[SR5] Rules Clarifications and FAQ

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« Reply #765 on: <10-14-13/0851:55> »
Q A physical device slaved to a Host (belong in a WAN) always only have it's icon inside the host?

No. In fact, there's no way by the current rules for that to happen. The device is outside the host, the same way the ACHE is outside the Space Needle--you can just see it from there.

Aaron - if that is the case, then what does this mean:

Page 246:

"The virtual space inside a host is separate from the
outside grid. When you’re outside of a host, you can’t interact
directly with icons inside it, although you can still
send messages, make commcalls, and that sort of thing.
Once you’re inside, you can see and interact with icons
inside the host, but not outside (with the same caveat for
messages, calls, etc.)."

What devices are inside a Host then?
How does a spider who is inside a Host interact with the devices that are outside the Host  - does he have to leave the Host to do so?

It means this:

Page 233:

"If you are in a host that has a WAN, you are considered directly connected to all devices in the WAN."

The device isn't in the host, but you can still access it as though you were directly connected to the device.

Q: Can one implant more than one datajack, and if yes, does the Noise Reduction wireless bonus stack?
Example; Quantum Princess (SRM Season 5 contact) is shown as having two datajacks. What is the purpose of this if the bonuses do not stack?

Yes and yes.


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« Reply #766 on: <10-14-13/0914:08> »
Q: Hydraulic Jacks (page 457) add their Rating to your limit for certain physical tests, but the wireless bonus is a fixed +1 dice pool; is this a typo and should the wireless bonus also be dependent on Rating, or is the dice pool bonus intended to always be +1?

The rules definitely say that you get a flat +1 dice pool bonus. You might want to post in the errata thread, just to be sure.

Statement: Only natural recovery can remove drain/fading damage, no medkits or magic can heal it.
Question: can boosts to natural healing, increase the natural healing dicepool and thereby assist in removing more drain/fading?
like medicine (and medicine boosted with medkits) increase body/willpower spells(as long as they are active during the whole natural recovery period, improved attribute body, rapid healing etc.

Yes. A good guideline would be to make sure that all the healing comes from the patient's Body + Willpower or Body x 2 Test.

Q: How are cybertorsos and cyberskulls treated if they are shells instead of limbs, as stated on page 455?
In other words, how are they treated for the purposes of:
1) having their own STR and AGI attributes
2) being a particular limb used for a test
3) being coordinated with arms and legs for a task
4) being enhanced with STR, AGI, and armor modifications
5) adding 1 physical condition monitor box
6) any other specific mention of "cyberlimb" in the book

Since they are specifically mention to be shells rather than replacements, what effect does this have in terms of game mechanics?

There's no real mechanical difference; the book describes the cybertorso and cyberskull as shells to indicate that while they fall under the mechanical category of "cyberlimb," they aren't actually limbs. All rules that apply to cyberlimbs also apply to cybertorsos and cyberskulls.

Q: Since cyberlimbs have their own attributes, do you use their attributes to calculate limits when using them for a test, either individually, as an average, or as the weakest limb?
Since cyberlimbs are augmentations, and augmentations can affect limits (as per page 100 under Final Calculations, "since many [derived mechanics] are adjusted by augmentations"), it logically follows that when a cyberlimb is used in a test they affect the relevant limit for that test. Otherwise, the rules become rather inconsistent.

Cyberlimbs are not included in inherent limit calculations.

If the limb is not counted for the purposes of limits, then the mechanics have the potential to work out rather unfairly for the character who uses cyberlimbs for anything where physical limits are imposed.

I'm not sure if this is a question, but you're right. There's a difference between having a buffed cyberlimb and knowing how to use it effectively.

On page 184, under Active Targeting, it mentions a vehicle/drone could break sensor contact with an Evade Detection action, but there is no other mention of such an action in the book. I can basically figure out it is just another Opposed Sensor Test, this time initiated by the vehicle/drone being targeted.  Since a normal Sensor Test is a Simple Action, is the Evade Detection also a Simple Action?

This one should be posted in an errata thread. If I was your GM, I'd call it a use of a skill and make it a Complex Action.

Q: When firing at a barrier, does penetrating weapons bypass the Structure + Armor rating test of the "Shooting through barriers" rules on page 197?

The example on page 198 seem to indicate this, but the rules seemingly contradict each other.

When a penetrating weapon strikes a target, it passes through the barrier causing a small amount of damage. Per the same rule, the GM could decide that it takes no damage at all. One way to determine this is to have the barrier resist the damage normally, although if the barrier isn't all that important to the action you can safely skip so much dice rolling.

