[5e] Vampire Hunters Planning Thread

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« Reply #105 on: <12-22-14/2018:31> »
Next version of the gear list. According to Chummer, this totals to ¥101,996. That's Resources E + 1 karma of nuyen when taking into account additional lifestyle expenses from the Dependent quality.

I ended up going away from the chameleon suit because I figured that I was spending a ton of money on a tricked-out suit to get +1 on Sneaking tests (given that I would be wandering around with exposed weapons a reasonable amount of time). The full body armor is less expensive, provides more armor, and also addresses one of the more pressing concerns I had about vampire security - namely, incapacitating chemical attacks.

== Lifestyles ==
Gangland Hideout  (Seattle, Squatter, Extra Secure) 1 month
Simple Monastic Lifestyle (Seattle, Low) 1 month
Trailer in the Woods (Salish-Shidhe, Squatter)  1 month

== Armor ==
Full Body Armor 15
   +Chemical Seal
   +Fire Resistance 2
   +Insulation 1
   +Nonconductivity 2
   +Shock Frills
   +Thermal Damping 2
Full Body Armor: Helmet 3
   +Flare Compensation
   +Vision Enhancement Rating 3

Lined Coat 9
   +Electrochromic Clothing
   +Concealable Holster (for Ares Crusader II)
   +Concealable Sheathe (for Gunstock War Club)
Forearm Guards 1

Vashon Island: Synergist Business Line 9 ("Sunday Best")
   +Custom Fit
   +Concealable Holster

== Weapons ==
Gunstock War Club w/ Personalized Grip

Ares Alpha
   +Flashlight, Low Light (side mount)
   +Imaging Scope (top mount)
   +Personalized Grip
   +Shock Pad
   +Smartgun System, Internal
   +Sound Suppressor (barrel mount)
   +Ares Alpha Grenade Launcher (underbarrel mount)
          +Airburst Link

Ares Crusader II
   +Flashlight, Low Light (side mount)
   +Gas-Vent 2 System (integral)
   +Imaging Scope (top mount)
   +Personalized Grip
   +Shock Pad
   +Smartgun System, Internal
   +Sound Suppressor (barrel)

== Commlink ==
Fairlight Caliban
Meta Link x3 (burners)

== Gear ==
Ammo: APDS (Machine Pistols) x40
Ammo: APDS (Assault Rifles) x42
Ammo: EX-Explosive Rounds (Machine Pistols) x40
Ammo: EX-Explosive Rounds (Assault Rifles) x42
Ammo: Silver APDS (Assault Rifles) x42
Ammo: Silver APDS (Machine Pistols) x40
Ammo: Wooden Flechette (Assault Rifles) x42
Ammo: Wooden Flechette (Machine Pistols) x40
Minigrenade: Flash-Bang x3
Minigrenade: High Explosive x3
Minigrenade: Sawdust x3
Minigrenade: Thermal Smoke x3
Spare Clip (Ares Alpha) x4
Spare Clip (Ares Crusader II) x4

Autopicker Rating 6
Cellular Glove Molder Rating 4
Gecko Tape Gloves
Keycard Copier Rating 6
Lockpick Set
Maglock Passkey Rating 4
Monofilament Chainsaw
Sequencer Rating 5
Miniwelder Fuel Canister

Glasses Rating 4
   +Vision Enhancement Rating 3
   +Flare Compensation
Contacts Rating 3
   +Low Light
   +Image Link
Earbuds Rating 3
   +Audio Enhancement Rating 3

Fake License (to go with free SIN) Rating 4
Fake License (Adept License) Rating 1
Fake License (Automatic Weapons License) Rating 1
Fake License (Bounty Hunter's License) Rating 1
Fake SIN (TBD) Rating 1

Jazz x9
Long Haul x5
Novacoke x5

Weapon Focus (Bonded Foci) (Unarmed Attack) Rating 3
Qi Focus (Bonded Foci) (Attribute Boost) Rating 1
Qi Focus (Bonded Foci) (Commanding Voice) Rating 1
Qi Focus (Bonded Foci) (Sustenance) Rating 1

Medkit Rating 2
Respirator Rating 6
Slap Patch, Stim Patch Rating 6 x2
Slap Patch, Trauma Patch
Survival Kit

Tool Kit (Armorer)


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« Reply #106 on: <12-22-14/2052:26> »
@Poindexter, about Duncan Abbey, if Sister Rebecca hasn't met him yet then he will ne a contact after that first meeting.


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« Reply #107 on: <12-29-14/0227:53> »
A couple more contacts. I'm almost done with the background. My goal is to have the final sheet/gear/background done by tomorrow. I've got my list of names narrowed down to two.

I notice nobody has selected Father Jim Mallory as a contact yet. My character needs a religious figure, so I have Pastor Paul, whom I designed to be of use if we find ourselves in a globe-trotting campaign. If it's preferable for someone to have Father Jim as a contact for the purposes of the story, I can swap him in for Pastor Paul.

Pastor Paul - Pastor (Human) - Connection 4
Pastor Paul was born in Minnesota, UCAS but now lives near Los Angeles, PCC. He is a large human who grew up playing full-contact sports. Pastor Paul is a charismatic and forceful presence, but much of his powerful oratory is due to the fact that he is a mystic adept following The Speaker's Way. He can whip a congregation in to a religious frenzy using Mob Mood, then use Commanding Voice when it reaches a crescendo.

Pastor Paul's life work has been to start new churches. He moves every 5 to 10 years, establishing new congregations before moving on. He first led a congregation in Billings (in the Sioux Nation) before moving to Salem, Tir Tairngire. (The elves, being ageless, weren't terribly interested in Paul's promise of eternal life, but the humans, orks, and trolls were more receptive, especially as the underclass in the Tir.) He then moved to Seattle, where re-established a congregation called Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, which had be displaced from its original home by the Treaty of Denver in 2018. Pastor Paul was one of the principal drivers behind _____'s convesion.

Paul has since moved to Los Angeles area, PCC. He lives and works in Huntington Beach, very near the disputed area between the PCC and Aztlan. He is confident in God's ability to keep him safe from harm, a faith which he supplements with spirits of fire (materializing as angels) to defend himself and his church. In his free time, he loves swimming and surfing more than anything, although his fire spirits are less enthusiastic about it.

Pastor Paul has now moved but he still relies upon _____ to keep watch over the congregation in Seattle. Holy Trinity is still dependent on _____, both for his final contributions as well as the leadership he provides. _____ is called at least once a week to help with the soup kitchen, or to speak to the children at Sunday school, or provide cookies and soykaf for the social hour following services, or to donate money for emergency repairs.

Pastor Paul is a pragmatic man. While he won't help _____ do anything blatantly illegal, he is not above turning a blind eye or bending certain rules (Caesar's, not God's) in order to help _____. He is in constant contact with the members of his congregation - both current and former - and is well aware of the concerns in their lives.

Lola Lustytush - Stripper (ork) - Connection 2
Lola Lustytush is a human-looking ork who works as an exotic dancer at Torchie's, a notoriously rowdy strip club in a Loveland (western Puyallup), near Fort Lewis. She dances for drunk and violent members of the military and the Metroplex Guard, as well as the gangers and organized crime types that flock to her show. Her orkish curves coupled with her smooth, pleasing complexion would be enough to ensure her popularity, but her nearly-religious fan base is due to the fact that she is (unwittingly) a physical adept who channels her power into her enthralling performances.

In another life, Lola might have been a model or a giggling sorority girl, but she was born to the wrong parents on the wrong side of the city. Lola is enrolled in correspondence courses via the Matrix in an effort to obtain her Associate's Degree, but her ultimate goal would be to return to school full-time to get her Bachelor's degree. Eventually she would like to become a nurse or a early-childhood educator. Lola keeps these ambitions largely to herself, as they conflict with her mysterious, unobtainable stage personality. Lola is a bright girl and has a good understanding of psychology and marketing. She knows to stay distant, enigmatic, and to always leave her audiences wanting more.

____, prior to his conversion, was one of Lola's many dedicated fans. He even entered a contest to win a date with Lola. Unfortunately the contest was a single-elimination pit fighting tournament. Doubly unfortuante, there were no weight class divisions, so _____ was paired against Rusty, a manslaughtering troll, in one of the early rounds. Triply unfortunate, all the contestants were dosed with Fight Milk - an local delicacy designed to make the fights additionally entertaining for the audience. It starts with milk (for calcium) and an egg (for protein), to which the bartender adds vodka, Cram (the stimulant), Ripper (a potent mix of synthetic steroids, pseudolipids, sugars, and amphetamines), and a "secret ingredient" that evidently triggers frothing at the mouth and a desire to bite. Despite his exceptional ability to evade attacks, _____ didn't have a clue how to use his fists effectively, nor could he counteract Rusty's longer reach or dermal armor. ____ lost the fight badly, which left him rather broken but impressed Lola enough for her to learn his name and to even become friendly toward him. _____ no longer pursues her as a romantic interest, which intrigues Lola and makes her feel more comfortable around him.

Given her position, Lola is an excellent street contact. She has a good sense of the criminal underworld, especially among the organized crime types that frequent her shows, but also knows about the lives and concerns of her fellow dancers, bouncers, and bartenders at the club, along with what they hear from the loose-lipped patrons.


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« Reply #108 on: <12-29-14/1219:42> »
I've still only got the first half of Beccas background written out, but ive got it all in my head. I just gotta put it in cool lookin words and shit still.
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #109 on: <12-30-14/0400:22> »
Here is the medium-coherent version of my background. I generally try to tie together a PC's skills, qualities, and contacts into a vaguely plausible sequence of events. Additional elements of the background are in the contact descriptions. It probably makes more sense in my head.

"Achak" means spirit. The other finalist was "Teros", which means watchman.

Achak was born on Cascade Ork lands in the Salish-Shidhe Council, in the Cascade Mountains east of Seattle. As a human among orks, he was undersized and forced to develop fast reflexes to avoid getting beat up on a regular basis. Orks, as the dominant demographic, were the social elite of the tribe. Achak grew up thinking that orks were cool, and early in his life it would have been fair to call him an ork poser. He learned some Or'zet, spoke with a growl, and even wanted to get his lower canines into tusks. He eventually outgrew this.

Achak awakened as a teenager, responding to Dog's call. He attended a local school but did not take readily to his studies. He is more street smart than book smart, able to read people better than he can read a book. Legitimate job opportunities for the Cascade Ork tribe generally include logging and mining. Illegitimate job opportunities are far more plentiful, and include smuggling things back and forth between Seattle and Salish-Shidhe. Achak eventually fell into this work after connecting with an older ork named Megedagik. Achak powers of perception, enhanced by his developing adept abilities, made him an excellent person to be on point. This brought him into Seattle, specifically Puyallup, where he found many other opportunities available for street-smart individuals such as himself.

Achak initially fell in with a local gang called the BlackJacks led by a large troll named Rusty. Rusty took him in as a brother, and under his tutelage Achak developed a talent both for breaking and entering and beating fools down with a baseball bat. The gang also put a gun in his hands for the first time. Achak preferred automatic weapons; at the time he was fond of undisciplined spray-and-pray tactics. Rusty and Achak eventually had a falling-out over a popular stripper named Lola Lustytush, whom they both desired. They each entered a "win a date with Lola" contest that turned out to be an organized pit fighting tournament. Rusty and Achak were paired in the tournament, with negative consequences for Achak. Although shifty and able to avoid many attacks, Achak was unable to harm the larger, tougher troll, and eventually fell victim to Rusty's longer reach. Achak was beaten badly, which wounded his pride deeply and left him with a lingering prejudice toward trolls. Achak parted way with Rusty and his gang soon after. Rusty did not take the news well and is considerably cooler to Achak than he used to be, although he remains cordial. Achak, unable to truly abandon a friend or family member due to his mentor spirit, still considers a Rusty a resource, even if he’s still resentful of his beating (and losing the date with Lola).

After running with the BlackJacks, Achak was recruited by Stake specifically for his Perception abilities. His adept powers of Motion Sense and Magic Sense make it difficult for him to be ambushed, even by a vampire. Combined with his natural bravery, his adept powers improved Achak's survivability enormously, giving him the time and experience to develop into a more complete fighter.

While shooting vampires works fine, Achak realized he needed a melee weapon to feel truly comfortable. He was familiar with gunstock war clubs from his time growing up on tribal lands, and felt like it would be an easy transition after using a baseball bat for gangland enforcement activities. He carved his gunstock war club himself out of the heartwood of a hickory tree, renowned for its combination of strength, toughness, and shock resistance. Achak worked with Megedagik to get the club enchanted but the fact that the club is made out of wood gives Achak a psychological edge over vampires. It can also be used to make them rematerialize if they've gone into mist form, which is useful to counteract vampires trying to make a quick escape.

Achak was growing into a confident second-in-command under Stake when the troubles began. Targets were drying up while competition increased. Disaster struck when Achak ordered a junior team member to create a distraction while Achak snuck up behind for the kill. The ruse did not work because Achack was not fast enough. The teammate was killed before Achak could strike down the vampire. As a follower of Dog, the loss hurt Achak immensely. It triggered a crisis of confidence in his leadership abilities, which even now remain affected.

