What is the current general opinion on 5E products?

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« Reply #180 on: <01-12-16/1718:09> »
And -- because a few of you have expressed interest in becoming part of a potential solution, working as a proofer/editor/whatever -- I think the management-approved method for getting ahold of Jason is via his "JM_Hardy" account, right here on the forums.  There are long-time fans who, in the past, worked as proofers (for store credit, IIRC), so it's a transition that people can make.  If you want to reach out to Jason, reach out to Jason, and see if he feels the proofer pool needs a few more warm bodies in it.


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« Reply #181 on: <01-13-16/0143:55> »
@Duellist_D - do you think that people are welcome (or not) to voice their comments and/or criticism on this forum?

Hello AJCarrington.
I'm not sure what lead to this question, but to answer it:

Barring a few rare occurances where i think "insiders" acted in way that a normal user couldn't have without getting a warning for their tone(*), this forum is imho pretty open.
I'm relatively new to /this/ board, so other opinions may and will differ, be it from experience or point-of-view. Having said this, i think this forum (or the staff here) is a rather fair and honest judge on criticism and allows for a broad spectrum of opinioins on the products, which is IMHO a major plus.
I won't lie and say that all outgoing communications from Catalyst is good. Imho its actually bad overall. But the Freelancers that are communicating here on the Forum and via other channels (reddit, /tg/, etc) are doing a pretty darn fine Job in fixing stuff that they aren't technically obliged (and paid) to do.
Several thumbs up for that.

Also thumbs up for not closing this thread.
It might have been heated on times, but IMHO went into a productive/informative direction.

(*)NOT talking about this thread


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« Reply #182 on: <01-13-16/0206:27> »
After reading the Posts after AJCarringtons:

I don't think cutting back on the fluff would be a viable solution to improve the editing quality.
Sure, in a perfect world the freed-up ressourced would be allocated to QC and the product would be better, but this isn't a economics lecture for first semester students.

Employing communitymembers to look over the books before they get published, might be a viable solution.
Paying these would open up the old bag of problems of course, but we are talking about a fandom with a huge emotional attachement to the product.

Offer a few "proofreader" slots per book, send a workbook-PDF out to those volunteers (black/white, editing and commenting enabled), give them a week and incorporate the reported errors.
Offer a PDF of the final book and a "thank you [name]" inside as compensation for the voluntees and be done with it.

I doubt you won't be able to fill these slots in a short amount of time if you announce an offer like this here or on reddit/facebook/tg.


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« Reply #183 on: <01-13-16/0840:27> »
Offer a few "proofreader" slots per book, send a workbook-PDF out to those volunteers (black/white, editing and commenting enabled), give them a week and incorporate the reported errors.
Offer a PDF of the final book and a "thank you [name]" inside as compensation for the voluntees and be done with it.

I would do a run-through for a copy of the PDF. Heck, I wouldn't even need credit (although it'd be nice). I'd mainly do it for the PDF. I did it for Kerberos and I never used that PDF. I'd use these.

Of course, beastly NDAs notwithstanding.


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« Reply #184 on: <01-13-16/0946:07> »
Man I would be so happy if Catalyst did this, Falar would be a great candidate imho along with some of the other folks on this forum.
And imagine if Catalyst could get that work for the cost of a PDF supplement here and there.
What a bargain.

Go on Catalyst, take a chance on improving your products, please. I'm begging you.

The rules farkups are screwing this game.

Rigger 5.0 is unusable.

Offer a few "proofreader" slots per book, send a workbook-PDF out to those volunteers (black/white, editing and commenting enabled), give them a week and incorporate the reported errors.
Offer a PDF of the final book and a "thank you [name]" inside as compensation for the voluntees and be done with it.

I would do a run-through for a copy of the PDF. Heck, I wouldn't even need credit (although it'd be nice). I'd mainly do it for the PDF. I did it for Kerberos and I never used that PDF. I'd use these.

Of course, beastly NDAs notwithstanding.


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« Reply #185 on: <01-13-16/1003:18> »
Rigger 5.0 is unusable.

I actually found Rigger 5.0 to be one of the top-five usable splats. There's a couple of places that need a little curbing (Noizquitos, Swarm autosoft) but nothing that jumped out at me and invalidated the whole book. To me, it's about the equivalent of Gun H(e)aven 3 - out of 20-25 guns, one of them was wrong. About a 4-5% rate of doof and most of the doof wasn't central to the book.

Other than drone mount costs. That's right up there with no price for autosofts in Core.


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« Reply #186 on: <01-13-16/1023:59> »
My problem is I can't figure out what the stats are for the drones as the conflict or are missing, no idea how to use weapon mounts and how fast drones move.

Those are pretty core features of a Rigger 5.0.

All of which should have been caught with even a cursory review of the book before publishing,

Wak has been great in trying to triage in the rigger 5.0 errata thread but there are conflicting answers in there,

Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #187 on: <01-13-16/1049:31> »
Rigger 5.0 is unusable.

