IC: The Old Smoke: Raiden and Dragonslayer

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« Reply #45 on: <06-27-13/1804:05> »
The archive is essentially a datadump, all of the security feeds spool their device logs for analysis here.
Your brief analysis shows that there are several stacks of archives;

1) Connection logs and user permission settings
2) Camera logs and configuration files
3) Sensor and attached devices logs and configuration files

The node is running smoothly, and the firewall appears to be intact.

<<I'll have Ivan keep an eye on it for you.  A backdoor, jesus. so they've been in and out pretty regularly then? see if you can find when they've been logging in and check it against our goods in/out on the workstation node>>


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« Reply #46 on: <06-27-13/1859:35> »
,<ok, and thanks. yes they would be able to come and go rather easily. It seems everything seems to be ok here, I'll go check the workstation server then run a final quick sweep through all the areas again.>  Hax shifts through the connection and user permission settings as well as the camera and configuration files, and the sensor and device log and configurations. after he finishes each he has Ryu recheck for anything he may have missed.
[spoiler] 1) computer 4, analyze 6, hotsim 2 12d6.hits(5)=5 finally
2) 12d6.hits(5)=6
1) this is ryus, 8d6.hits(5)=2
2) 8d6.hits(5)=5
3) 8d6.hits(5)=2 [/spoiler]

If he finds nothing he moves into the workstation to check the logs dates and when the goods came in and left.
If he finds something he will begin to investigate it.


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« Reply #47 on: <06-28-13/0023:30> »
After getting his extra gear, Dom heads down the the docks.  The job isn't until the following night, but he's more comfortable after giving his boat a once over. Everything looks ok to the eye, but a more in-depth inspection will have to wait until morning.

SEttling in, he cracks the fridge and goes over the plans he's made for future modifications. Right now he's only interested in a stealth coating, but the idea of a smuggler boat that can act as a submersible tickles him.

He just needs the money.


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« Reply #48 on: <06-28-13/0409:02> »
You head down to the small personal marina next to the old west inda dock, swiping your fake SiN through the security gate and walking down the long wooden jetty to berth 6.
There she is, what a beauty.
Listing lazily in the small swell of the marina she gently rocks, the sound of water lapping at the hull's of the boats moored up the only thing you can hear.

It's a really peaceful night, and you pull the zippers down the weatherproof cabin cover loudly, climbing aboard the sleek open topped craft for a quick once over.
The engines fire up with a deafening roar, chewing the water up behind you into a white maelstrom before you shut off the power.
All systems are go and you've got a full tank of boat diesel to play with. Tomorrow night should be a good one

[spoiler]You don't have to RP a full day if you don't need to get or do anything before your mission, just start in the evening mate[/spoiler]


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« Reply #49 on: <06-28-13/0418:21> »

The config files you scan appear to have been edited and re-edited repeatedly, and as ryu crossmatches the documents for you, you can see there is a pattern beginning to emerge.
There is an <<Admin 121>> connection from <<Unknown Node>> a few minutes before the camera configuration file is changed for both devices. Once the camera configuration has been changed, a minute or so after that, the lift controller is activated.
Some time after this, the lift controller is activated once more, and the camera control process is then restarted, and the config file reverted to its original settings.
This pattern runs for weeks, and at least one event like this has been recorded every week.
They've clearly made an effort to conceal their data trail, but the date and timestamps on each file definitely create a pattern.
[spoiler]Some good rolling there ;-)[/spoiler]


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« Reply #50 on: <06-28-13/0710:44> »
It was close to drop time, and Dom was a dark blob floating in the sea. Jacked in, he kept an eye on the passive sonar,   just in case a patrol swept in. Time to earn some money.

[spoiler] The Nightrunner has an enclosed cabin, fyi. That's where I got the idea to make it a sub. [/Spoiler]


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« Reply #51 on: <06-28-13/0724:00> »
The 'Channel is busy tonight, so busy it looks like the m25 on a monday morning.
The main shipping route is about 15knots ahead of you, and the 'Channel is pretty choppy tonight thanks to a stiff northerly wind coming off scandinavia.
Your sensor suite picks up the hulls of several cargo containers navigating the main shipping route and plotting their progress against the GPS feed in your virtual terminal.
You can almost feel the ping and return of the radar, and eventually you see the Vorontsoz's AIS broadcast appear in the GPS trace around 1am in the morning, roughly an hour behind schedule.

