Date Night ( IC )

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« Reply #1470 on: <08-27-15/0743:32> »
The sleep deprivation and ashen weariness must have been readily apparent in Arc's appearance, at least to Ambrose as he took a moment before answering, stepping away for a moment wordlessly to fix them up some caffeinated beverage as a quick easy remedy.  During that moment, the timing seemed to be perfect as a trio of texts materialized in her view.  Opening all of them, the human girl gave a look.

@ Arc. You get a comm from Merlin, >>I did some asking around. Z has a cousin what's a lieutenant in the Bone Knives. I let her know what went down. She said she'd handle it. I also been doing some checking in the astral fer Feathers. An there be some seriously fragged drek be going on. Darkness in two areas be getting worse. Almost physical. You find him he needs to know.<<
  >>Srui.  Is Yelena.  Arc not worry about scalps.  Need dry.  Yelena cleaned debris.  Go Arc buy more.  Need sturdy things.<<
He texts Arc >> Nice driving I hope that you made it home okay.

Scratching her head, she fought off another nauseous wave as the boat rocked just a bit as she composed a response, having a seat in a chair to steady herself.

<<@Merlin{Arc}: Bone Knives, huh?  Guess those hoops picked the wrong kid to pick on.  Drek.  Okay.  What two areas?  I'm still hunting for him, but this drek is taking time and effort beyond what Ol' Smiley required.  I'm doing what I can, omae>>

<<@Yelena{Arc}: ...Scalps.  That's just what the Bone Knives would do, eh?  That's symbolic, you really only wanna hold on to the first one you got for a little while.  Sure, we can meet up to get more furniture.  I almost hesitate to ask just how much...ehe.  Hit me up later, Srui>>

<<@Marco{Arc}:  Thanks, chummer.  Got home null sweat.  Feel like a devil rat tied tailfirst to a ceiling fan, but otherwise good.  With our fiery feathered friend now looking at some freaky drek.  Hit me up>>

Satisfied with all that, she leaned back in the seat, closing her eyes and trying to stifle a yawn.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1471 on: <08-27-15/1028:18> »
Yelena wakes at 1700 to the incessant urgings of her internal alarm.  Getting up, she dresses while looking at the text from Marco and Arc and sends one back to the young Keeb.  >>Marco.  Is Yelena.  Am going clinic.  Yelena call after.  Was not run.  Yelena had place to be.<<  She chuckles at Arc's note while moving into the kitchen, where she grabbed the bottle of vodka and a couple of chipped mugs.  On the way out she looked at the scalps on the work bench and shrugged.  She is not sure which was first, but cannot imagine that it really makes a difference.  Yelena wraps the bottle and mugs and slips them into one of the storage bins on the bike, while slinging the sax case across her back.

Rolling the bike out of the garage, she closes the large door and drives into the early evening of a December in Seattle.  She carefully drives to the clinic and secures the bike before going inside.  She walks to the front counter and introduces herself to the nurse on duty, telling her that she is here to visit with Alexei Gaspodin and the boy Z.  After signing in, she walks past the curtain and finds the old man laying on his cot.  The nurse clucks and whispers, "Poor man.  I am not sure that he has moved since I came on shift a couple of hours ago."  The woman shakes her head and walks away after making sure that Yelena knows where Z's bed is. 

Yelena walks to stand near the man's cot and looks down at him.  The lines of age are clearly worn into the face and skinny arms of the former camp guard.  Looking at this shell of what the man had been, Yelena examines her feelings and finds that she does not hate him.  It would seem that he has paid some sort of price for his early life.  She nudges the cot and the man's eye flicker open and focus on his visitor.  Yelena sees confusion and something else there, maybe guilt and shame.  She kneels near him and helps him sit then stand, giving him support.  She says, "Come Alexei Ivanovich Gaspodin.  Walk into the lobby.  Yelena has thing for you.  Yelena helps the old man past the curtain and to a chair in the empty waiting room.  Once he is sitting, she pulls the vodka and mugs out of their sack and opens the bottle to pour two shots of the fiery nectar.  Placing a mug in the man's trembling hands, she offers a quick clink of mugs before swallowing hers.  The man takes longer, but gets it down and looks to Yelena for a refill.  She obliges, but says, "Not too much Alexei Ivanovich.  Must pace."  The man nods as he takes the second shot, his hands a bit steadier.  Yelena takes the mug from him and opens her cigar case to take two of the pungent things out.  She lights them and offers one to Alexei, who gratefully takes it and pulls the smoke into his body and releases it.