Q: Is surprise a situational event, or does it apply every time a combat is started?
Since Surprise is listed under Special Actions, it is my belief that surprise is situational and is applied as the GM sees fit, rather than at all times.

It is situational and can happen at any time during a fight.

Q: What does being Unaware of an attack entail, and when can it occur?

If you are not expecting an attack from the direction it is coming, you are unaware of the attack. This rarely happens once combat is in full swing, except in cases where an ally turns against you or an attack comes from a quarter you had no reason to believe wasn't secure (like through a solid wall).

Question: right now, there does not seem to be a reason to use autofire against a foe when you have surprised that foe, unless you are looking to divide multiple attacks up against the target; are there any plans to grant slight errata to the "rate of fire" rules so that there is some reason to burst fire or autofire against a surprised target when you only want to make a single attack against the target, or does the development team feel that the current benefit (in the form of being able to make multiple attacks against a target that cannot defend) is enough?

There probably won't be any errata on the subject, but there just might be some advanced firearm rules coming out in a future release (which might have the initials R&G).


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« Reply #767 on: <10-14-13/0944:13> »
Q: How are cybertorsos and cyberskulls treated if they are shells instead of limbs, as stated on page 455?
In other words, how are they treated for the purposes of:
1) having their own STR and AGI attributes
2) being a particular limb used for a test
3) being coordinated with arms and legs for a task
4) being enhanced with STR, AGI, and armor modifications
5) adding 1 physical condition monitor box
6) any other specific mention of "cyberlimb" in the book

Since they are specifically mention to be shells rather than replacements, what effect does this have in terms of game mechanics?

There's no real mechanical difference; the book describes the cybertorso and cyberskull as shells to indicate that while they fall under the mechanical category of "cyberlimb," they aren't actually limbs. All rules that apply to cyberlimbs also apply to cybertorsos and cyberskulls.
Does that mean cybertorsos and cyberskulls count as limbs for the purposes of calculating the average and/or value of weakest limb when "careful coordination of several limbs" are required or not? Take skills like Gymnastics (used for a Dodge intercept action, for instance), Swimming or running (just regular swimming and running). In other words, is a cybertorso with STR and AGI of equal or greater value as other cyberlimbs required to maximize potential gain?

Q: Since cyberlimbs have their own attributes, do you use their attributes to calculate limits when using them for a test, either individually, as an average, or as the weakest limb?
Since cyberlimbs are augmentations, and augmentations can affect limits (as per page 100 under Final Calculations, "since many [derived mechanics] are adjusted by augmentations"), it logically follows that when a cyberlimb is used in a test they affect the relevant limit for that test. Otherwise, the rules become rather inconsistent.

Cyberlimbs are not included in inherent limit calculations.
I'm going to have to ask for some more clarification here; why is this (see below)?

If the limb is not counted for the purposes of limits, then the mechanics have the potential to work out rather unfairly for the character who uses cyberlimbs for anything where physical limits are imposed.

I'm not sure if this is a question, but you're right. There's a difference between having a buffed cyberlimb and knowing how to use it effectively.
As with the above, this seems highly illogical; a character with low "natural" Strength and Agility but two cyberarms at Rating 9 Agility and Strength can fire a high-accuracy rifle (limits at 9 and up) with pin-point accuracy and with little-to-no recoil penalty, but doesn't know how to throw a simple punch (limit difference of 4+)?

As per the above, why is it that cyberlimbs, when used solely, as an average, and/or in a calculation of lowest rating, do not affect limits for tests that expressly uses said cyberlimb attributes (for better or for worse, for that matter)?

Thank you for the rest of your answers, as always much appreciated. Feel free to let me know if I'm nitpicking too much, but some of these rules just make absolutely zero logical sense to me.


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« Reply #768 on: <10-14-13/0948:33> »
I, too, actually have a question about the "Unaware of an Attack" rules. My question is specific to the following sentence: "This does not apply to defenders who are already engaged in combat (see Character Has Superior Position, p. 187)." That sentence is being interpreted in two different ways on the boards. The way I read it is follows: the main clause, that the condition does not apply to defenders who are already engaged in combat, is always true. The parenthetical modification supplies extra information, which allows melee attackers to gain a dice pool benefit from perceptual advantage, but in no way shape or form stops the main clause from always being true. A few other posters seem to believe that the parenthetical modification makes the main clause only true when the parenthetical modification is applicable. In other words, if you are not attacking with a melee weapon it is possible for your target to still be unaware of the attack during combat. Which interpretation of that sentence is correct by the Rules as Intended? 

Once you're in combat, you're pretty much expecting an attack from anywhere. The only times you'll be unaware of an attack is if it comes from somewhere you were certain was safe, as with an ally turning on you, or perhaps a bush that you thought was cover but turned out to be an Awakened carnivorous plant ...

Q: How does one use the Complex Action Use Skill: Leadership?
The rules state that by using a complex action (presumably Use Skill) you can use Leadership for one of four effects; Command, Direct, Inspire, and Rally.

Command, Direct, and Rally all seem straight forward; the character uses the Use Skill Complex Action, rolls Charisma + Leadership [Social], then hits apply in various forms. But the Inspire function has a curious effect, in that net hits "act as a Teamwork Test for your subordinates' Surprise Test for the rest of the Combat Turn.

A Teamwork Test adds net hits as dice to the focus' (in this case subordinates) dice pool. How would you be able to take a Complex Action to aid subordinates before being Surprised? Or do they get to roll extra dice after the surprise test, effectively changing the sequence of surprise?

Since surprise can happen at ANY TIME (see, you didn't see that coming), you can substitute the Surprise Test with your Leadership Test. Your team is better prepared for sudden changes in the situation.

If wearing multiple pieces of gear providing AV, which armor modifications apply?
The rules for "Armor and encumbrance" on page 169 states that only "the value of the highest armor piece applies for determining armor applies". Then, under "Specialized protection" on the same page, it is stated that "additional protection is used along with the modified Armor values to determine total Armor against an attack.".

Use the best protection for the attack you're resisting on a case-by-case basis. On the other hand ...

Q: When wearing multiple pieces of armor that provides the same AV, can you choose which AV to use

If your armor is doing the resisting (as with cold or acid attacks), then the armor on the outside (farthest from your tender skin) is the subject of the effect.

Q Is it actually intended that an awakened character that initiate (but does not spend karma to raise magic rating, common for [Physical] Adepts) is harder to heal with magic?
(SR5, p288)
...this means you take a dice pool modifier equal to the target’s actual Essence minus his maximum Essence (which will turn out to be 0 or a negative number), rounded up.

Initiation doesn't increase your Essence, just your maximum Magic rating, which doesn't have anything to do with Essence health spells.

Q What augmentations, drugs or magic enhancements increase Matrix AR Initiative?

All of them. Your AR Initiative is the same as your physical Initiative because while everything happening is virtual, the AR controls and displays are, at least for you, in physical space.

Q What augmentations, drugs or magic enhancements -if any- increase Matrix VR Initiative (Cold Sim and Hot Sim)?

Anything that raises your Intuition, basically.

Quick question on reach.  Say a character has +3 reach, does that mean he is engaging the opponent 3m out or are they adjacent (say within a meter) and the 3m is just relevant for determining intercept range?

The physical measurement (1m times Reach) is only for interception (p. 194, SR5). Your Reach 3 character can intercept anyone who comes within 4 meters.

Q: How does toxins with multiple vectors affect the toxin resistance test?

In other words, can you apply multiple pieces of protective gear against such toxins?

Nope. Only the best one (or the worst one if your GM hates you).

Q: How big is a non-implanted simrig device?
There is little information on this in the rulebook, so it'd be nice to know if I'm carrying around a credstick sized, item, something a little bigger like a cyberdeck, or even larger like a rating 4 or higher medkit.

It can fit into a commlink, so it's not that big. Put it between a credstick and a cell phone.

Some question:

1. Is your answers are "official" answers from the SR5 developer group?

They're as official as I can make them. I worked on the book and on the rules committee that came up with the rules before the book was written. I'm working on the Shadowrun FAQ that will be released once Line Developer Jason M. Hardy has a chance to look it over. Those answers I'm not 100% certain about I vet with Jason and the folks who work on Shadowrun. I never post an answer that I think might be contradicted in a future update. Other than that, you get what you pay for.

2. How chargen skill limit works: (A) Summary of skill and improved ability adept power should be less or equal to chargen skill limit 6(7) or (B) improved ability can increase the skill over the chargen skill limit?

Yep, to the maximum that ability allows (natural rating x 1.5).

3. Analytical Mind quality: "This quality gives the character a +2 dice pool modifier to any Logic Tests involving pattern recognition, evidence analysis, clue hunting, or solving puzzles."
Does the character get +2 for all of her Logic test (and the listing is only a filler text) (A), or she can get the bonus only those Logic tests, where she has to recognize patterns or analyze evidences or etc. (B) ?

The dice pool modifier from Analytical Mind applies only to those tests involving pattern recognition, evidence analysis, clue hunting, or solving puzzles. The list is not filler text.

