Pain and Gain [IC]

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« Reply #495 on: <12-21-15/1418:22> »
"Well...", bnc begins slowly. Although she's still affected by the drug, she felt that this was the wrong place to express wordly desires, such as...
"A control rig. I was dreaming about a control rig for quite a time."
Her eyes darted to Slobbertooth. She felt that she had degraded herself. Yet, this was the one moment where she could leap towards her dream and she would be utterly, no, mucho bastante stupid, if she didn't grab this chance out of false respect.
"Is that possible? I'd also take the dinner. It's been a long time since a handsome man asked me out." It's been ages since last time you got screwed, you anorexic teenage drug addict. A dick would do you better than Golden Mirror. She flashed a shy smile that clearly showed her age despite her being a quite successful shadowrunner already.
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #496 on: <12-21-15/1431:59> »
Krestov couldn't help but give a little smile at Slobbertooth's request for the dog, letting out a chuckle.  "Maybe it teach you table manners huh?"  at the revelation of their employer being a magical being..he was quiet.

But, the job was completed, and they were offered a bonus.  To this, Krestov awaited his turn to speak.  "Many thanks for generosity, comrade.  If such generosity is up for begitiation, I have one request: if can trade in delta quality for lower grade in exchange for higher performance with boosters.  I was much slow in fight, and wish fixing that.  Thank you"

Bowing his head, his mind turned slowly over the recent events...

[Spoiler] no memory test needed.  I know about the report I need to give to the KE agent.  Was waiting for the right time


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« Reply #497 on: <12-21-15/1522:34> »
"Both can be arranged."
To Krestov he said: "Don't worry about the costs to much. What did you have in mind? I personally like bioware best to boost those synapses, but I understand if you want something more robust to wire your reflexes up a notch or two or three. The delta clinic does also lower level ware - although that would be a waste.

Let's see: Alpha grade synaptic boosters, second generation go for 228.000. Add a nice control rig II also alpha grade for 116.400. Not to forget the Sleeping Tiger outfit, the Full Body Armor, some magic stuff, we come to round about 400.000 for your team. That sounds like a nice number - especially since most of it should be within this container.

Oh and you are of course entitled to the dead mage's stuff. Those shotguns are - if I'm not mistaken - grade A military material."

"Yeah, and that guy packed two sustaining foci of the sixth dan. The lady also has a magical cestus on her person. 3rd tier if I'm not mistaken" the old ork chimed in.
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #498 on: <12-21-15/1531:11> »
Krestov gave a nod, smiling graciously.  "I will accept the full extent your generosity allows, sir Spice.  Biotic synapse I believe superior, and at as strong a generation and grade you will allow.  Thank you."

He asked no further, simply agreei by to his armored suit of a fashion which he knew bnc would surely comment on.  As for the relics, he was sure his magic-minded brethren would want those.

"one last point...a KE detective has asked me for a report on your death, comrade Spice.  In exchange for leads to fund you.  Tell me, how would you like your death to look?"


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« Reply #499 on: <12-21-15/1536:42> »
Slobbertooth was still entranced by the thought of finding the killers, but his eyes shot up at the reminder of what was in the container.

"Oh right, the stuff. I'd go in there an get my gun, but the last time I ventured inside your property I got some new chest piercings."
"normal speech"
"under your breath"
" translated foreign language" (Foreign Language)


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« Reply #500 on: <12-21-15/1543:28> »
"Tell him the truth: Feng shot the man because he looked like some smuggler he wanted caught. I'll have to have my face modified anyway if I don't want to trip any alarms in the future. I bet you that they'll find the incriminating weapon in Feng's office. That asshole loves his Predator V. And without his magic security he'll be an easy grab."

Scary chuckled: "Ah, you got the surprise packet. You are lucky it didn't take your face off. But don't worry, I'll go get your stuff - just as soon as I find it in the manifesto."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #501 on: <12-22-15/1015:19> »
Slob nodded at Scary Spice. "Alright then, I'll leave you to it. Let me know when you find my gun. I can't wait to put it together"

Slobbertooth started going through the mages' things and sorting out the equipment that was left over. His hands went all over the two triads' duds. "Anyone know a really good dry cleaner? I'd like to try and save these suits, they'll probably fetch a pretty penny, and one of these might fit you, Torrent, if we can get them tailored."

"How do we want to deal with these bodies, anyway?"
"normal speech"
"under your breath"
" translated foreign language" (Foreign Language)


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« Reply #502 on: <12-23-15/0315:02> »
Piece by piece, Scary produced the desired items or at least most of them. Not every desired modification wast there, but he sure had the components. Once he had packed a crate with all the stuff, he sent a short text to bnc. "I just gave you the address of a very good and discreet armorer. Get that stuff to him and he'll put it together and add what's missing. I'll give him a call to expect you. And don't worry if you don't see him, his workshop is manned completely by drones - just get the stuff in and he'll inform you when it's ready to be collected."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #503 on: <12-23-15/1412:21> »
"Oh, right. Almost forgot."

Slobbertooth grabbed the HK Urban Combat off bnc, and searched through the van for the Crocket EBR and his little black book. He gathered them up in his arms, and brought them over to scary spice.

"Grabbed these from your place during the investigation. Don't know if their yours or a clients. The HK is nice. Didn't get a chance to test out the EBR, though."
"normal speech"
"under your breath"
" translated foreign language" (Foreign Language)


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« Reply #504 on: <12-23-15/1445:02> »
"Ah and I wondered where you got that HK. Thanks. Keep the Crocket. I won't be taking that with me to Europe.
The book is a treasure that would be hard to replace.
And now excuse us. We have to shift the rest of this stuff as quickly as possible. I'll be in touch about your request."

Scary pocketed the book and began to shift crates around to get to the easy to sell stuff.
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex