Date Night ( OOC )

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« Reply #30 on: <03-26-15/0031:11> »
I'll totally get their songs now. Thanks for enriching my variety.

Great post Dan and Boom... really enjoyed the interaction.


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« Reply #31 on: <03-28-15/2211:10> »
Thanks gilga!

Just a few dossiers on Stahl and some of the people that make up his backround. Will post backstory soon after.


Dossier: 'Stahl'
Real Name: Erik Werner
Age: 24
Nationality: German (AGS)
Role: Counter-Intelligence Operative

Summary:[OUTDATED] Erik Werner enlisted at the age of eighteen with the help of his father, [REDACTED]. Excelled during training. Displayed excellent drive to succeed against competition. Highly patriotic. Connections to upper echelons of ARGUS and BKA useful. Testing scores below par. Not fit for leadership role. Proficient with small arms and standard operative gear. Able hand-to-hand combatant. Internal reports suggest prolonged relationship with Elyse Frei. [UPDATED] Former agent Werner is to be considered extremely dangerous and working in direct opposition to the Allied German States. Report any information / sighting immidiently.


Dossier: 'Erste'
Real Name: Maxwell Frei
Age: 34
Nationality: German (AGS)
Role: Counter-Intelligence Lead

Summary: [OUTDATED] Frei reached intel-lead within five years of enlisting. Exhibits a keen tactical mind suited for counter-intelligence work. Able leader and decker. Excels at small squad tactics. Past events in California Free State have not effected ability to lead. Connection to philanthropist Elyse Frei (Wife) useful. Past activism against governments concerning. Personally recommended Agent Stahl and Agent Hendrick. [UPDATED] Former Agent Frei was killed in action by response teams during the event dubbed the Frei Incident. [REDACTED] was confirmed recovered from remains of Frei.


Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #32 on: <03-28-15/2216:27> »
Cannot wait to see the rest of the story.
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« Reply #33 on: <03-28-15/2258:09> »
Most impressive :)

Smiles, Arc's end of things can progress if you are ready.  I can make another IC post to make that more clear if needed.


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« Reply #34 on: <03-29-15/0010:47> »
No Boom, I need to bring Trisk up to the time of the rest of the party. He's at about the point where Marco was miming a dirty joke and telling Stahl to keep his head down as it's much bigger than a missing friend. As far as I can tell it's :

Ambrose @ 19:00
Arc & Marco @ 23:00
Yelena & Stahl @ 01:00
Feathers whenever it pleases him to be.

SO it's going to be me trying to bring Trisk up to speed.

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« Reply #35 on: <03-29-15/0021:22> »
....I almost figured that was what was up.  No worries on my end :). I really like how this is all playing out.  (Random note, there is a wee chance I might be performing some direct research to see how someone in Arc's condition would feel.  Shh :P)

[Spoiler]I've got a feeling of where all this is going...curious to see if my guess of who will (inadvertently) take the house drug is right :D[/Spoiler]


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« Reply #36 on: <03-30-15/1611:22> »
Hi guys nice posts! I read but we lost one of our baggage and as a result no computer yet. I am so slow to type on phone so I hope to get a new universal connector by tomorrow. So fun to hear Italian around me and I am not totally useless at it.


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« Reply #37 on: <03-30-15/2142:48> »
Glad you and your family landed safely Gilga. Doing without a computer is a problem, but with everything else you need to do to get settled it will be there soon enough. And as I said, I'm not expecting posts from you during this first few days, and with us needing to catch Trisk up, you'll come back into the storyline without having missed anything. Good luck with the new apartment and getting settled.
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« Reply #38 on: <03-30-15/2255:37> »
Yeah, I don't think anyone is worried at this point, gilga :) my last post was a simple innocent attempt to have some fun and give everyone else waiting for catchup something to respond to :)

As for posting from mobile, I know that feel.  About half my posts here are during my 15-30 minute breaks at work via mobile :P


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« Reply #39 on: <03-31-15/1037:21> »
Here's something you guys might be interested in in. I know I'm considering it for my phone.

I've also edited post # 132 to reflect Blackhat's demise.
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« Reply #40 on: <04-01-15/1702:24> »
: 2#12d6t5 4 6

Assensing on yak 1st and then on drug 2nd


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« Reply #41 on: <04-01-15/2353:08> »
Hi guys, I was wrong about Trisk being done in the club. So, once again hold off until he & CJ are done. Sorry about that

Dan, before I post for Stahl's meeting with Sam I'd like another post from you to Arc re: a ride, or your situation or your friend or the weather, doesn't matter, I just want to start establishing some dialog between you and your future team members before you see Sam. And your future team members, members with an S, Mercy & Gilga, can also feel free to comm you, once Trisk & CJ are caught up.
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« Reply #42 on: <04-02-15/0257:52> »
Marco was also planning in meeting him for some magical search of his friend. It can also happen after meeting.


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« Reply #43 on: <04-02-15/0548:58> »
Couple of knowledge tests smiles, one using alchemy skill as a knowledge skill and second one is chemistry
alchemy as a knowledge: 12d6t5 3
chemsitry knowledge: 5d6t5 2

Trying to figure out what you'd need to make this stuff, rituals etc, where you'd get the knowledge to make it etc


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« Reply #44 on: <04-03-15/1307:36> »
Ooh....I could see this going a couple of ways...nice setup, Dan :)  Smiles, I'll post a reply on your blessing, giving the others opportunity to catch up.