[PbP, 4th] New Beginnings Recruitment

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  • Prime Runner
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  • Posts: 2881
« on: <09-27-14/0852:45> »
Crossposting to increase exposure

The New Beginnings game is opening recruitment for one very specific player type.

The team seems to be losing a Matrix support specialist, but that may or may not actually be the case.  Regardless, I would like to see some new blood on the tech side of things, so I am requesting people submit a player concept (with or without a sheet at the moment) or 20Q that has hacker as a strong, but secondary skillset.  I don’t personally care where your primary is, it could be rigging (vehicle or drone), covert ops, gun-bunny or combat medic, but I need you to be an adequate hacker too.

Strong player concept is more important than an impressive character sheet, especially since I will probably chew up your first sheet anyway and spit it back to you for resubmission, ask my current players.

This is 4th edition, and unlikely at this point to upgrade, and the other active players will have a say in the final choice.

Post something here or PM a concept.

