Elf. You know the pic of the biker bitch elf in one of the core books (I have no clue what edition we own)? Like that. And mod the living daylights out of myself until I looked drow because they just look so much cooler (monochrome + red accents = my thing). Turning my skin black and my hair white doesn't really seem that hard for this setting. XD
Augmentation: Page 63: Cosmetic Bioware: Skin Pigmentation and Bio-Tattoos: $1,500: In part "Metahuman skin can be altered to take on a wide range of colors,-- from pitch black to bright red to bone white."
There's your drow skin.
Augmentation: Page 62: Cosmetic Bioware: Hair growth: $500: In part "The texture, color and thickness of the hair can be chosen in advance , allowing for a wide range of options, -- from a long green mane, to a nice coat of leg fur so the user can wear shorts in winter."
If they can give you a long green mane. They can do extra long chalk white to go with your drow skin.
There's your drow. About $2,000.... less than one tax return and you're who you want to be.
"Awww but I was born a human, or an Orc! No drow for me"
Not so!
Augmentation: Page 62: Metatype Reassignment: $25,000: In part "Any elf, human, or orc can have his body sculpted to resemble an elf human or orc."
This is all bioware. It's not cyber. So you BECOME what you pay for. (( granted becoming another metatype doesn't give you the benifits of that metatype)) So you appear to actually be what you've paid for.
So.. for the price of a mid priced car. $27,000 an ugly ol skraggy hairy orc can be turned into the beautiful Drow he or she always wanted to be.
if you start off an elf. You can hit Drow for 2,000. Very easily easily done.