Following the tragedy, Achak searched for answers. Blaming himself for being too slow, he is increasing turning to combat stimulants to give him an additional edge. But he also knew that his pride has gotten the best of him, that he had ordered a teammate into a vulnerable position so that he could seize the glory with the kill. He was demoralized by his excessive pride and began to doubt his gifts.

During this vulnerable period, Achak fell under the sway of Pastor Paul, a charismatic Lutheran minister (and mystic adept) leading a growing congregation in the Barrens. Paul was directly responsible for Achak's conversion. Spiritually, Achak is now a blended mix of Christian teaching and traditional Native American values. His mentor spirit now occasionally assumes the form of the Apostle John, the faithful disciple who never denied Jesus and was present for both the Crucifixion and the Resurrection. The church is where Achak found his social confidence, where he learned to treat everyone - high, low, or in between - as an equal.  Pastor Paul has since moved on to the Los Angeles area, leaving Holy Trinity in the hands of local leaders like Achak. Holy Trinity is dependent on Achak for support, whether it is helping to resolve internal disputes or counsel fellow congregants or help in the soup kitchen when not enough people have signed up to serve.

Achak’s time with the church taught him patience - "Be still, and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10 - which improved both his stealth and his target selection. Achak now favors sharpshooting, especially as headshots and damage to the spinal cord cannot be regenerated by the Infected. For shooting, Achak favors the Ares Alpha and Ares Crusader II, mostly for their names. The Alpha references Revelation 1:8 - "I am the Alpha and the Omega" - while the Crusader is obvious.

In addition to his Gunstock War Club, Achak carries several Qi Foci:
- a wooden cross around his neck for Sustenance - "Man shall not live on bread alone" (Matthew 4:4)
- a stone cross with a mustard seed embedded for Commanding Voice - "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." (Matthew 17:20)
- a woven sling worn around his wrist for Agility Boost - "The battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.” (1 Samuel 17:47)


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« Reply #110 on: <12-30-14/1302:25> »
@Tecumseh, nice write up. 

@Poindexter, I like cool lookin words.  Looking forward to it.

ETA: are we nearing a start date?  Would everybody be ready by next Monday or thereabouts?
« Last Edit: <12-30-14/1312:48> by rednblack »


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« Reply #111 on: <12-30-14/1316:33> »
I'm getting the sheet nice and pretty right now. Monday sounds perfect to me, especially if the GM requests revisions.


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« Reply #112 on: <12-30-14/1350:07> »
Name: Achak
Alias: Teros
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Nationality: Salish-Shidhe
Ancestry: Native American
Lifestyle: Low in Seattle, Squatter safehouses in Puyallup and Salish-Shidhe
Money: ¥1434
Karma Spent: 0
Physical Description:TBD

355 (7)5
3663d6 + 13
Physical l.Mental l.Social l.Astral l.
Physical boxStun boxOverflow

Positive Qualities
Catlike+2 Sneaking
Guts+2 resist fear and intimidation
Mentor Spirit (Dog)+2 tracking, improved senses, loyalty
Sharpshooter+2 called shots, -1 all other shots

Negative Qualities
Addiction (Mild) (Stimulants)Woooo!
Allergy (Common) (Mild)Chocolate (real and fake)
Dependent (Nuisance) (Mild)Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Loss of Confidence (Leadership) (Mild)-2 to Leadership tests
Prejudice (Specific, Biased) (Trolls)-2 to social interactions
SINner (National)Salish-Shidhe

Adept Powers
NameCost     Notes
Attribute Boost (Agility)0.00Qi Focus, 7 dice = hits equal boost
Combat Sense0.50+1 defense, can always roll for surprise
Commanding Voice0.00Qi Focus, +1 opposed Leadership or Intimidation tests
Critical Strike (Clubs)0.50+1 DV clubs
Danger Sense0.25+1 surprise checks
Enhanced Accuracy (Clubs)0.25+1 Accuracy
Improved Reflexes 22.50+2 Reaction, +2d6 Initiative
Improved Sense (Bloodhound Scent)0.00from mentor spirit
Improved Sense (High-Frequency Hearing)0.00from mentor spirit
Magic Sense0.50Detect Magic, range = 60 meters
Motion Sense0.50Perception + Magic [Mental] vs. threshold, range = 6 meters
Sustenance0.00Qi Focus, one meal per day
Traceless Walk1.00-4 Perception checks to detect with hearing