Yelena opens up the sax case and removes the precious instrument.  The old man's eyes widen as she runs through a warm up and he nods in time to the music as she begins to play a medley of jazz songs.  The nurse returns to the counter with the doctor to see what the noise is and starts to say something about drinking and smoking in the clinic when the doctor puts a hand on her arm.  Both stand and watch as Yelena plays and Alexei sways to the sound.  The music attracts a few visitors from the street as well as a few of the ambulatory patients.  After several songs, both Yelena and Alexei have tears in their eyes.  She is playing to him and barely registers that she has an audience.  After a while, she stops to applause and a smile from the old man and the rest of the listeners.  Yelena puts her head close to the ear of the man and whispers, ""Yelena forgive Alexei Ivanovich.  Yelena forgive."
« Last Edit: <08-28-15/0055:38> by Mercy Merchant »
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« Reply #1472 on: <08-27-15/1120:23> »
<<@Marco{Arc}:  Thanks, chummer.  Got home null sweat.  Feel like a devil rat tied tailfirst to a ceiling fan, but otherwise good.  With our fiery feathered friend now looking at some freaky drek.  Hit me up>>[/color]
>>Sure, no problem. I have some things to do now, but I'll be free later, ping me when you are free.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1473 on: <08-28-15/0155:15> »
Yelena packs the sax away and stands up after putting the bottle and mugs away in the sack.  Turning to the old man, she reaches out a hand to help him stand.  "Come Alexei Ivanovich.  Yelena show boy.  Name Z.  Alexei like."  She slings the sax case across her back and slowly walks the man back through the curtain and to Z's bed.  Two boarders are next to the bed, trading jokes with Z when Yelena approaches.  All three of them eye the old man with confusion on their faces.  Yelena comes to the side of the bed and looks at the other kids, then Z.  "Z brave.  Z prove is man.  Protect Yelena."  She puts a hand on Z's shoulder and gently squeezes it.  "Z act like in gang.  Gang stick together.  Gang protect each other.  Maybe Z and Yelena make gang.  Z want?  Z think on."

Yelena turns to indicate the man next to her.  "Man is Alexei Ivanovich Gospodin, but call just Alexei Ivanovich.  Z might know.  Man help kids.  Man know much.  Alexei family leave him here to die.  Now man have Yelena.  Have Z.  Have small gang.  Reason to live.  Man is sick but has knowledge to tell.  Z and others listen man's stories.  Get wise like man."  Yelena signals a passing nurse for a couple of chairs and helps the man into one.  Uncertain of exactly what is going on, the two visiting boarders pull their chairs closer.  Alexei talk.  Talk about life after move here.  Teach boys."  Alexei begins to speak, his voice soft and barely audible at the start, but it gains in volume as he talks.  He sips from a mug of water that a nurse brings by.  The boys have to concentrate to hear the man speak and that helps them remember.  Yelena notices that he begins to weaken a bit after a few stories and puts her hand on his shoulder.  "Is enough tonight Alexei Ivanovich.  More stories later.  When rest.  Maybe boys bring friends tomorrow."  She nods to the two visitors, who nod vigorously.  "Now boys take Alexei Ivanovich back to bed.  Yelena talk Z." 

The two boarders jump up and carefully walk the old man back to his cot.  Yelena turns to Z.  "Z took walk in shadows.  If like, Yelena can show Z what shadow is.  Not just dark, but is life.  Most people never know shadow.  Never see shadow.  Yelena show Z if want.  And think of gang.  Not take from other gangs.  Protect kids like Z's friends.  Now Z get better.  Listen to Alexei for stories.  Yelena go but be back.  Talk Z then."

Yelena squeezes the boy's shoulder again and moves down the aisle between rows of cots.  The doctor is waiting for her when she returns to the waiting area.  "That was well done with Alexei, but please do not smoke in the clinic.  There are people here that can hurt.  If you want to smoke, go outside."  She pauses.  "You know that Alexei is going to die soon, right?"

"Yes.  Alexei Ivanovich die soon.  Yelena know.  But maybe die with smile.  Die with friends.  With new family that wants him.  Is better way die?"

The doctor smiles and shakes her head.  "No, there is no better way to die.  Thank you for coming back."

Yelena nods and walks out of the clinic into the cold evening air.  She smiles and pulls air into her lungs and moves down the street a bit, leaving the bike behind for a little while.  Without conscious thought she moves back into the shadow and into a world that she had escaped for a few minutes.  But this world felt comfortable.  Yelena belongs here in this world.  The other, although attractive on some level, is not real.  It is not life.  It is a phantasm, calling out to the unwary, the frightened, and those not prepared.  The shadow does not call or entice or make any claims.  It just is. But it is real and to those that live in it, that embrace it, it is the source of life.  Yelena embraced the shadow decades ago and to her anything else is illusion and fleeting.  Eventually returning to the clinic front, Yelena climbs on her powerful Scorpion and drives away, headed back to the garage.
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« Reply #1474 on: <08-28-15/0530:28> »
Love, when was the first time Marco felt it before... Marco confessed without even thinking it is a big deal. He feels and he shares - there is no censorship, no filter - who needs these things when you speak magical words.

His first love was a false one he loved a boy named Jack, but their love slowly disappeared as the two continued their training. Marco felt that Jack was programmed to care for nothing but his faith. Marco could sense how their heart to heart conversations became less and less about what they wanted from life. About how they felt - instead these conversation became about power, magic and  ways to kill people. Jack wanted to kill -  he was still innocent but was fundamentally changed.  Jack could not wait for his first blood - and Marco was terrified of his first Blood.   While still physically attracted to the boy, Marco quickly understood they had nothing in common. He was now completely alone.

It was only after Marco shot his teacher that, he received what was the cruelest punishment so far - to be tortured by Jack. The group was already skilled with spellcasting and could cast their first offensive spell - the manabolt.  Marco on the other hand,  could not understand anything. Their instructions were all based on the capability to sense the astral world, to see the mana.  It took Marco a while to understand that the astral was not some metaphorical world. To everyone else that world was as real as the physical world. Marco, however, felt as if he was expected to do real magic after watching Harry potter or some other fictional movie.  None of these things made any sense for him.
That bastard teacher had him paired with Jack. It was on purpose to permanently kill what little they had left. The lesson was simple they were to strike each other with mana bolts. The offender practice spellcasting and the defender practice counterspelling. But how... how can Marco do any of these things - when all the teachings assumed that he can see the astral world? 

It was plain torture, the manabolt spell strikes the aura and does not directly damage the body. Instead it damages your soul, the emotional pain is so severe that it manifests as physical damage. It was a good tool for torture. To Marco’s horror, being near death was not a release, not at all -  that cursed instructor kept healing Marco’s body - so that his soul can take more and more torture.

Marco watched helplessly as Jack was happy to dish him the manabolt spell time after time. All Marco could do was to roll on the floor in pain. He was crying and screaming, it was unlike anything Marco sensed before.  He felt as if every single memory was polluted by this spell. Every happy moment turned painful and evil.  The emotional pain was so great that Marco had to hide some of his emotions away, lock them someplace deep that the spell could not touch them.  He was in such pain that he wasn’t thankful for the healing- he wished that Jack would somehow cast that manabolt so powerful that it will just kill Marco.

