If this is supposed to an answer to the discussion between me and adzling, feel free to elaborate how it is related to the topic...
You said:
I do not want to force any "official" ruling, I just want people to acknowledge, that my problem is not myself being unable to read RAI, but is an intrinsical Ambiguity in the rules.
I don't think anyone has ever said you're wrong about there being ambiguity in the rules (please accept my preemptive mea culpa if in fact someone
did without my having seen/remembered it). In fact numerous people, including myself, have consistently
agreed with you on that statement. In fact adzling went so far as to say:
i think EVERYONE knows the rules are hot mess Notion.
You're not "proving" anything that everyone doesn't already know.
Now being honest with you, it does sound like despite what you said you
do want more than empathy and you do want an official ruling on Noble Sacrifice. If that's correct, you're hardly going about it the best way. You've been told in effect that one will come if and when it comes, and in the meantime just roll with the GM on it. And not just by myself, I'll point out. Whether you accept that advice or not accept that advice, it's unreasonable to expect the Powers That Be to change their entire paradigm on issuing errata just because you've demanded it.
If you feel so strongly on any given particular rules issue that the Powers That Be should hurry up on errata/clarifying, then my advice is completely unofficial and coming from a fellow plebeian: you should engage in a more emotionless, more logical argument explaining how and why the issue demands immediate attention. Certainly stop with the name-calling. You need to convince people to reprioritize what they're already doing. They won't do it based on complaints.
... because I can not see, where the "Strong-GM"-debate is in any way related to what we were talking about.
As far as I can tell, you don't see it because you've been arguing from an implicit premise that "Shadowrun
shouldn't have to rely on a GM to clarify a rule's application". Honestly until you drop that presumption, you're really never going to be satisfied with Shadowrun.