[SR5] Starting Nuyen

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« on: <07-27-13/0009:11> »
Sorry, I need an idiot check - or am I legit confused?

On page 95, it states that a character has to spend all the starting monies from the appropriate priorities column - but is allowed to take no more than 5000 nuyen 'into the game'.  Fair enough, sounds good.

But, then the example on page 96 confuses me.  After buying all that gear, "James" had 450,000 to start - then spent 420,010.

-- WHY is the 'carry over' nuyen inside the total for his start-up cost (which the table shows as 425,005)?

-- WHY is the 'carry over' 4995, and not 5000?

-- Should it not be that he spent 420,010 and that's it.  Being that he's left with 29,990 and for some reason can't figure out how to spend it, that money is lost all but 5000.  So then, being he picked "Middle" Lifestyle, he'd get (4d6 x 100) + 5000 nuyen to start in the game with?

-- The example on top of page 97 is also wrong.  The gear and lifestyle adds up to 67,190 for "Rob", which would be a carry-over of 2810 (not 2785).

...I didn't do the math on the chart on bottom of 97.  My only comment there is to format the Initial total and carry over like the chart on top, or vice versa.

Why is this not adding up for me?  What am I missing?
« Last Edit: <07-27-13/0021:22> by Nacho »
/// Nacho

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« Reply #1 on: <07-27-13/0026:45> »
It's bad editing. 

If you add up his gear it come to 440,215.  He still has 9, 785 to spend.  Still doesn't jive with whats in the book but then again its a 1st edition. 

5k is the most you can carry over. 