I actually found Rigger 5.0 to be one of the top-five usable splats. There's a couple of places that need a little curbing (Noizquitos, Swarm autosoft) but nothing that jumped out at me and invalidated the whole book. To me, it's about the equivalent of Gun H(e)aven 3 - out of 20-25 guns, one of them was wrong. About a 4-5% rate of doof and most of the doof wasn't central to the book.

Other than drone mount costs. That's right up there with no price for autosofts in Core.
Seconded, but I ended up houseruling the majority of the actual rules because I don't agree with the direction the writers are taking with vehicles and drones. That's my personal beef, though, and not a reflection on the rules not technically working, I just don't like 'em.

I agree that noizquitos and swarm are horribly, horribly broken but they are also easy enough to houserule, and the lack of costs for drone weapon mounts were addressed by Wakshaani in the errata thread. The table issues irked me but with the exception of micro drone racks (which were cut entirely) they were easy enough to adjust mentally. The inconsistency of how to combine vehicle and drone mods seem to be under review by the Missions guys (and incidentally, they're doing it just like I suggested it seems).


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« Reply #188 on: <01-13-16/1214:54> »
Hello AJCarrington.
I'm not sure what lead to this question, but to answer it:

Barring a few rare occurances where i think "insiders" acted in way that a normal user couldn't have without getting a warning for their tone(*), this forum is imho pretty open.
I'm relatively new to /this/ board, so other opinions may and will differ, be it from experience or point-of-view. Having said this, i think this forum (or the staff here) is a rather fair and honest judge on criticism and allows for a broad spectrum of opinioins on the products, which is IMHO a major plus.
I won't lie and say that all outgoing communications from Catalyst is good. Imho its actually bad overall. But the Freelancers that are communicating here on the Forum and via other channels (reddit, /tg/, etc) are doing a pretty darn fine Job in fixing stuff that they aren't technically obliged (and paid) to do.
Several thumbs up for that.

Also thumbs up for not closing this thread.
It might have been heated on times, but IMHO went into a productive/informative direction.

(*)NOT talking about this thread

Thanks Duellist_D, appreciate your comments and clarification...I had misunderstood one of your posts.


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« Reply #189 on: <01-13-16/1309:09> »
Offer a few "proofreader" slots per book, send a workbook-PDF out to those volunteers (black/white, editing and commenting enabled), give them a week and incorporate the reported errors.
Offer a PDF of the final book and a "thank you [name]" inside as compensation for the voluntees and be done with it.

I would do a run-through for a copy of the PDF. Heck, I wouldn't even need credit (although it'd be nice). I'd mainly do it for the PDF. I did it for Kerberos and I never used that PDF. I'd use these.

Of course, beastly NDAs notwithstanding.

I think this is a great idea.  Key is getting the volunteers into the NDAs which can be non-trivial.  That said, I'm sure they could get a decent number of volunteers, and if they made the NDAs reasonable on-boarding shouldn't be that bad.  I think this could make a huge improvement to the product all for the cost of 5-10 pdf sales?  Seems like a win-win solution for Catalyst.  Here's hoping they can make something along these lines work for the business.
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« Reply #190 on: <01-13-16/1325:49> »
I'd like more fluff books and I'll probably buy all of them if they have an interesting angle. Crunch is great but having too much of it can really slow down character creation and it can be tricky finding things in 15 or 20 different books. Personally I'd like more books like Attitude. I want to learn more about things like brand names at stuffer shack, interesting things you could do or find at a megacorp shopping mall, explanation on what artifacts do and how they can be added to games without just being an object of interest. I just eat that stuff up because it broadens my understanding of the game world and helps me create a more accurate and vivid experience as the GM, it also helps me roleplay my characters better. That said I'll buy all the crunch too because I just have to lol.
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« Reply #191 on: <01-13-16/1725:06> »
Guys, please listen, proofreaders from within the community isn't some groundbreaking new thing.  That's where proofreaders come from, since you all know full well that's where most of the writers come from, too.  This isn't some pie in the sky revolutionary dream, it's how things already get done.  This is not a "I wonder if" thing, or a "Catalyst, be daring and take a chance" thing, it's an "already being done" thing.

So contact Jason.  Get on the list, if we need extra eyes he'll hook you up.

Patrick Goodman

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« Reply #192 on: <01-13-16/1727:53> »
Guys, please listen, proofreaders from within the community isn't some groundbreaking new thing.  That's where proofreaders come from, since you all know full well that's where most of the writers come from, too.  This isn't some pie in the sky revolutionary dream, it's how things already get done.  This is not a "I wonder if" thing, or a "Catalyst, be daring and take a chance" thing, it's an "already being done" thing.

So contact Jason.  Get on the list, if we need extra eyes he'll hook you up.
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« Reply #194 on: <01-13-16/1814:59> »
They clearly need more eyes as they continue to make simple to spot editing errors.

I mean does Catalyst even think they have a problem or do they think everything is peachy and they can just carry on as is?

