[SR5] HomeBrew Archetypes

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« on: <09-19-13/0201:06> »
So, I decided to put the characters I've whipped up together here for public use, since there hasn't been any other such thread started for SR5 yet.

Former Gymnast - Lightly Augmented
Former Gymnast - Heavily Augmented
Unaugmented Mundane Sniper
Blade Dancer
Mystic Adept
Troll Street Sam
Ares Assassin Asset

Added by Others
Decker by Hobbes
Technomancer by Hobbes
Ork Street Sam by Hobbes
Combat Adept by Hobbes
Street Samurai by Hobbes
Elf Mystic Adept by Hobbes
Decker/Social Infiltrator by ZeldaBravo
Rigger by CsJarrat
Private Detective by Tai-Pan
Bodyguard by Tai-Pan
Vatjob Ganger by Tai-Pan
Tir Socialite - Life Modules by Glyph
John Woo Adept by Pap Renvela

Everyone is invited to add to this. All I ask is that there be a pastebin or google doc link to make it easier to add to the master list in this post.
« Last Edit: <02-22-16/2153:09> by All4BigGuns »
(SR5) Homebrew Archetypes

Tangled Currents (Persistent): 33 Karma, 60,000 nuyen


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« Reply #1 on: <11-11-13/0144:02> »

Thanks for posting your characters =)

However I have noticed that your bladedancer has Muscle Toner – Rating 4 & Muscle Augmentation – Rating 4. Both these augmentations at R4 would have availability of 20. Since the cost you listed for them (64,000 and 62,000) is for R2 and seeing that the increase they give is +2, that must be a typo.

I thought you'd want to know =)

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“Forget hackers, I have my buddies Smith & Wesson: innovators of the point-and-click interface.”


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« Reply #2 on: <11-11-13/1655:55> »
Typo is repaired.
« Last Edit: <11-11-13/2237:45> by All4BigGuns »
(SR5) Homebrew Archetypes

Tangled Currents (Persistent): 33 Karma, 60,000 nuyen


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« Reply #3 on: <11-12-13/1226:23> »
good call!
here's my rigger archetype:


A gear (450,000)
B skills 36/5
C attributes 16
D meta (Human-3)
E magic

BOD 2 (+1)
CHA 2 (+1)
LOG 4 (+3)
WIL 3 (+2)
INT 3 (+2)


Qualites: {+ve} Codeslinger (Control Device +2) 10karma
          {-ve} National SiN (5 karma)
                Biased (specific: Technomancers) 3 karma
Skill Groups:
Engineering group R2
Electronics group R3

Individual Skills:
Electronic warfare 6
Gunnery 5
Perception 4
Pistols 3 (semi-auto +2)
Pilot Ground 5 (wheeled +2)
Pilot Air 5
Pilot Walker 3
Pilot Water 2
Etiquette 1
Sneaking 2 (6 karma)
Locksmith 2 (6 karma)
Armourer 1 (2 karma)
Blades 2 (6 karma)
First aid 1 (2 karma)

Gear: 450,000

R2 control rig (used) 2.5 ess: 72,750
R1 Muscle replacement 1 ess: 25,000
R2 Reaction enhancers .6 ess: 26,000
DataJack .1 ess 1,000
                           (4.2 ESS used)
124,750 spent on cyber
346,250 remaining



Vulcan Liegelord RCC 66,000 (dp 5, f6)
-Signal Scrubber 80
-Shell 250
-Biofeedback 250
-Encryption 80
-Tool box 80
-Virtual Machine 80
-Wrapper 250
-Sneak 250
-Agent R3 3000                             70,240
Autosofts: Ares Alpha- Targetting (rotodrone) R6 3000
           Clearsight R6 (rotodrone) 3000         
           Maneuver R6 (rotodrone) 3000

Transys avalon 5,000 (dr6)
-hot sim 350
-Trid Projector 200
-Simrig 1,000                                6550

