Name: Corisar Soleth Halirr (Therinn [Fade])
Metatype: Elf (Priority C; 3 Edge)
Magic or Resonance: (Priority A; Magic 6, TWO Rating 5 Magic Skills, 10 Spells)
Knows a maximum number of formulae from each group equal to his Magic Rating x 2
Attributes: 20 points (Priority B)
Resources: 15,000¥ (Priority D)
Skills: 18/0 points (Priority E)
Total Knowledge and Language Skill Points: 16
13 Karma to customize
Gear Restrictions: Device Ratings must be rated at 4 or less. Maximum Availability is limited to 10 or less.
Nuyen Restrictions: Characters may only convert up to 5 Karma into nuyen (10,000 nuyen).
AGI: 4
REA: 3
STR: 3
LOG: 3
INT: 5
CHA: 5
EDG: 2
ESS: 6
INI: 2
Racial Bonuses/Disadvantages: Low-Light Vision
Initiative: 8+1D6
Astral Initiative: 10+2D6
Inherent Limits:
Mental: 6
Physical: 4
Social: 7
Condition Monitor Boxes:
Physical: 9
Stun: 10
Overflow: 3
Reputation: 0
MAGIC: 6+2=8 (16 Spells)
Spells: Blast, Stunball, Analyze Truth, Combat Sense, Heal, Chaotic World, Improved Invisibility, Trid Phantasm, Silence, Influence, Levitate, Magic Fingers, Mana Barrier, Light, Armor, Trid Entertainment
Starting Karma: 13
Positive Quality Karma Cost
Guts -10
Will to Live (1) -3
Focused Concentration (3) -12
Negative Quality Karma Bonus
Allergy (Common, Mild: Pollen) +10
Corporate Limited SIN +15
Hunted (Tir Ghosts and Paladins) +2