4. Gearhead quality: "She also receives a +2 dice pool modifier when attempting difficult maneuvers or stunts in the vehicle. This bonus lasts for 1D6 minutes."
How long this ablity's cooldown? If it isnt time based, what event triggers the cooldown of this ability? Pilot has to rest, or just a new action or vehicled fight or something else?

The "cooldown" of this power is after the vehicle that's been pushed to its limits has had some maintenance performed on it. Pushing a vehicle isn't like pushing a mount; it doesn't heal between sessions.

5. Weapon mount and clip size: "Standard weapon mounts may hold any assault rifle or smaller-sized weapon and 250 rounds of ammo."
How does it work? The smaller sized weapon get bigger clip (A), or some automat changes the standard clips (B), or the weapon is modified to belt (C), or you have to change the small clips by hand (D), or other way?

The weapon is modified to feed ammunition from an internal magazine. For some weapons it's a belt, for others it's a drum, for still others it's something completely unique to the weapon.

6. If an extended test has not treshold does it mean, the dice pool doesnt decreasing after every throw? (for example at Natural Recovery)

That's been asked and answered a few times. For natural recovery, the pool decreases after every throw until you're fully healed or you discover that you need medical attention. It's possible that this will be changed with future errata, but I have no information either way, so I'm sticking to what the rules say.

Thank you!

You're welcome!

Hi! Hunting around for these questions on the boards and elsewhere, and not seeing it. Would appreciate anyone's input.

Main Q: Can I hack a commlink and have it turn on a device that is slaved to it (that currently has wireless off)?

These are the assumption questions that need to be answered for a yes to the main question.

Q: Can a device be slaved if it's wireless is off? (if not, that mean it needs to be re-slaved each time it's rebooted or turned on; that doesn't seem to be the case)
Q: Where does the command to turn on a wireless device originate from? (I assume if it's slaved, from the commlink it's slaved to, but this is the part I am least sure of)
Q: Is control device or spoof the appropriate matrix action? If neither, IS there an appropriate matrix action?

My goal is proactive grenade hacking the commlink of the guy with wireless grenades slaved, turning them on, then turning him off.  ;D

Main A: No. A commlink isn't a user, it's a device. Devices can't own other devices, even when they're a master in a PAN.

A: It's not technically slaved when it's off, but can be set to re-slave by the owner when it turns back on. The master-slave relationship doesn't have to end when you power something down.
A: The owner of the devices (which, incidentally, has to be the same for both master and slave).
A: I'm not sure what you're asking. I imagine the Grid Overwatch Division considers Spoofing to be inappropriate at pretty much all times, and the Control Device action can be rather rude depending on the circumstances.

Q: What happens if you fire a cybergun installed in your arm while wearing a pair of AR or Gecko Gloves?

And for that matter;

Q: How long does it take to ready a cybergun?
In other words does a cybergun even require readying, and if it does is it a free, simple, or complex action to do so? Can a cybergun be quick-drawn? So many questions, so little time...

"Smaller cyberguns fire through a hidden port in the palm or knuckles, while larger cyberguns fold back the user’s hand at the wrist." (p. 458, SR5) That, I hope, answers your question about the gloves.

Arguably, a cybergun is always readied. You might need a Free Action to release the safety.
« Last Edit: <10-14-13/1006:53> by Aaron »


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« Reply #769 on: <10-14-13/0953:34> »
Aaron, are you sure that you meant to say that the Augmented Maximum applies to SKILLS?


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« Reply #770 on: <10-14-13/1005:41> »
Does that mean cybertorsos and cyberskulls count as limbs for the purposes of calculating the average and/or value of weakest limb when "careful coordination of several limbs" are required or not? Take skills like Gymnastics (used for a Dodge intercept action, for instance), Swimming or running (just regular swimming and running). In other words, is a cybertorso with STR and AGI of equal or greater value as other cyberlimbs required to maximize potential gain?

If your GM thinks your cybertorso or cyberskull should be included for the purposes of calculating the average and/or value of the weakest limb when "careful coordination of several limbs" is required, then it is. Otherwise, it's not.

As with the above, this seems highly illogical; a character with low "natural" Strength and Agility but two cyberarms at Rating 9 Agility and Strength can fire a high-accuracy rifle (limits at 9 and up) with pin-point accuracy and with little-to-no recoil penalty, but doesn't know how to throw a simple punch (limit difference of 4+)?