Headphones R6 300
-Audio Enhance 2 1000 (avail 4)
-Sound filter R1 250 (avail3)
-Spatial recognizer 1000 (avail 4)           2550

Glasses R4 400
-Vision Mag 250 (+2 avail)
-Vision Enhance R2 500 (+4 avail + 2cap)
-Low Light 500 (+4 avail)                    1650

Contacts R2 400
-Image link 25
-Flare comp 250                               675

206,415 so far                             90,665 total
ID + Licenses

Fake sin 3 7500
-Fake Gun license 3 600
-Fake Vehicle License 3 600
-Fake Rigger License 3 600                   9400 total

Gold Credstick 100
Armour + Weapons

Fichetti Security 600 (acc 6(7), 7p damage, SA 1 RC) 350
-Gas vent 3 600
-Concealable Holster 150              1100

Survival Knife                         100

Clothing 20
Lined Coat 900 (arm 9)
-non conduct 3 750
-chem protect 3 750
-insulation 3 750                     3150

Helmet (arm +2)
-Image link 25
-Microphone R1 50
-atmosphere sensor R1 100
-radio signal scanner R6 600
-Motion sensor 100                     975

                                           5345 total
221,160 so far.
Tools + misc:

Mid lifestyle x1 month 5000
+special workplace 1000
 -Automotive mechanic shop 5000
 -Aeronautic mechanic shop 5000
 -Nautical mechanic kit 500
 -Armourer kit 500                   
 -Automotive kit (spare)              17,500 (6k recurring)

x60 regular light pistol ammo, + 1 spare clip 125
x90 APDS assault rifle ammo +1 spare clip    1085
x90 APDS assault rifle ammo +1 spare clip    1085
x6 HE mini grenades 600
x6 He mini grenades 600

Autopicker R6 3000
Sequencer R4 1000
MiniWelder 250
-Spare fuel 80
PassKey R4 8000                       
Glue Sprayer 150
Medkit R6  1500
Grapple gun 500
Standard rope 100m 100                       14,480

                                      33,765 total
Comms, Countermeasures + software:

Subvocal mic 50
Jammer, Area R4 800
Jammer, Directional R6 1200
Tag Eraser, 450

Mapsoft (local country) 100
Shopsoft: Drones 150
Shopsoft: Firearms 150
Datachip x4 20
Electronic paper 5

-Lockheed Optic-X2 21,000 (hand 4, speed 4, accel 3, bod 2, arm 2, pilot 3, sens 3)
{sensor suite R3}
-Camera R3 300(avail 12)
 +Thermo 500
 +Low light 500
 +Vision mag 250
-Laser Mic R3 300
 +Select sound filter 2 500
 +audio enhance 1 500
-Directional mic R3 300
 +Select sound filter 2 500
 +Audio enhance 1 500
Autosofts: Electronic Warfare R6 3000
           Maneuver R6 3000               
+R5 directional jammer 1000             31,900

-Shiawase Kanmushi 1,000 (sensor 3, hand 4, speed 2, pilot 3)
{sensor suite R3}
-Motion Sensor 100
-Camera R3 300
 +Vision Mag 250
 +vision enhance R1 500
 +Low Light 500
-Mic R3 150
 +audio enhance 2 1000
 +spat recognizer 1000
Autosofts: Clearsight R6 3000
           Maneuver R6 3000                10,800

-MCT Fly Spy 2,000 (sens 3, hand 4, speed 3 pilot 3)
 -{sensor suite R3}
-Motion sensor 100
-Microphone R3 150(avail 6)
 +Spatial Recognizer 1,000
 +Audio enhance R1 500
-Camera R3 300  (avail 6)
 +Vision Mag 250
 +Vision enhance R1 500
 +Low Light 500
Autosofts: Clearsight R6 3000
           Maneuver R6 3000             10,800

