(Closed) [5th] Green GM looking for Green players to play over SKYPE

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« on: <03-14-14/0731:37> »
Closed while I pan out applicants, thank you for your time errbody!

Open recruiting comes again as time passes and seasons change, need one or two players to place on a bench for positions to open up soon (Less then 3 weeks). Deckers/Technomancers will receive a higher chance but not a guarantee that I will pick one, chemistry is always important and I will read what you present and if I feel I like your work, will talk to you over Skype. Games are played over Roll20 for visual aid/dice rolls and Skype for voice, mic not required but a huge plus. Backstories required, again game is in Seattle. Will reward you either Karma/Nuyen based on your roll in relation to the groups after chargen that you can use, but want the chargen sheet to represent a complete character.

Group currently has;
Jack - Gun Adept
Stanimal - Bear Shaman (Mystic Adept) *position needs a replacement soon*
Kobe - Rigger
Estil - Alchemist (Magician) or The Gentlemen - Melee Adept *unsure if this spot needs filling right now*
Spook - Traditional Mage

5th Edition rules, very open to using 4th as long as I approve it before hand. Looking for a matrix oriented character or a "professional" who can do alot of the obscure things, though I am open to any character if I feel it can fit with the group. Please have a somewhat versatile skill set, whether through spells/gear/augmentations/skills I leave up to you and your creativity, don't only offer combat at this point please. Players are positive and friendly, currently there are a few things you should be aware of; We game on Monday's at 8pm EST, everyone is comfortable with mature language, no one is sensitive to racism, group tends to be chaotic good. Currently the game is focused in Seattle, though this could change, also travel is lightly taken into account.

Players agreed on MOSTLY roleplay, light hack/slash. So keep in mind my runs will mostly avoid brute force being the "best" option. The game has evolved to be about 50/50 on roleplay/combat, we are primarily newer players so no hardcore rule lawyers please, it tends to slow game flow down drastically. We do end up doing book lookups a few times a game to be sure on something.

I have tried GMing 4th edition in the past, group fell apart due to personality conflict (originated with player arguing how something worked and I allowed it only to find out it didn't work that way after the game (when I had time to research the situation properly)). 5th edition is fresh and doesn't have as much content out which makes it ripe for new play. What I need from potential applicants/players is; preferred playstyle/group role, time zone/time available, desired game type (roleplay/hack'n'slash), short story or backstory of your potential character to reflect your creativity (optional) and lastly your desired atmosphere (Seattle/Metropolitan/UCAS/etc.). Note that the information you provide may not impact the campaign directly but it gives me a good idea of what to write/plan ahead of time. Due to the nature of being new player friendly, tips and suggestions will be ok but no puppeteer, don't command someone to do something, try to give people time to think for themselves first.

You can either send me a message or post here with the desired information, it is all OPTIONAL but will create a better experience for everybody if it is provided. Skype contact information will be shared when I have a sufficient amount of players and we will go over character creation/ideas together as a group to familiarize ourselves with one another. A mic is NOT required but preferred, if you are shy and prefer typing that is ok, do realize that typing can be slower and you may get your actions delayed due to the process of typing and another player inputs prior.

Thank you for your time, hope you find a group to join, if heavily interested message me and perhaps we can talk about something!
« Last Edit: <05-25-14/1358:32> by Tiamut024 »


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« Reply #1 on: <03-14-14/1940:05> »
This is perfect for me since I'm pretty new.

Preferred Play style/Role: Hacker or Gun Adept(I'd like to try either one.)
Desired Game Type: Definitely Role playing.
Backstory Coming soon. ;)
Time Zone: Eastern. Prefered playtime is once (or twice at most) a week, evenings.
Desired Atmosphere Seattle! But any are good. :)


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« Reply #2 on: <03-14-14/2004:56> »
This is perfect for me since I'm pretty new.

Preferred Play style/Role: Hacker or Gun Adept(I'd like to try either one.)
Desired Game Type: Definitely Role playing.
Backstory Coming soon. ;)
Time Zone: Eastern. Prefered playtime is once (or twice at most) a week, evenings.
Desired Atmosphere Seattle! But any are good. :)

*steals the format*

Preferred Play style/Role: Technoamncer, Mage, or really ridiculous guy
Desired Game Type: Also Roleplaying oriented with some good chances of over the top antics.
Backstory Depends on who'd you'd want me to play.
  • Dr Estil Merriweather - Female Ratman healer. Would require some 4e to get into her ratform, otherwise is pretty much playable in just 5e
  • Bloody Anne Cormac - Female Human Pirate - High luck, over the the top antics, gun/sword bunny
  • John Rice - Human Monowhip using adept
  • Technosavant - Technomancer that uses a lot of cyberware and the like, augmenting it with his own abilites as a technomancer.
  • Decknomancer - A technomancer that uses bioware and his own bio-deck to hack things
  • Generalmancer - A support type technomancer that loves working along side cyberware using guys and a decker.
  • Jedi Knight - a mystic adept that uses a lot of "force" inspired powers
Time Zone: Arizonaian. Preferred time is evenings as well. At least once a week, if not twice.
Desired Atmosphere I don't know any of them, so.. yeah. Fun!


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« Reply #3 on: <03-16-14/0110:16> »
Preferred Play style/Role: Rigger, Face or Sniper of some kind. (new to SR and interested in all of them)
Desired Game Type: Looking for a good mix of both.
Backstory: These are just general ideas that i’ll flesh out more when I read up on the setting.

Kobayashi “Meru” Takeda (Rigger) - Poor kid whose family owns a small scrapyard. He spends the majority of his time either tinkering with stuff in the scrapyard or watching his parents restore things from the scrapyard. Scrapyard gets caught up in a gang turf war and one of his parents is killed while the other is seriously injured. Kobayashi’s uncle comes and takes over the scrapyard. He’s a good man who’s great with numbers but doesn’t know a thing about tech. Kobayashi slips into his parents’ role restoring scrap and such. When he’s of age, the young man joins the Army or whatever it’s area equivalent is. He shows some promise finding his place as a driver/rigger. Kobayashi gets the boot for hitting a superior. The reason will probably be either to protect a friend or something to do with his surviving parent. Because of his inability to fall in line, Kobayashi can’t find Corp work so he turns to the shadows.

Ray Sorvino/ethnic name matching syndicate (Face) - A kid who grew up idolizing the local Mafia/Yakuza/whatever organized crime syndicate. His only dream as a boy was to be a gangster. Little Ray started off doing menial tasks picking things up, watching corners, ect. The young boy is taken under the wing of Frank Valli the man in charge of the family’s casinos. Ray learned all about the different games and in the process developed his ability to read others. The young man made a name for himself as being something of a card shark and just being one lucky bastard. The young man started gambling on other things in the little free time he had. sports, fights, horses, dogs, roosters basically if there’s a winner and a loser Ray was there and putting some money down. He also found picking winners is not one of his strong suits. Ray’s debts started to pile up and eventually the money he was making as a mafioso simply couldn’t cut it. Over the years, the family had dealt with a number of runners, and Ray knew it was lucrative work. He decided he would contact one of the family’s fixers and start running.

Alexei Surkov (Sniper) - Alexei grew up your average young son of two middling corp wage slaves. He was a quiet boy who possessed a love for food, art, and literature which made him seem rather weird to other children his age. The boy found himself in a number of fights when he was young. Alex was not a violent person, but he understood violence the same way Van Gogh understood the brush. His brutality scared the other boys who decided to leave him alone after a couple of brutal fights. Alexei went through school unsure of what he would pursue after and found his place in the Army( or its SR equivalent.) The young man took to basic training quickly and particularly excelled with sniper rifles. After a few years of service, Alexei was transferred to a group of soldiers that performed illegal activities. The type of activities that would normally be given to runners except the military needed more structure with these particular missions. Eventually, a mission went bad and Alexei came out the sole survivor. The military of course did not acknowledge him, and Alexei found himself in need of a job.

Time Zone: Eastern. I prefer gaming once a week during the evening.
Desired Atmosphere Seattle or Chicago


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« Reply #4 on: <03-16-14/2308:41> »
referred Play style/Role:   Really flexible here, whatever holes are in the group, I'm happy to fill (phrasing!) .  I do tend to lean towards more complicated characters, so anything other than a straight sammy would do.  If I'm going to do combat primarily it would be some type of adept probably.
Desired Game Type: Both ideally, but more heavily leaning roleplay. 

Backstory: I don't really have one since I tend to tailor it to the character.  Like if I'm making a sniper, I would make a story for why a sniper would become a runner.  But for an example a decker I'm currently working on:

Jack "Jackpot" Wilder
Worked corp life, slowing making his way up as a matrix security specialist for Neonet.  But when a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity came along for him to make off with some secret and very valuable research data he couldn't resist (low willpower). 
He managed to make a reasonable fortune off the steal but unfortunately he's never been very good with money.  He blew through a lot of it doing a total body renovation (lots of bioware) then spent the rest living like a playboy and gambling excessively (gambling addiction-moderate).  This lifestyle change caused a big increase in his self confidence (the pheromones didn't hurt either) and now he's much more charming than when he was a desk jockey.
As he began to run out of funds he blew the dust off his deck and set to work in the matrix doing data runs, preparing for his next big score.
His current contacts include a Mobster bookie, who is also one of his better friends.  This gets awkward when he owes money he can't pay.


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« Reply #5 on: <03-17-14/0200:00> »
Is this still a go?


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« Reply #6 on: <03-17-14/0216:48> »
If you guys are still looking for people I would be interested.  Don't know if 5 is to many people or if there are more that aren't listed here.
Very little playing experience, just been reading and studying the game a lot.

Preferred Play style/Role: Anything really.  Probably more street sam or hacker/rigger.  I have tons of characters that I would like to play that are like 95% complete

Desired Game Type: totally flexible.  I am really into game mechanics but appreciate a good story
Time Zone: Eastern evenings.
Desired Atmosphere: Anywhere is good for me


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« Reply #7 on: <03-27-14/1930:34> »
Updated original post, looking for one more player, please read initial post!


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« Reply #8 on: <03-28-14/0847:06> »
I am currently GMing 5e game myself, but have been looking for a new game to play in for a while now. I can easily fill either roll you like, but left to my own devices would probably trend towards playing a face more. Have finally got my own group to start thinking a little more tactically rather than blowing everything up, which is good.

If you want a concept, or have anything else you would like me to potentially add, just PM me with what you want and I will be happy to fill more in. Concepts are harder to post without knowing what setting you eventually settled on, etc.


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« Reply #9 on: <03-28-14/1111:00> »
I would love to get a chance to play [like every one else] and if there is room I would definitely be interested. I would be most interested in trying out the matrix end of things. I have no real preference between Decker or TM, and could happily go with whatever is your preference.

Preferred Play style/Role: I love it all really, though I tend to like the straight forward "charge down the middle" combat types the least. Every character has something that is fun.
Desired Game Type: Very flexible here, your description of combat lighter espionage/problem solving sounds great.
Time Zone: Central
Desired Atmosphere: Seattle is a clasic, Chicago has interesting challenges, but anywhere works.


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« Reply #10 on: <03-28-14/1320:15> »
sorry, the game is in Seattle, will update original post, interested in you both, though if either of you would be interesting in being a secondary DM once in awhile that would be a bonus!


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« Reply #11 on: <05-21-14/1251:51> »
One to two positions have opened up. Original post has details.


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« Reply #12 on: <05-21-14/1412:41> »
I guess I should possibly.. put in for my.. re-application?
Concepts are great, but implementation sucks. Why not improve it?

Triskavanski's House Rules


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« Reply #13 on: <05-24-14/1902:25> »
Willing to join, though i am not a green player. have a couple of characters i can be depending on whats needed.

here are a few that i have made my decker gun adept with gun kata from run and gun Troll adept using a mono whip because i wanted to build a working one(preferred)

let me know if your interested in me joining


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« Reply #14 on: <05-24-14/2041:37> »
Character sheets are great, but can I get some backstory? Explain to me how you would consider yourself not a "Green" player to 5th, looking to get a feel for your type of creativity to find someone who (hopefully) will fit right in with the group. If I did end up going with you, do know that I will most likely ask you tone down some of your starting skill ratings somewhat, unless it really fits the backstory. In the end it really comes down to that golden nugget, the backstory!