I'm sure there are plenty of Web sites that describe in intricate detail the physical mechanics of throwing a punch (a process that involves core muscles, balance, and follow through) and those that describe the mechanics of using a firearm (lining up the weapon, steadying unnecessary movement, squeezing the trigger smoothly). Case in point: compare the best recommended stances for punching and sniping. Suffice it to say that the two tasks are, indeed, different, and that the rules take different approaches to each as a result.


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« Reply #771 on: <10-14-13/1007:11> »
Aaron, are you sure that you meant to say that the Augmented Maximum applies to SKILLS?

I am absolutely certain that I didn't. =i)

Post edited. Thanks for catching that.


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« Reply #772 on: <10-14-13/1358:15> »
Q What augmentations, drugs or magic enhancements -if any- increase Matrix VR Initiative (Cold Sim and Hot Sim)?
Anything that raises your Intuition, basically.
What about augmentations, drugs or magic enhancements that give bonus directly to initiative (such as Increase Reflexes spell)?


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« Reply #773 on: <10-14-13/1436:17> »
Question: It seems rather unclear from reading the book, so does Bio-ware still come in the various different grades as it did in the previous edition?
(SR5) Homebrew Archetypes

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« Reply #774 on: <10-14-13/1504:50> »
Question: It seems rather unclear from reading the book, so does Bio-ware still come in the various different grades as it did in the previous edition?


Chasin' the Wind Spoiler
[spoiler]Sam is chock full of delta-grade bioware.  Scarily so.[/spoiler]
Killing so many sacred cows, I'm banned from India.


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« Reply #775 on: <10-14-13/1507:25> »
Question: It seems rather unclear from reading the book, so does Bio-ware still come in the various different grades as it did in the previous edition?


Chasin' the Wind Spoiler
[spoiler]Sam is chock full of delta-grade bioware.  Scarily so.[/spoiler]

Perhaps I should clarify. I will only consider a response valid if it comes from Aaron or another developer.
(SR5) Homebrew Archetypes

Tangled Currents (Persistent): 33 Karma, 60,000 nuyen


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« Reply #776 on: <10-14-13/1517:07> »
Question: It seems rather unclear from reading the book, so does Bio-ware still come in the various different grades as it did in the previous edition?


Chasin' the Wind Spoiler
[spoiler]Sam is chock full of delta-grade bioware.  Scarily so.[/spoiler]

Perhaps I should clarify. I will only consider a response valid if it comes from Aaron or another developer.

As opposed to a direct quotation from the book?

Cyberware and
Bioware Grades
Cyberware and bioware implants are available in five distinct
grades: standard, alphaware, betaware, deltaware,
and used. Only standard, alphaware, and used implants
are available for purchase at character creation. The prices
for cyberware and bioware presented in this chapter are
for standard ‘ware. When purchasing implants of other
grades, apply the Essence Cost, Cost, and Availability adjustments
as noted on the Implant Grades table.
All accessories and add-ons must be of the same
grade as the implant to which they are added.

Where are you seeing the contradiction?


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« Reply #777 on: <10-14-13/2142:39> »
Q What augmentations, drugs or magic enhancements -if any- increase Matrix VR Initiative (Cold Sim and Hot Sim)?
Anything that raises your Intuition, basically.
What about augmentations, drugs or magic enhancements that give bonus directly to initiative (such as Increase Reflexes spell)?

Initiative (no modifier like "Astral" or "Matrix") refers to only physical Initiative.

Question: It seems rather unclear from reading the book, so does Bio-ware still come in the various different grades as it did in the previous edition?

Kincaid and Crunch are quite correct to say yes.


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« Reply #778 on: <10-14-13/2203:17> »
In a number of places, the Matrix Chapter refers to defense tests as if the term applied to all opposed tests.  The term, however, seems to originate specifically in the Combat Chapter, and in that chapter refers specifically to rolls not to get hit.  Am I missing a definition somewhere, or is this a candidate for errata?

Notably, this Matters, because it impacts things like when you get a bonus from Full Matrix Defense.
Matrix <<Text>> "Speech"
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« Reply #779 on: <10-15-13/1158:08> »
So just to be clear: A Street Samurai with 4 wireless Datajacks would be down 0.4 essence and 4k nuyen, but have 4 Noise Reduction on all their wireless gear simultaneously, meaning every piece of equipment they have (armor, smartguns, vision enhancement glasses, audio enhancement earbuds, medkit and so on) would function at Noise (DR2+NR4) 6 or less, making them essentially immune to all but the most extreme environmental Noise. Also, a Decker with 10 wireless Datajacks and Signal Scrub would be immune to any Noise that isn't 13+, letting them bypass Jammers and such. Correct?
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