[SR5] Rules Clarifications and FAQ

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« Reply #480 on: <08-26-13/0128:41> »
That's an interesting argument. What about the idea that deckers need their Resources priority to contend with while technomancers have their Resonance priority?

Well, let's break it down for a second.  A decker needs 3 Attributes (Logic, Intuition, and Willpower), 6 skills, and spends 73% of his possible Resources (the same percentage at A or B priority, based on full Karma expenditure for Nuyen) for his Deck, leaving him with a sizable (and very useful) remainder.  He has 4 priorities to assign, 1 of which is relatively unimportant (alternate metatype selections do very little for him as a decker, too, so his capability as a decker doesn't suffer at all for going Human D).

A technomancer, in comparison, depends on 4 Attributes (Logic, Intuition, Charisma, and Willpower), must allocate a priority for Talent, and requires 8 or 9 skills.  Her Talent priority can bridge the skills gap over, but she gets nothing leftover.  And that's in addition to lacking the ability to directly augment her most used attribute(s), having Matrix damage go to Stun (resulting in a NASTY double hit from Biofeedback), having the eat seriously huge damage to use any of the abilities that were the point of making a technomancer in the first place, major losses both to flexibility and to her ability to protect her team's gear...  And that's not even close to the end of it.

Basically, the hacker comes out with better attributes (including augmented Logic, probably 6 ( 8 )) and better skills, putting him a few dice ahead when both are fresh.  Because the technomancer is going to be filling her Stun and Physical tracks faster, the hackers edge only grows over the course of a run.  This is actually one of several reasons why I've come to suspect that the technomancer section is an afterthought.

Sorry for the delayed response.
Matrix <<Text>> "Speech"
Spirits and Sprites


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« Reply #481 on: <08-26-13/0622:19> »
If you mount a smartgun on a drone that has a smartlink vision enhancement, does the Drone benefit from the smartlink? If so, does it get the +1 bonus for gear, or the +2 granted from ware?

Id say it works and it gets a plus 1 bonus when wireless.( It cant get a 2 dice bonus, because it cant pay it with essence) BUT! if you read the wireless bonus for smart firing platform page 433 you gain the benefit of an implanted smartlink (+2) if you are in VR. This leads me to beleive that your rigger can infact get a +2 dice bonus from smartlink\gun, if he has it implanted himself, the drone has it and the gun is a smartgun, while jumping in or controlling it from VR as remote control.


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« Reply #482 on: <08-26-13/0704:58> »
This leads me to beleive that your rigger can infact get a +2 dice bonus from smartlink\gun, if he has it implanted himself...
If that is a possibility (not saying it it is, it might or it might not - but if it is) then you probably need to target with your own Agility (and your own internal smartlink you payed essence for) rather than take advantage of the drone's sensors (and internal/external smartlink that the drone did not pay essence for) for targeting (which would make you use Logic instead of Agility).


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« Reply #483 on: <08-26-13/0753:29> »
Oh! Oh! Oh! Can my Rigger, Technomancer, or Decker take some smart firing platforms, fold up the tripod, strap them to my Troll team-mate's back and fire them from there? If so, screw combat drones. :P


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« Reply #484 on: <08-26-13/0754:39> »
According to Aaron on the previous page in this thread, you only use logic for gunnery when you either use passive or active sensor targeting. (and with signature penalties that isnt often very advicable). So you would indeed use agility for gunnery (with or without smartlink)

(take the active gunnery example in the book, the rigger is having trouble hitting some mini drones, so he swithces to active targeting to hit them better, but he then gets a whooping minus 6 signature penalty for doing so, my bet is, he is worse off then)

(but frankly the attribute uses in controlled drones confuse me, intuition for sneaking with drones, reaction for sneaking with vehicles and agility for sneaking with both according to a third page, on top of that it seems like the majority of the community thinks gunnery should be with logic, while Aaron states it is indeed with agility and only logic with passive and active targeting)


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« Reply #485 on: <08-26-13/0923:02> »
According to Aaron on the previous page in this thread, you only use logic for gunnery when you either use passive or active sensor targeting. (and with signature penalties that isnt often very advicable). So you would indeed use agility for gunnery (with or without smartlink)

(take the active gunnery example in the book, the rigger is having trouble hitting some mini drones, so he swithces to active targeting to hit them better, but he then gets a whooping minus 6 signature penalty for doing so, my bet is, he is worse off then)

(but frankly the attribute uses in controlled drones confuse me, intuition for sneaking with drones, reaction for sneaking with vehicles and agility for sneaking with both according to a third page, on top of that it seems like the majority of the community thinks gunnery should be with logic, while Aaron states it is indeed with agility and only logic with passive and active targeting)

The only support for Aaron's position in the book is the example in the control device matrix action. Remember that, while Aaron is involved in the books and its a Mitzvah that he answers questions, his interpretations aren't official answers.