[spoiler]Please can you roll a sensor + perception test for me, you're jacked in so no cyber or enhancement dice.
also just noticed your sheet doesn't have a commlink, had you forgotten to copy paste it in?[/spoiler]


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« Reply #52 on: <06-28-13/0731:10> »
[Spoiler] Actually, I have two, each tied to a fake SIN. Also can't use IC on my phone, so it will have to wait till I get home, I'm afraid. [/Spoiler]


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« Reply #53 on: <06-28-13/0808:24> »
[spoiler]ah ok, can you send me your up-to-date sheet then? i seem to be working off an old one! thanks. Apologies on the closed cockpit thing, I dont have the SR naval book[/spoiler]


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« Reply #54 on: <06-28-13/0845:17> »
< Jimmy, I think I got em, I am sending you the info and the patterns that I have found, it seems that they hit you about once a week, mess with your cams and do something with the lift. after a bit they leave and restart the cameras. If it helps they have an admin account, or had. 121. moving to the workstation now.> Hax sends jimmy all the cross referenced  data and the dates at which it happened. After that Hax's icon floats into the final server's node.
[spoiler] matrix perception 12d6 12d6.hits(5)=3
 Ryu 12d6.hits(5)=5 aaand once again, my agent does the lifting lol. [/spoiler]


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« Reply #55 on: <06-28-13/0914:13> »
<<You beauty, good work lad. Make sure that account gets deleted will ye? Sounds like we got ourselves a sneaky fucking hacker. No wonder stuff has gone missin, we've been none-the-fucking-wiser sat here having a cuppa while some snot-nosed dickhead has been nicking our stuff!, crack on laddy, I'm gonna go have a word with Ivan, I'll be back in a minute>>

You enter the node and the pure white theme is continued once again here.
Your scan shows the server to be running smoothly, and two large files dominate the room
1) Goods in
2) Goods out

There are several databases aligned on the right side of the room, shaped to look like old fashioned filing cabinets,
1) Contacts
2) Overseas
3) Shipping

Ryu's deep scan is a bit more interesting,
It finds some hidden + encrypted files;
1) //~Goods in.bkp[127AA]
2) //~Goods out.bkp[000033]


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« Reply #56 on: <06-28-13/0940:31> »
Hax makes sure to terminate that admin account and deny access to any user with that IP, even admins. *that should slow them down a bit.*
Ryu, good work, lets cross reference the goods in and out folders. Lets see just how much these guys got.
after that he will go over the databases.
[spoiler] ok. so perception and decrypt correct?
ok, so here is the decrypt. extended test, 1 combat turn, TN of encrypt Rx2 electronic warfare 4 +decrypt 6+2 hot sim+2 improved ability=14
14d6.hits(5)=5 I decrypt anything but a R6 encrypt, its a simple action.
if I get in, I hope I do or it may take a bit. analyze 6+computer 4+2 hotsim 12d6.hits(5)=5  [/spoiler]


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« Reply #57 on: <06-28-13/0948:52> »
Your decryption of the //~Goods in.bkp file runs smoothly and quickly while Ryu begins to cross reference the main folders.
Your analysis of the newly decrypted backup file shows that the file is data-bombed, someone clearly doesn't want you to see the inside of that file....

<<//Ryu//::Cross referencing complete>>

Ryu has repeated the process he began earlier, showing multiple crossovers with edits made to the Goods In/Out files that coincide with changes to the camera config files and lift activity logs.


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« Reply #58 on: <06-28-13/1002:59> »
* o bloody hell, this got dangerous, alright then lets get this thing outa the way, carefully.*
Ryu, help me on this one,
[spoiler] Hax swaps the analyze program with a defuse program so he can assist,(teamwork test) hacking 4 + defuse 4= 8d6
Agent (8d6.hits(5)=2) I get a +2 DP modifier for defusing.
hacking 6+defuse 6+ improved ability 3+ hotsim 2+ teamwork 2= 19
19d6.hits(5)=7  I SHOULD be ok, I hope [/spoiler]


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« Reply #59 on: <06-28-13/1007:06> »
The databomb is safely defused, even Ryu looks relieved.
<<//Ryu//~Goods-in.bkp is now safe for viewing>>