-MCT nissan rotodrone 5,000 (hand 4, speed 4, accel 2, bod/arm 4, pilot3, sens 3)
 +weapon mount (standard) 2500
  -Ares Alpha 2650
  -airburst link 600
{Sensor Suite R3}
+camera R3 300 (avail 12)
 -Smartlink +4 2000
 -Thermographic +6 500
 -Vision Mag 250 +2
+Microphone R3 150
 -Spatial recognizer 1,000
 -audio enhance R1 500
+Ultrasound R3 300

-MCT nissan rotodrone 5,000 (hand 4, speed 4, accel 2, bod/arm 4, pilot3, sens 3)
 +Weapon mount (standard) 2500
  -Ares Alpha 2650
  -airburst link 600
{Sensor Suite R3}
+Camera R3 300 (avail 12)
 -Smartlink +4 2000
 -Thermographic +6 500
 -Vision Mag 250 +2
+Microphone R3 150
 -Spatial recognizer 1,000
 -audio enhance R1 500
+Ultrasound R3 300

29k base
63,250 after mods

-Shin-Hyung 28,500 (handling 5/4, speed 6, accel 3, bod 10, armour 6, pilot 1, sensor 2, seats 4)
 +rigger interface 1,000
{sensor suite R2}
 -Camera R2 200
  +Vision Mag 250
  +low light 500
 -Motion sensor 100                          30,550

-GMC Bulldog Step-Van 35,000 (handling 3/3, speed 3, accel 1, bod 16, arm 12, pilot 1, sensor 2, seats 6)
 +rigger interface 1,000
 +satellite link 500
{sensor suite R5- 5000}
 -Camera R5 500
  +Low light 500 (+4)
  +Vision Mag 250 (+2)
  +Vision Enhance R2 500(+4)
  +Flare Comp 250 (+1)
 -Motion sensor (front) 100
 -Motion sensor (back) 100
 -Camera R1 100(back)
 -Radio signal scanner 5 500                 44,300

-Samuvani Otter {Watercraft} 21,000 (hand 4, speed 3, accel 2, bod 12, arm 6, pilot 2, sens 2, seats 8)
 +rigger interface 1,000
 {sensor suite R2}
 -Camera R2: Low light 500, thermo 500
 -Radio Signal scanner 2 200                 23,200

84,500 base
98,050 after mods
446,775 so far

Knowledge Skills: (14pts)
-Drone design 3
-Local Gangs 3
-Local Area Knowledge 2
-Motorsport 2
-Surveillance techniques 2
-Matrix theory 1
-Matrix Bars/Clubs 1
-English N

Contacts: (6pts) +1 pt karma
-Spare parts/salvage dealer 1,3
-Street doc 1,2



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« Reply #4 on: <11-28-13/0232:48> »
Added to the original post, Csjarrat. :D
(SR5) Homebrew Archetypes

Tangled Currents (Persistent): 33 Karma, 60,000 nuyen


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« Reply #5 on: <11-28-13/0423:46> »
got another one for you:
Decker archetype.
High LOG, good hacking skills, mediocre combat + social skills.
bracketed stats are final stats after cyber boosts.

[spoiler]Decker- SR5


A- Gear (450,000)
B- Attribs (20)
C- Skills (28/2)
D- Meta (human, 3)
E- Magic (0)

BOD 2 (+10 karma)
CHA 3 (+2)
INT 4 (+3)
WIL 4 (+3)   20/20

EDG 5 (+3)
-Codeslinger (hack on the fly +2) 10karma

-National SiN (UCAS) 5karma
-Biased (technomancers) 3karma
-Mild, uncommon allergy; Antiobiotics 5karma

28 Karma to spend

Groups: 2
Athletics 2

Individual skills: 28
Hacking 6 (hosts +2)
E.War 3
Cybercombat 4
Computer 5
Software 3         
Hardware 2 (devices + 2)
Pistols 2 (Revolvers +2)          28/28

Karma: 18 pts
Etiquette 2 (6 karma)
Pilot ground 1 (2 karma)


Gear: 450,000 + 10 karma = 470,000
Sony CiY-720 (Dr4, 7/6/5/4, programs 4) Cyberdeck 345,000
-Satellite link 500
-Biometric 200
-Trid projector 200               346,900

Transys Avalon Commlink (dr 6) 5,000
-Sim module + hot sim 350
-Fake SiN 4 10,000
-Fake Decker License 4 800
-Fake Weapon License 4 800         16,950

Muscle replacement 1 (used) 18,750 (1.25 ESS)
Cerberal Booster 2 63,000 (.4 ESS)
Reaction Enhancer 1 (used) 9,750 (.375 ESS) 
DataJack (used) 750 (.125 Ess)             2.15 ESS total loss

___________________________________                   455,100 so far
Signal Scrub
Vitual Machine        560

Baby Monitor
BioFeedback Filter
Wrapper            4,750
          5310 total
Weapons + Armour:

Armour Jacket 1,000

Helmet 100
-Radio Signal Scanner 4 400
-Motion Detector 100
-Image Link 25

Ruger Super Warhawk 400
-Concealable holster 150
-Laser 125
-Flashlight 25
-x2 speed loader 50

           2350 total (462,760 so far)
Low lifestyle (1 month) 1300
-Cramped -200
-Dangerous area -500

Dodge scoot 3000
Tag eraser 450
Datatap 300
Directional Jammer R6 1200 (469,010 so far)
leaves about 1k for ammo, medkit, whatever.[/spoiler]
« Last Edit: <11-28-13/0431:57> by Csjarrat »


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  • Omae
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« Reply #6 on: <11-28-13/0429:46> »
got another one for you:

Where did you get Fairlight Caliban? As far as I remember, the best comm you can get at chargen is Avalon.
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“Forget hackers, I have my buddies Smith & Wesson: innovators of the point-and-click interface.”


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« Reply #7 on: <11-28-13/0431:29> »
yeah its a typo. paid the right price but not the right name!
will repair
edit: done!


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  • Omae
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« Reply #8 on: <11-28-13/0435:55> »
yeah its a typo. paid the right price but not the right name!
will repair
edit: done!

I'm watching you ;D
Speech | Matrix/Communication | Thought | Astral
“Forget hackers, I have my buddies Smith & Wesson: innovators of the point-and-click interface.”


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« Reply #9 on: <01-02-14/1443:06> »

I'm still learning shadowrun so, could you tell me why your Rigger Archetypes are taking Electronic warfare? what can they do with it?

Thanks in advance
« Last Edit: <01-02-14/1450:31> by pontoark »


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« Reply #10 on: <01-02-14/1502:48> »

I'm still learning shadowrun so, could you tell me why your Rigger Archetypes are taking Electronic warfare? what can they do with it?

Thanks in advance

Here you go.

Quote from: SR5 Core Page 226
Using Electronic Warfare
This skill is about controlling the airwaves, an important ability in a wireless world. It's good for jamming other people's signals with a jammer (or even your deck), hiding your own signature, and snooping on other people's datastreams.
(SR5) Homebrew Archetypes

Tangled Currents (Persistent): 33 Karma, 60,000 nuyen


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« Reply #11 on: <01-02-14/1512:25> »
I just thought a drone couldn't physically use a Jammer, but that makes sense, sort of...


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« Reply #12 on: <01-02-14/1516:17> »
In practice you get to roll Electronic Warfare instead of Perception when using sensors (ie. drone recon) and you can use it to gain additional Noise Reduction (to counter hostile jamming or background noise). You also could use it to decrypt communications and to operate bugs, wiretaps etc (at least according to the description it's a full SIGINT skill).


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« Reply #13 on: <10-01-14/1925:16> »
Been inactive a while, so I thought I'd reactivate it.

