Of course, just when I'm almost settled on one type of phys adept to play in our game, the new book has to come out and throw everything into disarray... The cyber adept is an interesting route, but I wanted to contrast it with a pure adept that packs in as many power points as possible and uses some of the more interesting powers that are now in the mix.
Backstory isn't fixed, but I'm thinking a high potential child of corp parents who has been sequestered in training programs most of his life, to basically be a trained killer for the corp. They're trying to bring out the beast in him, but unknown to his masters, that brought out Shark who has convinced him that these masters aren't worthy of guiding a predator such as himself. He escapes the compound and is now basically homeless and penniless in the shadows, stealing to survive.
His skillset is a close combat specialist who can also shoot a rifle at range. Infiltration is a strong backup, and he has adept powers to get where he needs to be unnoticed and to take down targets either quiet and nonlethal or loud and messy.
Qualities +5 karma
Corporate SIN +25
Way of the Beast -20 (Half price improved reflexes 1, traceless walk and elemental strike, free mentor spirit)
Shark mentor spirit 0 (+2 unarmed, free killing hands)
Metatype C - Human 5
Attributes A - 24
Body 4
Agility 6
Reaction 5 ( 7 )
Strength 4
Charisma 3
Intuition 5
Logic 2
Willpower 3
Edge 7 (5 points from metatype)
Magic 6
Magic B - Adept
Improved reflexes 2 - 1.75 points (0.75 level 1 from beast, 1 level 2)
Attribute boost agility 1 - 0.25
Attribute boost strength 1 - 0.25
Attribute boost body 1 - 0.25
Nerve strike - 1 (come on, this just sounds fun! with a physical limit of 7 and a good close combat pool, hopefully it will be enough to down people in one shot in some cases, particularly if they're surprised)
Killing hands - 0
Elemental strike (electricity or fire perhaps?) - 0.25 (half from beast)
Elemental body (same element) - 1
Traceless walk - 0.5 (half from beast)
Wall running - 0.5
Freefall 1 - 0.25
Skills D - 22
Unarmed (nerve strike specialty possible?) 6 ( 8 ) - 7
Longarms 4 - free magic points
Stealth (indoors) 5 ( 7 ) - 6
Palming (pickpocket) 1 ( 3 ) - 2
Perception (visual) 1 ( 3 ) - 2
Running (wall running specialty possible?) 1 ( 3 ) - 2
Etiquitte (corporate) 2 ( 4 ) - 3
Con 1 (2 karma)
Locksmith 1 (2 karma)
Resources E - Set to 26k with 10 karma
Yadda yadda, SIN and lifestyle (probably both pretty bad to fit his current situation), comlink and comms gear, a gun of some sort, maybe room for a focus (would be nice to fit a force 4 Qi focus to get the last point of improved reflexes)
Easy to fit the necessities here
That leaves me with 16 karma left for focus binding and picking up some more low level skills. Seems like a lot of fun powers in one package. Some of the specializations I'd like to take will require GM approval, but I think it'd be reasonable to think he would specialize in things that are directly related to a power use.
I'm REALLY interested to see how nerve strike and elemental body play out. I imagine him sneaking up on a target with traceless walk and general stealth to take it down with nerve strike and then blast up with the elemental body if an alarm gets raised and a real brawl begins. That drain though... could be rough once the fight's over if it goes on too long.