[IC] New Beginnings-Horizon

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« Reply #480 on: <01-26-15/0856:45> »
Snow is picked up promptly by Crenshaw, who cleans up nicely even if the late model Comet he driving isn’t up to standard of Snow’s regular dates.  The Data Haven is exactly as advertised, a techie club where O’Connor looks EXTREMELY out of place, and while Snow is easily the best looking woman there, there is certainly some nice ladies in attendance, even though the gender ratio is not in his favor. 

There is an especially well-endowed specimen that gets the out-of-towner in a little trouble as the barkeep quietly informs him that ogling the goods when the party isn’t in residence is considered bad form.  O’Connor is confused until he realizes the woman in question seems to be asleep on her chair, apparently she is working the club in full VR.

It is still little early, so Crenshaw and Snow have some time to talk before his people start arriving.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #481 on: <01-26-15/0922:54> »
Snow greets Crenshaw when he shows up.  "You are right on time, I like that."  She moves her arm down her body.  "Will this do for the club?  I hope the change in my look is not too much for you and your friends.  And my blouse?  I could cover the arms if the tats are inappropriate."She offers her arm to him and lets him escort her out of the lobby and to his car.

At the club she follows him in.  "Nice place.  Who are your friends that we are meeting?  What did you tell them about me?"

"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #482 on: <01-26-15/1259:56> »
O'Connor checked in his pistol at the door, however reluctantly. Once he crossed the threshold into the club, he knew that the night would be a test. He ordered and downed two shots of tequila in rapid succession, and followed with an order for a rum and coke. He walked about the club to familiarize himself with the layout, while keeping an eye out for some chicks that weren't spaced out in VR.

Perception 3 + Intuition 3 + Visual 2 = Pool 8
« Last Edit: <01-26-15/1509:49> by Necrogigas »
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« Reply #483 on: <01-27-15/2117:16> »
The first thing that you will notice is a sharp uptick in your group’s Pito rating.  Apparently just being allowed in the door at The End of The World makes you someone worth a look.
Torley casually inserts himself into a group of writers discussing various projects and pitches they are working on, overhearing one about a group of shadowrunners looking for El Dorado.  He got the idea from rumors of Aztlan working with ground-penetrating radar at some of digs for the Legendary City of Gold.

Sammy isn’t nearly as comfortable as she thought she would be, first there is the fact that even though she is seeing people she knows, she can’t approach them because she isn’t HER right now, and she has to preserve that illusion.  Another reason is that she climbed this particular social ladder once, so dealing with starting on the bottom rung again is not something she is completely happy with, even though it is not her life anymore.  She might have been okay, but she fell into a conversation with a group of women discussing the fashion in the club.  Seems the House of GaGa is debuting a new line in Paris right now and the Gagaistic Effect is supposed to return and replace the Zoe fashions that she is happier with, and is in fact wearing.

Clementine’s look has garnered her a bit of attention, but once engaged she is having trouble with the fine points of conversation.  Although she has had some experience in these settings, it was as protection, or sometimes window dressing, having to communicate with people rather than evaluating them is taking some getting used to.

Things seem to be going much better at the Data Haven.  O’Connor is able to find some interesting company, a couple of ladies who are a little older, but introduced themselves by getting very handsy and telling him “You’re about the manliest hunk of meat we have seen in this place since Chaser’s turbo-steroid hookup got busted.”  They have brought him to their booth and are buying him drinks, since the booth has a good sightlines he really has little to complain about.

Crenshaw has turned out to be rather charming, in a geeky, sort of desperate way.  He is nothing but complimentary towards Snow.  He tells her that his friends will be along soon, some are from the studio so they have seen her, but a couple of other folks he tells her are coming to, including a person coming later that might be the connection she is looking for.  “He tells me he is in good with Alex Machine, so he has got to know someone in the LA shadows.”  He makes a point of showing her the VR portion of the club, the sculpting of which is a work in progress, but cool, then does his best to chat her up, asking her about her life and work.

« Last Edit: <01-28-15/0759:34> by Crossbow »


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« Reply #484 on: <01-27-15/2225:08> »
O'Connor had to admit he'd been wrong about this place, being the big fish is a small pond had its upsides. He mirrored the girls directness by getting handsy himself, "And you ladies are the sweetest pieces of tail I've met since gettin' to L.A." His night was starting off extraordinarily well, which meant something was bound to happen. He occasionally took stock of the situation in the club to keep from getting blindsided by whatever karmatic balancer was head his way. Despite his paranoia, it didn't take much to get his attention refocused on the girls and continue to sweet talk them, in his crass ways.
"Speech" *Thought* <Matrix> ~Astral~


Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #485 on: <01-27-15/2239:44> »
Snow notices Crenshaw's unease and takes him off to a slightly secluded corner.  She takes him by his lapels or jacket front and pulls him to her, kissing him deeply.  She breaks the kiss and says, "Relax.  I like you so just be yourself.  I am here to meet with the people you have mentioned, but I am going home with you tonight, breakfast is optional."  I put my arm through his and we go back to the main area.  Unless he objects I will keep my arm in his to let everyone know just exactly who I am with.  When seated, I will sit close to him for the same reason.  Since he did not object to the tats on my arm I will carry the blazer with me, exposing bare shoulders and arms.

I let him escort me about the club.  "I will let you buy me a drink.  Vodka.  Neat.  Do they allow smoking here and do you mind if I do?"  When he asks about my life I say, "I am Russian, from Vladivostok.  I used to wage slave for EVO there.  That is where I learned some of my skills.  I was sent to Seattle a couple of years ago but boss and I did not get on.  He wanted too much 'extra' from me and when I refused he let me go.  I took to the shadows, but I am not so well prepared for this sort of work.  I really need to upgrade my system and the software to help me protect my team."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #486 on: <01-28-15/1455:23> »

A gentleman in a gray suit and dark green tie approaches Torley and gently pulls him away from his group. He hands him a card with a familiar logo.  (Somebody is paying a FORTUNE for Horizon execs to keep killing trees for these nice cards.)  It says“Andre Guiles, Media Arts manager, Charisma Associates.”

“Evening. I’m Guiles—I’ve heard you are on retainer with Richard Fermin,” he says. “Can I have a private word with you to discuss additional business?”  He leads you to your partners and giving them each cards repeats his introduction, then leads you off and down a hallway to a room guarded by a man and a hulking mastiff (don’t get nervous, mastiff NOT BARGHEST). Almost everything inside the room is black, with only a partial non-black frame. In the middle is a set of tables and chairs—sturdy, functional, and not at all comfortable.

Once everybody’s seated, he continues, “I have something that needs to be taken care of with the maximum discretion: the retrieval of an item for my client. Fermin and I have discussed this, and we agreed that I can pay you for this job in addition to your retainer.  While I am sure that we can reach suitable arrangements, I need to know if you are willing to take on the assignment before I divulge any details.”


Snow’s assurances have certainly put Crenshaw at ease, well, not too much at ease, but that isn’t really a bad thing.  His crew, when they arrive is a friendly bunch, and is more than willing to answer technical questions on a variety of topics.  It is rare for them to have someone as charismatic as her ask intelligent questions and actually listen to the answers.  Few of the topics are of real value to shadow work, but she hadn’t talked to such people since she left the University.

As the night goes on, O’Connor is also enjoying himself.  Brenda and Bridgett do not seem to be competing for his attention, it is more like a tag-team and he is enjoying being outnumbered.  A desperate effort at professionalism has kept him from getting completely wasted, though he is really hoping that the contact Snow is waiting for shows up soon.  The girls have a Zen hookup they will hit on the way to their flat (roommates!  Bonus!) and he is feeling an itch.

The clientele entering the club has been relatively easy to keep track of, apparently the real party, for them, is on the Matrix side, so the few meat bodies coming in are not staying on the premises long, so to speak, unless they are joining Snow’s group across the club.  With the redhead’s tongue in his throat and the bottle blonde’s hands at his belt he almost didn’t catch the new arrival.  His scan of the room paints him as a regular, but when his eyes settle on Snow’s back, the initial appreciative appraisal turns into squint of serious examination, then he seems to be reversing course to leave rather than settle into the club.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #487 on: <01-28-15/1520:24> »
Snow is in tech heaven.  She has not had this much fun in years.  She listens carefully to what the others are saying, interjecting her questions where she feels they are appropriate.  She is extremely comfortable in her skin, and is pleased that the others do not seem to mind either her tats or her questions.  She stays sober, only taking one more vodka and nursing that one.  She gets comfortable with these people and spouts Russian once in a while in response to questions, then repeats the answer in English.

At some point she pulls out one of the drones and shows it to the others.  "I picked this up at the work site.  It appears to be a normal, off-the-shelf micro drone, but I was wondering if there was something special about it that I cannot see, so I thought to bring it to the experts."  She passes the drone around, showing her second one if there is interest.

She lets them talk a bit, then tries to bring the conversation around to her real interest.  "I have found that my cyber 'link is a bit inadequate for my sort of work.  Where is the best, and cheapest, place to get upgrades?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #488 on: <01-28-15/1521:28> »
With great reluctance, O'Connor untangled himself from the girls, "I'll be right back. You can count on that, but the job calls." As he made his way towards the man, he sent a text to Snow, <[Recipient: Snow | Source: Text]: Guy behind you, headed out, took a really fine interest in you and now he's bolting. I'm grabbin' him.> O'Connor picked up his pace to catch up to the guy before he got away. As he neared his target, he called out, "Hey, chummer!"
« Last Edit: <01-29-15/0303:15> by Necrogigas »
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« Reply #489 on: <01-28-15/1606:52> »
Gagaistic Effect only made her gag, pun intended.  Sammy hoped it was a phase that would quickly go out of vogue again.  On the other hand, while she was in her other persona, she could probably keep wearing Zoé outfits as they were still classy even if they weren't the latest fashion.  In some clubs or restaurants you were better of with a classy Zoé dress than with something bizarre, in the same way that a Mortimer of London suit would always work.

She was happy when she was called for the business part of the meeting.  At least when that was done she could take a second or even third cocktail and look for Mr. Right now.  She held back for now, letting Torley take point in the negotiations.
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #490 on: <01-28-15/1645:08> »
Once everybody’s seated, he continues, “I have something that needs to be taken care of with the maximum discretion: the retrieval of an item for my client. Fermin and I have discussed this, and we agreed that I can pay you for this job in addition to your retainer.  While I am sure that we can reach suitable arrangements, I need to know if you are willing to take on the assignment before I divulge any details.”

Sam wondered if Guiles--or his employer--had specifically brought in uncomfortable chairs for this meeting. They didn't really seem appropriate for a high-end club. Putting that thought aside for now, he cocked an eyebrow at Guiles. "Normally, it's considered bad form to take on a job for a second employer while still working on the original contract; there are too many potential conflicts. You seem to know the nature of our work with Mr. Fermin; you can understand, surely, that we would be in a difficult position if trying to retrieve your client's item required us to allocate too many resources away from his job and something...unfortunate happened." Though retrieval does sound a hell of a lot more interesting than fraggin' guard duty, Sam added silently to himself. "And resource scheduling is just the simplest of the potential issues that could come up. You say that you and Mr. Fermin have discussed our services, but do we have any way to verify that your contract would not conflict with his?"
Colors: Speech Thoughts Matrix Astral

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« Reply #491 on: <01-28-15/1721:01> »

"We both believe that this should be a simple job for a team with the talents that you displayed in Seattle, with the only difference being a modicum of personal discretion would be necessary, nothing more.  The schedule conflict will not be an issue, if you can't acquire my client's item during your impending free time it will be worthless for you to try."


By the time O'Connor could disentangle himself from his friends, the guy was outside.  Acting casual leaving the club and getting off the text to Snow cost him more time.  Once he was out the door, it took him a second to find the guy again, but when he did he knew the guy was in escape mode even as he called out.

The guy had hotfooted it across the lot and was approaching an old beater, as he looked back his face was pale and full of dread.  Seeing who was following him, he bolted for an alley that was at the edge of the lot instead, his hand going into his jacket for a weapon.


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« Reply #492 on: <01-28-15/2002:04> »
O'Connor immediately gave chase. He went for his pistol, but then remembered it was back in the club, *God dammit.* He didn't have time to go get it, so he picked up the pace to catch the guy, "Get back here, now!" He turned his commlink's microphone up, "Hello viewers,and welcome to Eye of the Storm with everyone's favorite psychopath, Bullet Storm. Caught this guy scoping out my teammate and now he's pulling a runner. Let's go make friends." He figured that if he had to use the Pito thing, he might as well have fun with it.
« Last Edit: <01-29-15/0417:11> by Necrogigas »
"Speech" *Thought* <Matrix> ~Astral~


Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #493 on: <01-29-15/0251:01> »
Snow does not miss a beat as she is mostly listening to the others anyway.  She sends a comm off to O'Connor.  <Please be careful, Con.  I have no idea who this person is.  Pretty much the only people I know in LA are at the table with me, especially in this get up.>
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« Reply #494 on: <01-29-15/0327:18> »
The former yakuza was used to a more linear set of directives. Having all these different contracts was both unfamiliar and confusing to the ork. She would have much preferred to have had one employer with different tasks, instead of different Johnsons with different jobs.

Listening to Torley negotiate, however, put Clem's concerns at ease. It seemed their concerns were shared, and his eloquent solution to the dilemma was welcomed by Clementine. She decided to keep quiet and listen to the rest of the details, but she gave an approving nod to Torley as to indicate she was fine with the parameters set forth so far.
Self thought