New entry added in first post.
(SR5) Homebrew Archetypes

Tangled Currents (Persistent): 33 Karma, 60,000 nuyen


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« Reply #14 on: <10-02-14/0957:38> »
Street Sam
A-Attributes B-Resources C- Skills D-Human (3) E-Mundane

Bod    3(4)         
Agi    5(7)
Str    5(7)
Rea    5( 8 )
Log    3
Int    5
Wil    3
Cha    3
Edge 5
Init    10(13)+2d6
Essence 1.02
Limits- P-9 M-5 S-4

Qualities- (-20+25= +5)
Quick Healer  (-3)
Pain Resistance 2 (-14)
Agile Defender (-3)
Code of Honor +15
Distinctive Style +5

Combat Pools-
Ares Crusader- Pool- Pool 16 Damage 7P(9P)** AP-,  RC 2(4), Acc 6(8 )
Ingram Smartgun X- Pool 18 Damage 8P(10P)** AP-, RC 2(4), Acc 5(7)
Spurs- Pool 17 Damage 10P(12P)* AP -2 Reach 0 Limit (Physical 9)
Defence 13 Soak 20 (AR:16)
*Varies with Combat Maneuver see Martial art.
** Varies by Ammunition type.

Cyber and Bioware- (Cost 196.1 NY and 4.98 E)
Alpha Muscle Replacement Rating 2 (1.6) (60)
Alpha Reaction Enhancers Rating 2 (.48) (31.2)
Alpha Wired Reflexes Rating 1 (1.6) (46.8 )
Alpha Plastic Bone Lacing (.4)(9.6)
Cybereyes Rating 2 (.3) (14.5)
Flair Compensation, Image link, Low-light Vision, Smartlink and Thermographic Vision
Reflex Recorder (Gymnastics) (.1) (14)
Reflex Recorder (Unarmed) (.1) (14)
Sound Link (.1) (1)
Spurs (.3) (5k)

Skills- (28/2)
Automatics 6 (SMG) +2
Gymnastics 4
Influence Skill Group 2
Perception 4
Pilot Ground Craft 3
Sneak 3
Unarmed 6 (Cyber Implants) +2

Martial Arts-Ars Cybernetica-  (-17)
Pouncing Dragon
Finishing Move
(Open with Clinch (Negating Reach and giving Superior Position), Soften up as needed, go into Pouncing Dragon, Complete with finishing move.)

Knowledge Skills- (16)
Gangers 2
Street Sams 2
Firearms 2
Local Johnsons 2
Shadow Hangouts 2
Small Unit Tactics 6

Gear- (-10 karma to cash)
Armored Jacket 14
Auto-Injector (Trauma), Biomonitor, Chemical Protection 4, Non-Conductive 4, Gelpacks
Auctioneer Business Line 8
DocWagon (Basic)
Commlink- Transys Avalon)
Metalink x4 (Burners)
Clothes (Civilian) x4
Fake Sin Rating 4
Fake License Rating 4 (Restricted Cyberware)
Fake License Rating 4 (Firearms)
Fake License Rating 4 (Concealed Carry)
Fake License Rating 4 (Private Detective)
Riding Helmet
Medkit 6
Tag Eraser
Gas Mask
High Life Style 2 Months

Vehicle- Suzuki Mirage

Ingram Smartgun X
   Extra Clip (x3), Gas Vent 2, Personalized Grip, Smartlink, Suppressor.
Ares Crusader II (x2)
   Extra Clip (x3), Gas Vent 2, Personalized Grip, Smartlink, Suppressor.
   In Concealed, Quick Draw Holster
Spurs (Retractable)

Ammo- (SMG and MP)
APDS (70 rounds SMG, 80 MP) 
Regular Ammo (320 Rounds SMG, 400 MP)
Stick-n-Shocks (320 Rounds SMG, 400 MP)
Gel Rounds (70 SMG, 80 MP)

Contacts- (-3 karma to contacts) (12)
Fixer (2/3)
Arms Dealer (2/2)
Cyber Dock (3/2)
« Last Edit: <01-25-15/0120:36> by Marcus »
*Play-by-Post color guide*

