Ghosts of Hefei: Near-Future Gang Skirmish miniature game

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« on: <04-18-13/0735:51> »

Hi all,

in case anyone is interested in miniature gaming, there's a kickstarter up for the upcoming game "Ghosts of Hefei". It is a skirmsh game in 15 or 28mm where opposing crime gangs duke it out on hte streets of near-future Hefei in China, trying to steal robot workers called Fabricants and advancing their troop skills and equipment.

It is set in the same universe as their previous game "The Department" and in fact the rulebook for TD is available as one of the kickstarter pledge levels.

I wrote a campaign report on The Department here on this forum:


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  • Ace Runner
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« Reply #1 on: <04-18-13/0952:59> »
I dropped some coin on that when it first started. Get some extra figures for Shadowrun Gang Wars, maybe. Or at least a cool hacker mini. :)