Active Skills
Influence skill group5
...Leadership5-2 Loss of Confidence
Athletics skill group1
Outdoors skill group1
...Tracking1+2 Mentor Spirit

Name     Rating     Notes
Automatics (Assault Rifles)     6 (8 )smartlink, Sharpshooter
Clubs (Gunstock War club)6 (8 )+3 weapon focus
Locksmith (Maglock)6 (8 )
Perception (Hearing)6 (8 )improved adept senses (scent, high-frequency hearing)
Sneaking (Urban)6 (8 )+2 Catlike
Armorer (Melee Weapons)2 (4)
Escape Artist1
Heavy Weapons1smartlink
Pilot Ground Craft1

Knowledge Skills
Security Design (Homes)4 (6)Professional
Area Knowledge: NAN (Salish-Shidhe)2 (4)Street
Area Knowledge: Seattle (Puyallup)2 (4)Street
Music (Classical/Baroque)2 (4)Interest
Christianity (Protestantism)1 (3)Academic
Street Drugs (Stimulants)1 (3)Interest

Language Skills
Or'zet (Speak)3 (5)
Spanish (Speak)1 (3)

Lola LustytushLoveland, SeattleStripper2/3
MegedagikCascade Ork, Salish-ShidheEntreprenuer3/2
RustyPuyallup, SeattleGang Leader4/3
Pastor PaulLos Angeles, PCCPastor4/3
« Last Edit: <12-30-14/1432:19> by Tecumseh »


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« Reply #113 on: <12-30-14/1359:22> »
A: Attributes (24)
B: Skillz (36/5)
C: Magic (4, free rating 2 skill)
D: Human (3)
E: Resources (¥100,000)

I took Armorer as the free rating 2 skill. I spent two special attribute points on Magic and the third on Edge.

Karma breakdown
Positive Qualities = -26
Skill Groups 2 * 5 = -10
Logic 1 > 2 = -10
Active Skills  9 * 2 = -18
Weapon Focus R3 =- 9
Qi Foci 3 * 2 = -6
Nuyen = -1
Total = -80

Negative Qualities +35
Chargen Karma +35
Post-chargen Karma +10
Total = +80

In other thoughts, I am reminded that there are two different versions of Commanding Voice. The one in Stolen Souls is about 10x less powerful than the one in Street Grimoire. I went with Street Grimoire because that's what is in Chummer 5. I wasn't intending to use it much, largely due to the Loss of Confidence negative quality, but if rednblack prefers the Stolen Souls version then I'll switch out that power for another one.

It also occurs to me that I didn't put my adept powers on the sheet I just posted. I'll add them now. Edit: Added.
« Last Edit: <12-30-14/1433:04> by Tecumseh »


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« Reply #114 on: <01-01-15/1427:57> »
== Background ==
Annabelle was a frail child; born human, sickly, and 2 months premature to a pair of elves who gave her up for adoption as soon as they saw what she was. Her earliest memories are of the church. Every sunday, she and all the other kids from the adoption center would go there together and even though most of the other kids seemed bored, Anna was positively ENTHRALLED. The ceremony... The lighting... The clothes... The language... The music... The WORDS!!! In her short little life so far, she'd only ever known pity at best and ridicule at worst, but here inside these walls and surrounded by these stained glass windows, she was taught about hope. She learned all the words to all the songs, even though her singing voice was average on her best days. She learned all the words to the prayers and the chants, even though they were in latin and she didn't understand what a word of it meant. She was maybe 9 by the time she'd become such a fixture at the church, cleaning up, cooking, helping out, and making friends, that she was formally adopted by the church and went to live there for good.

It was maybe three years after then that she awakened. At first, Anna saw it as a child would; A blessing of wisdom and strength from God himself. But once she learned that it came with responsibilities and changes she wasn't ready for yet, she was hesitant. Once they saw her talents, they wanted her to go away to an old Gregorian monestary to be trained and taught. She was afraid to go. What kind of holy warrior was she supposed to be? She just wanted to stay in the church and sing the songs, tend to the books, dust the statues, marry a nice man and grow old. But God had chosen her for something else. What could she do? She said goodbye to her friends in the church and left [CITY], never to see them again. Well, most of them, anyway...