Marco met Agrat for the first time, only after many hours of torture. He was not alone in his mind, there was someone else with him. He felt her as  a burning passion. Agrat turned off his pain as if Marco was nothing that a trid. Only with the pain gone, Marco could see clearly.  She was a succubus. Marco imagined her before, but now she felt so real as if she was hugging him. To Marco Agrat felt like both a lover and a mother. She had mercy for him, and blazing passion.  Before that moment Agrat was nothing more then a naughty thought in Marco's mind. Now, Marco could actually touch her, and Agrat hugged and passionately kissed Marco. She looked into his eyes and softly said  “You can make him stop and even undo some of the damage to his soul.  I taught you how - just do it.”

Marco knew who the demon was, her name was Agrat - a gift, or a reward. Daughter of dancing. Agrat was considered the mother of all demons. Christianity saw her as the incarnation of evil - a burning passion that blinds the eyes of the righteous. Agrat was the one that can lead even the most righteous into the sins of the flesh. She corrupted souls of righteous believers since ancient times.   Marco was completely aware to that - but he kissed her back.  After all, she took his pain away. Jesus was silent, silent despite Marco's constant prayers.  Agrat came uninvited - she saw he was in pain and wanted to help.  She made Marco sexually aroused - more aroused than Marco even knew possible.  He knew what she wanted him to do. “I will do it, Agrat bat Mhalat.” He said.  The succubus never told him her name, but Marco felt who she really was.

In some metaphorical world Marco begun to sing.  It was a sad melody of love, loss and passion. He could feel how Agrat was singing with him empowering his song. Marco did not understand, how he did it but these mental patterns allowed him to channel mana without seeing it. Agrat taught him how to overcome his limitation.  Marco could now manipulate the astral world by visioning it as music. Like her name suggests, Agrat gave Marco a gift.  When he had no one, she was with him. Despite being the queen of demons -  she had all the time in the world to be with him.  Either he was very important for her.  Or perhaps powerful entities can be in multiple places at the same time.

When Marco opened his eyes, he looked at Jack and said just three words “I loved you”.  Marco could not anticipate the effect of these words.  Jack was overwhelmed with passion, he was so sexually charged up that he just had to release this tension. He jumped Marco covering him with kisses and undressing him. Marco was so surprised, and he still could feel Agrat touching his body exciting him with her lips.   Marco could see that the Teacher despite having some more self control felt no different than Jack.

Jack was dominant and manly. He had Marco in multiple manners and Marco felt in heaven. They did it right in front of the teacher and were so crazed that nothing mattered. Marco was sure that he is in some odd erotic fantasy, it was only when he finally climaxed that things changed. Being unskilled with magic, the sensation that overwhelmed Marco, Jack’s and Agrat sharing him and exciting him. It was too much - Marco could not maintain that melody. As soon as Marco climaxed the melody ended. In that moment, Jack's passion became shame and rage. Jack and the teacher both were beating Marco like crazed animals, accusing him for what they just did and how they felt - he dammed their souls.  They did not stop until Marco blacked out.
« Last Edit: <08-28-15/0604:02> by gilga »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1475 on: <08-28-15/1035:35> »
@Ambrose & Arc   As Arc relaxes in the chair a noise coming from the aft of the boat.  The door into the kitchen area opens and a young woman comes into the room.  She is probably in her early twenties, average looking except for her eyes.  She is naked except for the towel she has wrapped around her.  "Hey, Phoenix.  You got........"  Seeing Arc, she stops.  "Oh, you got company.  Never mind."  She waves at Arc and disappears back through the doorway.
« Last Edit: <08-28-15/1037:08> by Mercy Merchant »
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« Reply #1476 on: <08-28-15/1615:44> »
Blake actually smiles. "I'm putting trust in you just by asking you to help me with the job. I'm just respecting Sam until I get to know you. How about this for your payment. I'll tell you the full scoop of what I know when I meet everyone. I always had a problem myself with Sam's compartmentalized drek.

Blake stands from the table and using his trodes sends Marco an ARO with the comm he was using. One of the nicer pieces of equipment he picked up from Sam's apartment.

"Let me know when you want to set up the meet. It needs to happen soon."


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« Reply #1477 on: <08-28-15/1621:46> »
"Alright... I'll try to figure up a time where you can meet the rest of the team... If you excuse me, I left two frightened naked dudes in my apartment... I really need to check on them." Said Marco paid, tipped well and left the building, heading to his apartment.  He said as he paid the bill and headed back to his apartment hoping that Jed and Snowden are finally awake.