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« Reply #486 on: <08-26-13/1201:26> »
I feel like going to Aaron's expertise and believing what he says except when he disagrees with you is a tad... O_o


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« Reply #487 on: <08-26-13/1222:45> »
I feel like going to Aaron's expertise and believing what he says except when he disagrees with you is a tad... O_o

Which isn't what I'm doing. I'm just noting that as Aaron says he's not making official rulings, just giving his opinion. When his opinion is well supported, like the cyberarm ruling, I'll go with it even if I disagree and go for house rules. When his opinion doesn't have textual support, like his confusing reading of the recoil rules or his belief that the rules on remote targeting will change completely from the text, I don't think it's out of place to note it.

Aaron certainly has more knowledge of what's coming down the pipe than I do, but unless he's indicated that he has knowledge of an official revision or errata, which he hasn't in this case, you should avoid using him for an argument from authority. Or indeed for driveby sniping.


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« Reply #488 on: <08-26-13/1454:37> »
Aaron certainly has more knowledge of what's coming down the pipe than I do, but unless he's indicated that he has knowledge of an official revision or errata, which he hasn't in this case, you should avoid using him for an argument from authority. Or indeed for driveby sniping.

This is true. Especially the bit about sniping. I have a terrible Accuracy rating.


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« Reply #489 on: <08-26-13/1459:00> »
Aaron certainly has more knowledge of what's coming down the pipe than I do, but unless he's indicated that he has knowledge of an official revision or errata, which he hasn't in this case, you should avoid using him for an argument from authority. Or indeed for driveby sniping.

This is true. Especially the bit about sniping. I have a terrible Accuracy rating.
Hold still while I attach this smartgun system.
Whoops, look at all those ones on my Hardware roll.


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« Reply #490 on: <08-26-13/1500:03> »
Aaron certainly has more knowledge of what's coming down the pipe than I do, but unless he's indicated that he has knowledge of an official revision or errata, which he hasn't in this case, you should avoid using him for an argument from authority. Or indeed for driveby sniping.

This is true. Especially the bit about sniping. I have a terrible Accuracy rating.



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« Reply #491 on: <08-26-13/1808:18> »
Look like Control Rigs Headware come with a sim module as standard (which make it act as DNI), but it does not appear to be modded for hot-sim.

Riggers that control several drones often buy a specialized commlink called Remote Command Console or RCC. I can't find any information if the RCC have or even can have a sim module. Or if a RCC with a sim module can be modded for hot-sim.

Q: Can riggers get access to hot-sim with the sim module installed in the remote control or maybe in their RCC?

If so,
how much does it cost and will it affect viability

If not,
can they buy an external commlink with a sim module modded for hot sim and still get the bonus from their rigger control (even though they are not using the sim-module in their rigger control)
« Last Edit: <08-26-13/1809:52> by Xenon »


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« Reply #492 on: <08-26-13/1818:38> »
Linking a device to your DNI

The book mentions "to have a direct neural interface to the linked device", but I can't find any information about how you link a device with your DNI.
For example you need to link your DNI with your smartgun to get bonus dice and eject clip as a free action. You need to link your DNI to grenades with a wireless trigger so you can detonate them with a free action. etc.

How do you do it?
How long time does it take?
What is the max number of devices you can link to your DNI at any given moment?
Do you need to be the owner of the device in order to link it?

Is slaving a device to your commlink (where your sim module is located) the same thing as linking it to your DNI?


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« Reply #493 on: <08-26-13/2128:17> »
As stated before, this thread is for Clarification of rules. It is not for posting Errata, nor for asking questions of rules. Posts that do either of those have been removed.


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« Reply #494 on: <08-27-13/0208:23> »
Question on Armor Modification 5E encumbrance has changed so that a character could, for example, wear a synthetic leather duster (AR = 4, therefore capacity 4 for mods) with an Armor Jacket (AR=12, therefore capacity 12 for mods) without penalty - which is a reasonable case of stacking armor.  Let's say they put 6 insulation & 6 nonconductivity in the vest and 4 fire resistance in the duster.  In a Resist Damage roll they would only count the higher of the two, so AR 12 from the vest.  If they were up against a Red Hot Nuke sporting a Flame Thrower, would they still get the Fire Resistance from the duster which is not factoring into the physical damage resistance roll?

If this does not work...what is a reasonable explanation for it rather then "it's against the rules"?  Or on the flip to best deal with abusers?