Marcus had always been a bully. Not your typical hair pulling, wedgie giving, lunchmoney taking sort of bully, but a bully none the less. Since Annabelle had first arrived at the church, Marcus had been mean to her. He was three years older than her and far more well read, far further educated in the path of the Lord than she. He lorded this fact over her and all the other children who came to the church. Whereas some bullies use their strength to make themselves feel better about themselves, Marcus used his intellect, and God help the poor child on whom he would fix his intellectual ridicule on any given day. Annabelle had seen kids driven to tears or wetting themselves by the ferocious mocking this little monster would hand out, and she was always smart enough to not make herself a target of his wrath. She stayed silent when she could tell he was in one of his moods. Not only was there the natural human instinct to not be singled out, but she also knew enough about the teachings to know that to argue with a christian male about his beliefs is incorrect and an abomination against God. In the few instances that she WAS singled out, she remained very quiet and still, looking at the ground and refusing to make eye contact with him until he would finish and storm off, triumphantly. She'd spent years living under the same roof as this small minded, petty little worm and she dreaded rounding every corner in the church for fear of having to see his weasely face. The only postive thing she could find about leaving the church and going to live in some monastery in the middle of nowhere to be trained in battle magic, the ONLY silver lining was that she'd never have to see that little cockroach again. How wrong she was.

After 10 long arduous years of training, she was a demon hunter. Taught the skills to track down evil spirits wherever they may hide and slay them in their places of power, the monastery put her into the field, armed only with her holy sword, "The blade of Gabriel" and one contact. This would be the person she would go through for all of her mission related info from the church, as well as all her material supplies and transportation until she developed her own contacts for those. She felt a slight twinge in her stomach when she read the name of the contact; Marcus. It couldn't be, she figured. But indeed it was. For six years now, she's been wandering the north american continent, building her contacts as well as a web of fake identities, drops, and safehouses in a desperate attempt to have as little to do with Marcus as possible. It's been going quite well. For a while there, she just couldn't find anyone who could get gear cheaper than he could or more reliably, so she had to keep with him for re-supply. But two years ago, she caught him in a lie, quite by accident and found out who HIS supplier was; a former black panther named Saahir. Since then, she's done everything she can to look out for him and nurture the relationship and it's paid off in the last few months. She can tell he's starting to trust her a bit more lately than he initially did.

Now, "Sister Rebecca" is 27 years old with over three dozen kills, making her one of the most effective demon hunters working today. When she isn't actively working a mission, she wanders unarmed among the homeless and destitute, healing their ills and helping their communities as best she can. But as soon as she gets the right message from Marcus, she can be nearly anywhere in North America within hours, armored to the gills and armed to the teeth, ready to lay down the righteous vengeance of the Lord himself on whatever blight he may find offensive in his holy sight.
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #115 on: <01-01-15/1432:42> »
In other thoughts, I am reminded that there are two different versions of Commanding Voice. The one in Stolen Souls is about 10x less powerful than the one in Street Grimoire. I went with Street Grimoire because that's what is in Chummer 5. I wasn't intending to use it much, largely due to the Loss of Confidence negative quality, but if rednblack prefers the Stolen Souls version then I'll switch out that power for another one.

It also occurs to me that I didn't put my adept powers on the sheet I just posted. I'll add them now. Edit: Added.

The Stolen Souls version is the "official" one; they changed the Street Grimoire one to Authoritative Tone. It's in the Street Grimoire Errata.

Also, I should be ready by Monday; finishing up everything in the next few days.


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« Reply #116 on: <01-01-15/1446:33> »
I'm ready to go whenever as well. Amped up and ready to go.

Got that kinda clarity of focus that only white hot rage can give ya, y'know?
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #117 on: <01-01-15/1517:02> »
I'm ready to go whenever as well. Amped up and ready to go.

Got that kinda clarity of focus that only white hot rage can give ya, y'know?

Excellent.  Also, nice write-up.

OOC is up here:



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« Reply #118 on: <01-01-15/1725:02> »
I'll get a placeholder post up. What's the character limit for a post? I'm probably going to hit it if I post sheet+gear+contacts+background. Might have to trim a bit, or include links leading back here.

Also, will replace Commanding Voice with another option.


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« Reply #119 on: <01-01-15/1726:35> »
I'll get a placeholder post up. What's the character limit for a post? I'm probably going to hit it if I post sheet+gear+contacts+background. Might have to trim a bit, or include links leading back here.

Short answer: I have no idea.  If you need to link back to this thread, that's fine. 

Would you guys see any need for a dedicated NPC thread?  I could set one up after all the runners have finished. 

ETA: 1 last (ha!) question I have: any idea what a suitable bounty for a vampire is?  I haven't been able to find anything.
« Last Edit: <01-01-15/1730:51> by rednblack »