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« Reply #1478 on: <08-28-15/1907:21> »
Arc heaved a sigh as the British man she knew as Phoenix seemed to be taking his time with the soycaf, not answering her questions and testing her patience.  She was about to ask him a repeat when the door from aft opened into the small kitchen, the short girl's cyberarm instinctively darting back to where her Predator rested.  A quick sizeup from her cybereyes registered that the towel-clad lady of similar age to her (just surprise) was not a threat, and actually was caught off guard by her presence.  Relaxing and sighing, Arc scratched at the back of her head.

"All good, girly.  Null sweat here..."  Seeing she had retreated, Arc looked intently at Ambrose with a brow raised.  "...really now...dayum, that young huh?  That some Bond drek if I ever seen.  Wow.  Aight, i needa smoke.  Hang tight, ya better have my answer when I get back."

Stepping out onto the prow of the boat, Arc dug through her jacket pocket and pulled out a smoke, lighting it with the minitorch attachment she had installed in her middle finger of her cyberhand.  Breathing in, she let the ashen air warm her lungs before exhaling in a deep puff of smoke.  Closing her eyes, she let her mind refresh for a moment before reopening, enjoying her nic stick as she looked around the docks.  It was...rather quiet, actually.  Middle of a workday, was to be expected, but the line of boats on the dock belied that this was definitely belonging to members of the upper middle class...the boats were big enough for the higher profile corp execs, and there were a bunch of them around.  A couple of early weekenders were found preparing their aquatic vessels for some in the polluted bay, viewing the smog-ridden cityscape, or just boating for the sake of boating, she wasn't sure...nor was she much concerned.  Shrugging, she finished off her smoke before flicking the butt into the water...not like that would tarnish the liquid any further anyway...

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1479 on: <08-28-15/2225:36> »
@ Ambrose & Arc  After a couple of minutes, Ginny emerges from the back with her clothes on.  Looking around, she says, "Hey, Phoenix.  I did not know you had company.  Sorry.  I will clear out so you can have privacy.  I will try to find something for tonight, but.........."  She grabs her handbag and goes outside.  Seeing Arc, she stops, then goes to the railing and fishes a smoke from her bag.  Lighting up, she puffs a few times then says to Arc, "Hey.  Did not mean to interrupt or anything.  You know, there isn't anything going on between me and Phoenix.  He is just being nice enough to give me a place to crash for a day or so.  Up until last night I have been crashing with my mother's cousin, Sebastian, just over there, where you can see the fragging KE."

She points to a boat a couple of slips down.  Arc can see at least one person in a KE uniform moving on the deck and some yellow tape stretching across the stern entry way.  "Sebastian is....was, I guess now....some sort of so so smuggler.  Did some drugs and guns from his boat.  Had me come up here with promises of a good job, but that turned into making deliveries for him.  He got some nice stuff from God only knows where and the money was OK, even if I was paying him 5-star rates for the fragging small space he let me squat in.  Anyway, long story short, I got home last night from one of the deliveries to find the fragging KE all over the boat.  Still got their jackboots on the boat and all my clothes and things are over there.  If they have not been taken for evidence.  Now that is one depressing thought; to have strangers pawing all over my laces and such."  She chuckles.  Now that is one picture I might not get out of my mind for a while."

"So I was stuck with nowhere to crash and knowing almost no one in the sprawl except for people I would never ask favors of.  I remembered that I had seen John, the guy who owns this much nicer boat, here a few times and he had always been nice enough to at least say hello, which is much better than most guys give out.  So I thought he might be nice enough to let me crash here a day or so, just until I can get my stuff and look for another place to stay.  I did not find John, but his dad, Phoenix let me stay the night.  End of story." 

