk"   <<message>>    whisper   foreign language


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« Reply #523 on: <08-11-16/1815:00> »
Damn, sorry, dass ich hier so lange weg war. Irgendwie hab ich mit dem Ferienbeginn und dem Ende von Sins of the Fathers das Forum mental ausgeklammert und völlig auf den Threat vergessen! Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa!

Wollt ihr Manisha jetzt die Droge verabreichen und das Verhör nochmal neu anstarten?
Nochmal sorry für meine Nachlässigkeit als Meister. In Bezug auf Spannung und Dramatik im Forum kann ich echt noch einiges von dir lernen, Jack. Ich bin mir schmerzlich bewusst, wieviel zäher und träger Bliss, Blessings ist als die von dir gemeisterten Runs. Anerkennung an diesem Punkt. Bin ab jetzt wieder regelmäßig hier! Versprochen!
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #524 on: <08-12-16/1757:24> »
Ja, aber diesmal mit extra Charisma Boost, aber ohne Drohung mit Gewalt, stattdessen Konzentration auf ihren Freund


Cinder loaded the injector pistol and walked back in: "Good night".
He pulled the trigger.
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex