(new gm) Published modules, timelines and prop 23

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« on: <02-06-14/0636:07> »
Hoi chummers!

I've just started a new 5.ed campaign. Since I have limited prep time I was thinking about running some published modules here and there, to spice things up. I've got: Splintered states and sprawl wilds.

Now the story arc of Prop 23 has caught my eye and fits really well (thematically at least) with the rest of my campaign. My question is, which missions are relevant for the Prop 23 arc and how do they fit in chronologically with the mentioned modules?


Michael Chandra

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« Reply #1 on: <02-06-14/0654:58> »
Copycat Killer is the start and took place in summer 2072, I think. So did the ORIGINAL Ashes. The Prop 23 arc starts in december 2072 with SRM4-00, SRM 4-01/03/05/07/09/11 take place in those months so januari 2073, march, etc, up to november 2073.

The Sprawl Wilds Ashes and Carbon Copy (the remade Copycat Killer, sequel of SRM4-05) take place in either 2074 or 2075, no explicit date is mentioned in most missions. CC does imply it's 2075 by being 3 years after the Cutter first went down, which means that by now the Ork Underground has been legal for an entire year already. Meanwhile, Firing Line takes place in summer 2075 following Lost Islands Found's news bulletins.

By the way, I believe that Copycat Killer (the original, so not its remake Carbon Copy) comes free with SRM4-05 in DriveThru. I seem to recall that's why I bought it back then.
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« Reply #2 on: <02-06-14/0823:31> »
Wow thanks for the fast reply!

What are really the differences between the original and the new Ashes? is it just when they take place? or are there details in the mission that need to be changed for it to feet as a prequel to the SRM4 ones?

Michael Chandra

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« Reply #3 on: <02-06-14/1758:41> »
Since I never played or read the original Ashes, I do not know the differences. I do know that the location is different and that in the original one, KE working together with the Skraacha sounds like a no-go. So how much was rewritten I cannot tell, you'd have to ask someone who ran/played it.
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« Reply #4 on: <02-08-14/1718:20> »
Soo... is there anybody here that has ran/played it? or that knows about these modules?


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« Reply #5 on: <02-21-14/1313:45> »
I've played or ran both CMPs and the Season 4 Mission On A Silver Platter.

There was talk in Runner's Haven about the Mayan Cutter. Seriel Killer in Seattle from 2069 to early 2072.  48 confirmed victims. Up to two dozen more suspected.  Lone Star's inability to catch this sociopath is likely a large part of why that corp lost the Seattle police force contract to Knight Errant.  The killings stopped shortly after KE took over.

Runner's Haven was either 2069 or 2070,
Copy Cat Killer is a bit fuzzy, but is 6 to 12 months after the Original Mayan Cutter stops operating, so late 2072 to mid 2073.
On A Silver Platter is one year after Copy Cat Killer, so late 2073 to mid 2074.
Carbon Copy occurs 3 years after Copy Cat Killer, so that puts it at roughly late 2075 to early 2076.

Well, IF I've pieced the clues together correctly.

If you buy On A Silver Platter, you get a copy of Copy Cat Killer for free. Two mods for the price of one.

It's entirely possible the Mayan Cutter appears in other 4th Edition books.  I've never scoured them looking for clues.  If someone else does so, I wouldn't mind reading more.

If you google search for it, be prepared to wade through tons of ads for decorative cigar cutters.



Michael Chandra

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« Reply #6 on: <02-21-14/1409:14> »
Silver Platter is SRM 04-05, so that makes it May 2073. I think the 2010 CMPs are summer 2072.
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« Reply #7 on: <03-10-14/1656:42> »
So reading through Storm Front, I found the following.

The timeline for Shadowrun: Dirty Tricks and the
Shadowrun: Missions adventures is as follows:
January 2073      CMP 2010-02 Copycat Killer
May 2073            SRM 04-01 Hiding in the Dark
September 2073 SRM 04-03 Rally Cry
January 2074      SRM 04-05 On a Silver Platter
May 2074            SRM 04-07 Burn
September 2074 SRM 04-09 Assassin Nation
November 2074  SRM 04-11 Election Day, Shadowrun:
Dirty Tricks         (concurrent to Election Day.)

So, bam, there we are all official like in one of the books.


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« Reply #8 on: <03-11-14/0938:13> »
Wow thanks a lot, that's great paydata  8) !

I would still like some more info about the original Ashes, or maybe some tips about what to change in the remake to run it as a prequel to season 4.