Official allowance of Home Games into official events, and giving the Gamemaster the rewards as well, are both awesome! =) Now if I ever need one of the players to GM due to scoring 'too many' players, they still get rewards.
I see rating 6 or less, not device rating 6 or less, in the Missions FAQ. I think a question has already been submitted on that to the faq topic in General Discussion, but which term does Missions want to use, Rating or Device Rating? Aka, are explosives, bows and arrows allowed past rating 6?
Same as the core rulebook. It's Rating 6 across the board, Device or otherwise.
If you offer Season 4 missions now, do those get GM rewards, or only with Sprawl Wilds?
It's only for Season 5, so the Sprawl Wilds ones only count if you're using them for SR5 and Season 5, since it's something new we did.
The FAQ mentions marking off the appropriate amount of time when searching for an item. The rules in SR5 do not mention any such timespan, only delivery times. How does this work?
It's all the same period of time. That entire timepsan includes you hunting down black market dealers, meeting with them, negotiating with them, travelling to pick things up, etc. After all, when you're actively searching the black market, it's not like it's where you place an item and it shows up at your door three weeks later.

This is why using contacts for this is useful. You're wasting their time then, and not your own. It's also why it gets expensive using them.
And can you improve attributes/skills while searching for items?
If you go looking for an item yourself, no. You can usually only do one activity at a time, unless that activity specifies otherwise (Such as healing). If you use a contact, then yes, because the contact is the one out searching the item for you.
Is only Extended Core allowed, or will other books be legal in the future as well?
Unless the book is listed as an Optional supplement (like teh way the 4th ed Way of... Books were), they will be Missions legal 30 days after release, as listed at the end of the document. If the new book has anything that needs Missions tweaked, it will be reflected in an updated FAQ.
Man, now I want to offer SRM-04 missions so the characters can promote to Prime Runners afterwards.