The young woman turns to you and smiles as she puts out her hand.  "I don't know you from anyone else, but at least you listened to me prattle on.  Thanks, and the name's Ginny, Ginny Waters.  I actually know stuff and have a couple of nicely framed university degrees in chemistry and biology from down home in L.A.  Know anyone who is hiring people with those educational skills?"
« Last Edit: <08-29-15/0649:48> by Mercy Merchant »
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« Reply #1480 on: <08-29-15/1340:06> »
Arc remained quiet, a green cybereye watching the girl as she took a smoke with her, this time dressed a bit more appropriately for the chill December weather.  Listening to the story gave the rigger one distinct impression, before all else.  This girl doesn't get out much, likes to talk and share her story because of it.  Oh boy  Shrugging, she flicked her cigarette butt into the water before turning to her with a small smile.

"Ain't nothin' but a thing, wasn't judging.  Just razzin on the old dude, ya heard?  I go by Arc, nice to meetcha Ginny."  Her right cyberhand went out to shake the girl's, one firm squeeze and motion.  Giving a low whistle, the stout girl shook her head.  "Girly, around the parts where I live, y'all don't really see degrees like that.  Barrens, I'm telling place those little achievements will work you is inside the system I'd bet, and that is not where I am.  You probably would figure right if you guessed I never finished high school, huh?"

Smirking, she shrugged and turned to lean against the prow, propping up on her elbows for balance. a stiff wind picking up and blowing her hair behind her.  "You probably did good coming here if that place hit trouble though.  Phoenix is a stiff old fragger, but I take him for a decent one.  I'd offer a crash point, but you wouldn't like it, ya heard?  Ain't nothing like these nice boats'n'drek."  Coughing slightly, the salt in the air plus the breeze after the smoke was helping her stomach calm itself down, a cautionary prod from her hand to her midsection confirming that. 

"Just one question...your friend in that boat...what was he slinging what the KE's swooped in on, if ya don't mind me askin'?"


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« Reply #1481 on: <08-29-15/1413:52> »
@ Blake  You get a message from ShadowDancer, >>Surveillance says seven people did not come out of the club last night. Prior counts have never had more than two in one night, and the average has been 3.4/week. This could represent a change in strategy and a push for a planned event. Additional surveillance places two of the kidnapped victims at the scene of a AzCorp Research facility break-in. Again, every piece of tech designed to protect the place was completely knocked out. Again, a clean get-away. Forensics indicates a team of more than a dozen. Seven bodies of the kidnapped victims have also been discovered and ID'd so far at what seems to have been a dump site. KE all over it, I'm unable to lock it down and prevent an info leak to set-up surveillance and see who comes back.<<
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« Reply #1482 on: <08-29-15/1418:06> »
@ Jed  Snowden looks at you and says, "Well, I am hungry. Did you kidnap me? I'm a kid?" He seems so confused, and lost, not at all like the CEO of a prominent pharmaceutical corp. He looks around the apartment and says. "I don't think my furniture should be so mathematically incorrect."
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« Reply #1483 on: <08-29-15/1425:23> »
@ Marco  As you reach the apartment you receive a comm, >>I been squattin' here like you said. I got peeps all ready fer ya', but these drek heads won't wait fer evah.<<

@ Arc  You get a comm, >>Arc, I need ta drop off a my bike. I popped some hopscotch drek with it on a job an now it be bent in a few more places ya heard. But, I need it by tonight, an I'll pay double fer tha job. The mods ya made ta it so's I can work are gonna be needed fer this job, so's no way I kin jus' borrow another one. You fix it up fer me an the peeps I be hanging with see what I kin really do an I'm tellin' ya they'll be by ta have their bikes modded fer some tricks too.<<
« Last Edit: <08-31-15/1734:04> by ismilealot »
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« Reply #1484 on: <08-29-15/1433:05> »
@ Ambrose  As you make the soycaf and contemplate eating you burn your thumb. Great, all the work I did with those highly volatile drugs and not one injury. Soycaf and I burn my thumb. Sam's medicine cabinet has basic supplies, and you find some cream to take away the sting. But, when you squeeze it onto the burn you realize the error of your ways. It's black, and the sudden cold and then red-hot poker feel of it lets you know it was never intended for flesh.
« Last Edit: <08-31-15/1736:54> by ismilealot »
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